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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Getting married in 4 weeks. Skimmed through this and don't have time to full reply, but we are doing much of what you mentioned. Feel free to call me. We did our Honeymoon through AAA.
  2. I'm certainly not defending his choice to pursue this set up. This is more available, easier to work with, for less. But, it's what he wants. Once I gather what I feel to be a good bit of info and am sure I'm well informed, I'll probably go back to saying just buy the damn .40 and save the problems. I do not beleave he will be reloading either. And I know he doesn't have a stock pile of this ammo.
  3. I got a call yesterday from a family memeber looking for the M&P .357 semi auto. After doing some looking around and some reading on this, it seems the .357 sig is the round used. More reading showed the M&P .40 with the .357sig barrel is a direct swap, and M&P says it works fine. It's my understanding that M&P put out the .357sig and now it is not an easy find. Trough more reading is where it seems it is just easier to buy the .40 aqnd source the .357 barrel to swap. So, that being what it is. Does anyone have experiance with the .357sig or this configuration? I see this as a round that hasn't caught on much. when the .40 is so easy to work with and get ammo for; other than uniquness, I don't see much vaule to this round. The .40 and 10mm have that power area covered, with more ammo on the market. Anyone have thoughts on this?
  4. That is pretty bad ass. Well done.
  5. I hate TV and rarely watch it. I have followed The Walking Dead. But, I Down load it and watch it when I want to. I almost never watch it when it airs.
  6. Imma need to see the risk assessment for building and using this cliff pass.
  7. I have something worked out with mark. Need a few minutes to do the write up. But, we are looking for a group event 6 weeks out. will post more later.
  8. Nice. Thanks Doc and the others. I PM'd him.
  9. Sounds like we can make this a busy day for someone. If at my place, we can BBQ shoot, and fish, or just hang out if people want. So who is jumping in on the CR dent Day to fix our problem?
  10. We can set something up, and you are welcome to bring yours to the house for him to get both. Just throwing it out there.
  11. The FD and the Subie have a 3 minor dings that I would like popped out. I would prefer someone who is able to work at my place. I have plenty of shop space at the house, about 15 minutes from Easton. Evenings or this weekend would be best. let me know what works for you. Thanks
  12. I would guess that if you beat on the car, you also tookl proper care before and after doing that. From what I have seen, most people just don't do the basic maintance on cars and keep beating them. Then when it breaks, they say the car was shit and they will never buy that make again....... Blah blah blah. I have worked my Subie within what is made for and it's still going strong. I just rolled 100,000 miles. It is due for a clutch soon. Not bad for the stock one still though.
  13. I'm just throwing a jab. Any iPhone thread always ends up getting the same form of negitive input from other types like yourselves. Hope you guys get it worked out. I'm not the one to debate phones.
  14. iPhone Had to say it. Begin.
  15. Will be out of the country, but the cell phone still connects. JayZ
  16. Glad he's dead. But agree he should not have been able to decide his one way of going out. He took choices from those girls, mangled their minds for the rest of their lives, and tortures them inside and out. He should have endured the same misery through the prison system that he put those girls through. To me, I would have been ok with 5 years of him being used by the system, then killing himself. He's a coward who prayed on the weak. The most pathetic bitch type there is. He didn't want to go through what he knew he had coming. Cremate him and flush his ashes down the toilet of the prison.
  17. Everything you see here for $45. The speaker has the iPod adaptor as well. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/81B2322B-10D7-48CF-A7BD-2117FF83C59B-4221-0000029F1AF23690_zpsc4da06cf.jpg Blanket should fit GT40 or smaller turbo. I got it used, put it on and decided to not go with it. I wouldn't say it has a lot of wear, but it was used. $40 http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/11094BC1-B60D-4D83-BD7E-1C6A5F3D3785-4221-0000029F324A1BE3_zpsacfa9944.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/53E0E3A7-19F6-46EF-9154-63B9A5241E44-4221-0000029F3D9336AB_zps3e6194db.jpg
  18. Sounds good. Long pants and long sleeve shirts might be needed in the brush. Would like to start between 9-10am.
  19. We can do this Anthony. You're the one who gave me the idea and made me realize it could be a good thing for someone. I have some brush that needs tackled and the brass collected. Ok to plan on you guys for the 15th Anthony?
  20. I have some work around the property I think would be good for a young guy to earn a days pay. Looking at $30-$40 Anything from helping with some yard work, to policing up some brass from the shooting area. Tons of water and and food provided. He will be treated well, but expected to work. He won't be doing anything dangerous or operating anything motorized. Only looking at about 3-5 hours of work. He will have some good Burgers or dogs while he's here. Mom and Dad can hang out and supervise, by chilling by the pond, and fishing if they like. Here's what else I offer after work is done, if interested, or at a later date when he isn't tired: Basic gun handling and a little shooting, with my gear. no cost. Please PM me if interested.
  21. Save for the right one, if need be. Better to wait for the right things to come together then cut corners, run it for a bit, then have issues with the same area. I'm telling you this, $10,000+ and 5 years later.
  22. Was not expecting HUGE turbo 4rotor madness. Was thinking just another 2JZ swap, weeee. Well played, Sir.
  23. I have been through 2 regulators now. I thought I could use a lesser valued one and it would be fine. For my application, high reving turbo set up, I needed one more capable. Hense, I had to spend just a little more. I'm not dating spending more will always get you the best product. I'm just saying, be sure you don't cheat yourself to save a buck. GL
  24. It's there. Just mounted by the rear view mirror. That's where we watch VW's from.
  25. Kevin is the man! Hands down the most trustworthy person I have ever met to do car work with. Glad to have him as a good friend now too. I didn't know him all that well 3 years ago. I just knew his car was pretty sick. I always look forward to seeing the work he's doing. Nice job Kevin.
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