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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Neat to see the process. It's just not something appealing to me for a look.
  2. Saw this guy heading South on 71 coming out of down town this morning. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/7E44471E-3482-4D54-AFCE-A27612DBE101-2619-00000412AD2FA555_zpse1d33a0b.jpg
  3. Cabela's is doing 10% on Monday and Tuesday.
  4. I'm reading, what I think are some very good things CR. Clay, there are no plans for kids. The "bills", you covered what I was asking. I have a pretty cut and dry lifestyle, so that's why I asked.
  5. Good to see the vid on this. Seemed pretty one sided from the write ups I was reading this morning. Kid wanted it to end that way.
  6. I wouldn't say it has to be his record. Mine dropped about $100 a month, with a good record. I still pay what comes out to $100 a month. I'm with a company I know will pay if I have an issue. I have certain coverage on the RX7 for cost to replace as is, not just the value of a 1994 FD. I have the Subie and the house with them too. I could have had it down to $54 a month, but that wouldn't have covered me how I wanted. Without knowing decuctable and all coverage info, it's a little hard to jump to conclusions.
  7. Original title was " Father of the year?" Or something like that.
  8. Can your toys be an investment? Don't some toys hold value? Home upgrade can relate to investing and retaining or improving home value. The bills part is something I struggled to find the balance with when I thought through this. What is an acceptable "Bill"? A mortgage and a car payment are typical. We know to try not to carry a balance on a CC. So what about other bills? $100+ a month cable/intrawebs, $100 a month cell phone, $50 in membership for something (gym, golf course, ....). Do we get to the point where we cut too many luxuries and don't enjoy ourselves? Are these the luxuries we can do without and not struggle?
  9. I can relate to this. Amazingly, I was not angling toward this for the topic. But, I am a little suprized that you guys make that statement.
  10. Read this this morning. All kinds of fuckery in that situation. I'll start with spoiled kid to think Dad should buy him smokes. Dad probably has caved on too many things in the past and it had spiraled to a point dad had had enough. Decides he's going to put his foot down. Kid pushes back on dad putting his foot down. Takes the truck. It looked like a landscaping company truck the kid too. Dad calls cops. Shit went down. Now dad will feel terrible forever. Nothing good came of it. Kids Grand Father is pushing pretty hard for the cops to be investigated for excessive force. Not enough detail to have an option, for what I did read. Just sucks.
  11. I went through the same thing about 2 months ago. Cut my annual cost in HALF!!!! WTF? How long had I been over paying? I did stick with the same provider. I have never had a claim. Maybe a ticket over the last 4 years. I actually meant to make a post about it, suggesting people look into their policy if they have not changed anything in a long time.
  12. You sell off your toys and cut things back to just a beater that works great for $1500. Now what? What do you do different with your time (assuming you did stuff car related), the money you use to put in the toys, and the money you got from selling the toys? This isn't something I'm going through. I had a recent cenversation about people struggling that have a lot of toys, or are outside their means. So, it got me thinking of the above question. Maybe you got approved for a cool car, and now it's killing you, or you realize you didn't need that car right now. Or maybe you just have a bunch of fun toys and you sell them off. What now? Invest it? Use the $ in a home project? Focus more on a 2nd interest you have? Stuff it in the mattress? Go back to school? Stash it for the kids college fund?
  13. Sounds great. I'll do all I can to make it.
  14. LaaaaaaaaaaaaaagLaaaaaaaaag Laaaaaaag Maps are neat. People are already boosting/lagging. Almost shut it off.
  15. Mojoe

    BCM ARs

    Did you just link an online coupon code that expired 2 days ago?
  16. Mojoe

    BCM ARs

    To stick with your original question, I don't think you can go wrong with a BCM. You also asked about other options and prices, I believe. Have you talked to GunEnvy? That's someone local that will be a good to deal with on anything related to your gun interest. Another start point is knowing your comfort and experience with this type of fire arm. Many people would do fine with a windam AR for $750 and it will shoot all day, everyday.
  17. Mojoe

    BCM ARs

    What do you plan to do with it? Training? Just something to take to the range? Have land and plan to get rid of pesky animals? I ask this because you mention a flip up rear sight and I keep seeing people come to get their rifle zero'd in and they have a junk rear sight for what they want to do. Some people are only going to run an optic, I can get that. But what the rifle can do, and what you intend to do with it, need to be set up together.
  18. Mojoe

    Food talk

    I get what you are both saying. This is where I'm at with things too.
  19. Mojoe

    Food talk

    I get what you guys are saying. And Doc's quote above hits it pretty good. My experience was at a resort and it was all inclusive. There were several places to dine at, but the same level of over done for show was at each one. It just made me think why does there have to be so much to it? Apparently it is something I don't go out for, the entertainment and experience value. Exception being; House of Japan type place. Clay I hear you with trying to rush people along to seat more people = more tips. That's why I don't go to Max and Erma's anymore. Bob Evan’s isn't far behind.
  20. Mojoe

    Food talk

    Over production food presentation, or art food, as I have started calling it. I recently went on vacation and was over whelmed with the way getting a meal is done. I know I have some left over caveman ways of doing things. But, at what point did eating become such a process? I'm not a fan of all the formalities that are associated with "fine dining". I think a place like Mitchell's Steak House does it about right. They know you are paying a bit for a nice meal and they respect you, but not over cater you. What I experienced just seemed such the norm for the people we were around and I had me wondering how we got to a point where this is how we eat. I need some nourishment and for it to taste good. If I'm dinning out, add some personality to some quick service, and I had a great time. I don't need 3 forks and for someone to come back every 4 minutes to check in and make sure everything is AMAZING!!!!! GTFO of here, you keep interrupting us talking at the table. We went one place and they wanted us to order appetizers, main course, and dessert as soon as we sat down. I said I'll get back to you on the dessert and I might as well have taken a dump on the table. ORDER NOW!!!! Maybe, I don't know if I want dessert now or even have room for it, if I'm full. I could go on and on about this, but it comes down to, at what point did someone think people needed to have more than the damn food cooked and for it to taste great?
  21. If no one picks it up, I'd just leave out on the curb. I did that with an old heater last week and it was gone in an hour.
  22. I'm no computer guy. That said, you can upgrade your windows 7 to 7 Ultimate, which has bitlocker. That's what I use and have been please with it. I have a few external HD that I have encrypted using it. Been running it for 3ish years now with no issue.
  23. I've not seen anything about use on high temp, high cyclic rate weapons. LSA is great for that environment and has proven so. I'd say it would depend on the intended use. Frog Lube was designed for use in harsh environment and demanding results. Though I would say; I think it's small arms, semi auto, and maybe Burst. I've not run it though what I consider, a demanding sesson of shooting. Therefore, I can't say for sure from my own experiance.
  24. I'll have it and be on 360. Not planning on getting the One either. It's going to have to prove to be something pretty amazing. Doubt it will. Neat maybe, at best. Hardcore only. Gamer tag is Dsnowgod.
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