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Everything posted by Jcroz91

  1. oh im not freak out.. haha but it says on the survey, how much is the value of any work or services done in exchange for part of or the full value of the vehical.
  2. lol i was trying to say help... how left got in there i have no idea. must have been thinking of something else when typing:cool:
  3. thanks for the left. can i get a serious answer?
  4. as in saying it was a gift?
  5. so as most of you know when i bought the GSXR the guy i bought it off of just put $0 on the title when I transfered the title. Now I got a letter from the department of taxation asking me to fill out a survey. I assuming im should just put I paid maybe $2000 for the bike and tell them it wasnt running when I bought it or should i just stick to the whole its a gift story on this survey?
  6. i mean im hoping too. haha idk bout u guys but i love waiting hours for track clean ups
  7. If I wanted to take my stock GSXR out to the track all I need is a jacket and a snell helmet to pass tech correct? i dont believe ill be breaking any times where i have to wear pants or anything
  8. ok just bought one for $40 off ebay. lol u got me thinking about it. hopfully it works. also, that stupid harness is on back order for like 3 weeks. i called to see where mine was. i just cancelled the order.
  9. its a great thing you learned how to read. cause i already explained to everyone on here that I always had insurance on my bike and have had valid tags for months now. NICE...
  10. well they are $130 at IP and my friend works there so he can prob get me a discount. so maybe around $100ish
  11. yeah its the second time its happened too. but the first time i didnt take the seat off and assumed it was comming from the HID's. I am very lucky
  12. The whistleing was the pressure of the steam shooting out of the battery. like a pot of boiling water on a stove. cause the less if would steam the less it would whistle...
  13. thats exactly what GSXR.com is saying it prob is. i went and took my battery back to the pony today and they swaped it out for me. i need to get a new rectifier now... any ideas as to where to get one? i mean i found this one but im not sure how expensive they should be. is bike bandit a good site to order from? http://www.bikebandit.com/2007-suzuki-gsxr750-rectifiers-regulators/c/a669901?mg=3852&t=1
  14. i have a multimeter. it looks like my altinator is putting out 19 volts! possibly over-charging the battery? i dont have much time to tear into it working and school both full time. yeah i have an account on gsxr.com and gixxer.com. I just havnt been on bike forums much lately. completely forgot i even had accounts on there.
  15. ok so listen to this... today went riding for about 40 min and when i got home and turned the bike off the battery was whining really loud. so i took the seat off and the battery was smoking. I disconected the battery right away and it didnt stop the whistle. This is a brand new battery. literally got it a week ago. it was smoking and whistling and the seem that it was smoking out of looked moist. Im not sure it the plastic was melting or what but i knew it wasnt good. then i noticed the sides of the battery looked to have bowed out like the thing was about to blow up. i just took the battery out and set it on the floor. it eventually stopped steaming and whistling but im not sure whats going on. im going to take that battery to get it replaced soon. do you think all this could be from the HID's?
  16. Now that's not even fair! Everyone knows my 4" wheelies pretty much run Columbus. Tyler would have no chance
  17. Lol not even necessary... Back to driving records.
  18. 1 im pretty sure jermii or w.e. hates me more than the rest of you... so im not "his boy" but WOW could you not tell i was joking? i told u i hit some like 40 year old lady... do u really think it had brembos obviously it was my fault. read the thread about it. i never said it wasnt my fault or there was any excuse for hitting her? wtf. yes i was street racing at sawmill and 270 lol. you can walk after than the traffic that moves at the intersection most of the time.
  19. tyler just wants to ban me from every site and tries to push me past my boiling point like he did on CR which got me banned. hes immature. sry for thread jacking. back to the driving records and yes! thats pretty f-ing legit! lol
  20. i mean you already got me banned from CR. y not get me banned from here too.
  21. no i just dont really care. i just figured id contribute to the thread since my record if particularly interesting. i really dont hang around here much. Havnt posted on here in months, other than the last few days, due to the fact that im not well liked and iv been busy with school. Obviously anyone would admit their status on here if they had a "status" like mine.
  22. hey look that civic had to of had brembos! good old stock ford breaks just cant compete
  23. meh... everyone hates me on here anyways! lol I already told them it was bad. A few fell off already. I think 2 or 3
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