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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. lol. I bought a dremel set up 4 years ago for a projest and planned on giving it to the guy helping me, when we were done. Thought, "I never use this again." I use that damn thing about once a month. LOL Dremal, that'll fix it.
  2. :-( can be done other ways. No like cutting.
  3. I do agree with Jones. And sure, no one posted threir address. But all it takes is following someones posts who have shit a trief would want. Almost everyone posts something to give away where they live. Stock their posts, and you will probably find there house by their car, if not address. People who post all there weapons info are the ones I fear this happening to. Though your info wanted would be fun to share, I fear those that would see it as a shopping spree at mine or other members expense. Very nice stuff guys.
  4. Cliffs: Rough start but good recovery. Welcome
  5. text. No thread jack
  6. - 1 dorito and supporting mods
  7. CR needs a "Like" button.
  8. Call my guy Dr. XBOX. His name is Patrick (614) 375-3168. He does PS3 work too. He has worked with me several times at sorting out issues and even upgrading the fans. Tell him Joe in the RX7 gave you his info.
  9. I actually like reading these situations. It kills me and is entertaining how people have become conditioned. This 14 year old kids parents get a new car. Not brand new, it was actually a 1980's car. But it was in good shape and they got a deal on it. Day one in the car, the kid is in the passenger seat and parents say "hey, put down the window". The kid is just lost. We see him searching everywhere in the car and kind of starting to freak out. He opens up the door and say the "window doesn't go down, there's no button." It was a window with a crank. The kid had never seen one. To most of us, that's a no brainer. This door story just reminds me of that situation.
  10. I just went throught this with my FD. I chased a faulty wideband readings to the point of replacing the wideband and sending back to be checked and be certified "OK" by the manufacture. I run 93 all the time and my tune is retardedly rich.(rich is safe in a rotary car) I say this because I have checked the sensor and swapped it out several times during my chase for a good reading. It didn't matter. The sensors can take quite a bit of exposure to a rich tune. I have tested this on 3 sensors with the same rich tune, over 3000 miles. I also say this based off of tech support from Innovate. I have spent quite a bit of time on the phone discussing how all these things work together and trouble shooting functions. I put in a different wide band and have an accurate reading. Swaping to sensor is the first and easiest step to a fix. I recalibrated several times and did see some results from this and it is something commonly over looked. It is pretty likely you may have a bad wide band. It sucks, but it is worth it to send it back to the manufacture to have it check. They have had mine 2 weeks and are just now shipping it back to me fixed for free, after 3 years of running it. Hope this helps a little.
  11. It is what it is. Like I said, I thought he could have been someone else. If it escalates, so be it. Your question only spurs more questions. I'm not entertaining them.
  12. I was pissed. If he had some shit to talk, I just wanted him to say it to me and not type it. This was the greeting when I got there: "Man I'm just on there playin around". "I don't have a problem with you". "Let's get a drink." That's him and his personality. Fine. Not a bad guy. There are people on here who talk shit and will never say anything to your face or confront you. Much less, tell you to your face thay have an issue with you. Carwhore was kidding around. I didn't know who he was and he knew who I was, so I thought he was some asshole(s) from years ago and I was looking forward to resolving some past bullshit.
  13. No, he would post stupid shit and I got tired of it from someone who doesn't even know me. Told him to quit typing shit and face to face to see who the other is. He knew who I was. I didnt know who he was. He was 15 minutes late to a place and time he picked. I posted this thread from the parking lot. I turned around once he posted he was here. Like most on here, just posts shit for fun.
  14. You run your mouth. I tell you to pick where you want to meet so you're not hiding behind your keyboard anymore. You no show like a bitch. Should have known you were just a shit talker.
  15. Thanks Scotty. I'm fine with the 16 inch barrel. I do enjoy my MOUNT training and the ease of the shorter barrel. I have not seen a flip up sight that I like yet and do very well with what is on at standard A3. Some of these sight add ons look like they would get hung up on all kinds of shit in your gear, so stock is looking ok for me. Another thing is the Stock it's self. I shot a friends AR and I didn't enjoy it at all. I hope to god there are some buffer spring options. His we very uncomfortable to shoot. Looked cool though.Just needs to absorb more of the recoil.
  16. I don't think it's a terrible price. Yeah, there could be some more adjusted maybe, but it's his item for sale. Have some respect for the sale and thread and PM your views instead of shitting in his thread. Chances are, you won't buy it anyway.
  17. If I wasn't on my monopoly board, I wouldn't have caught this. should be fine for that date. Let's start as early as we can please, Not the drinking, the working. Then we can drink. lol Ben, oppertunities are something I need to be less generious with. Not everyone deserves then. That sums it up. Di, ..... well fuck, you're the same cool girl you have been.
  18. No homo. Both in general. Had a guy at my work last week telling me about his "several friends with 900+hp RX7's all with 13B's in them". In Ohio. Get the fuck outta here. Girl, well shit, where I do I even begin. You can tell her I just saw your get out of her car and she will insist she drove the space shuttle and tell you you're out of your mind. At this point I do feel pretty bad for thes people. I would really like to know what it is that makes them like this. Do they need help? Would they get it if there was help for them? Dumbass shit either way. Let me know when you are working on the trans and I'll help as long as I'm in town. No Goose needed, but loved seeing the offer. lol
  19. I got fired from a job with the military. Think that through. Had some people fighing over a senior job, I wasn't even in line for and wasn't trying to get, and I was just doing my job. They didn't like my approach to doing things, so pretty much voted me off the island. 2 weeks later, I got a call from their supervisors and they asked me to come back, and it was for an even better position. LOL I will say I'm not sure I have ever had a more insulted feeling than being told to leave. The appologies and even offers of a senior position with the same people who wanted me gone came 2 weeks later. That month of transition sucked and the balance came and was very worth it. Hope your situation can end up in the same balance I had.
  20. Are you really in the know? Why don't you PM me. I think we have an interesting view to share from a few years ago. Maybe I'm wrong.
  21. Why are you needing the V1 taken apart? I have a hard wire set up in the RX7 and just ran straight phone line connector to the power and then ran it to mount over the the rear viewjust cut the phone connecter off the end you are connecting to power and plug the other end into the V1. Am I missing something here?
  22. Driving. Be back on in a bit
  23. LOL. I'd be up for a beverage this evening. As for the lies, I'm not talking the "No, your ass doesn't look fat in that dress". I'm talking the deliberate fuck you from behind and not even have to decency for a reach around.
  24. Where is their head at? People who lie all the time, from the smallest shit to just absolute underhanded asshole stuff. What the fuck is wrong with them? Is it low self image? So they do shit and try to get away with it to try and feel accomplished or like they out smarted the situation? Is it the attention and the inevitable drama bound to come from it when the lies surface? How fucked up is their head for them to function this way? If you lie, you are a theif too. You are stealing my trust. Discuss.
  25. Agreed. It's one of those popular places that isn't all that great. There's a Wendy's down the street on High St.
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