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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Jesse's so clever. Seems like Xbox, car stuff, bike stuff, disc golf, work out, work around the house, WORK and travel. I'd say that hits 90% of the people on here. Add in a movie, going out to eat and people telling you they hooked up with a chick, and there's your other 10%. hahaha
  2. Kinect comes out on the 4th this week. You should have had an email from Live Friday. It explained the update. On November 1, 2010, there will be a mandatory service update to Xbox LIVE. This update will both add new features to your service and also enhance the interface, navigation, and responsiveness of Xbox LIVE. Full details of the new features being added to your service can be found on xbox.com. To prepare you for the update, here are some Frequently Asked Questions and resources you can refer to as needed: Q: Is there anything I need to do to start the update? A: Beginning on November 1, 2010, you will receive a notification that an update to Xbox LIVE is available as soon as you start your Xbox 360 console. Use your controller to accept the update according to the on-screen instructions. Q: What if I decline the service update? A: If you decline the update, you will not be able to connect to Xbox LIVE until the update is accepted. You will still be able to use all of the offline features of your Xbox 360 console. Xbox LIVE features will be unavailable until the update is complete. Q: How long will the update take to complete? A: The time required to complete the update will vary based on your Internet connection speed. However, for most users, the update will require between 5 and 10 minutes to complete. You will not be able to use your Xbox 360 console while the update is processing. Q: How will I know that the update has completed successfully? A: Once complete, your Xbox 360 will restart as usual. You will notice a change to the layout of the Xbox LIVE Dashboard, a new color scheme, and new fonts being used. Q: What do I do if the update does not complete successfully? A: In the unlikely event that the update does not complete, please visit http://www.support.xbox.com for information. This is the best resource for resolving any issues with your Xbox 360 console or LIVE service. Thank you for being a valued member of Xbox LIVE. We hope you continue to enjoy the best in games, entertainment, and fun, brought to you by Xbox LIVE. The Xbox LIVE Team
  3. I was dept free. SpecB over the weekend changed that. :-) Congrats Ben.
  4. Mojoe

    Veterans Bonus??

    I'd say the commamnd I'm with made up a dead line to try and get people to get their paperwork in ASAP. Either way good to know. They were all about telling people they only had the weekend to get things in the mail. Many guys here have received their stop loss. That seems to be hitting pretty well.
  5. I know several people on here have deployed and are eligable for the veterans bonus program. It was linked here back in August and I would link the thread, but my GOV computer does not allow search on CR. Anyway, my question, is has anyone or does anyone know of somoen who has recieved there's. Several of us at work forgot about it and it came up this morning because there is a Oct. 31 deadline to submit it, and they told us this morning. We all had turned our info in, but it has been a while and we can't find anyone who hace received it. We have checked our info on the site and it says received. I know I'm going to have more of my soldiers asking about it. Just looking to see what people have seen. Thanks
  6. This guy will party all night. Or at least till 4am. LOLZ
  7. I could only read a little bit of it. I hope she gets punched in the face by a bus. How do these women think this is ok? Parent failure? Just pathetic. Round of applause for the guys reply.
  8. WTF, Tilly? LMAO, how do you come up with this shit?
  9. Do my bike and put your logo on it as a demo bike.
  10. Never saw this before. My bike?
  11. With 5000+ people on here, things like this, if it is Winston, sould happen more often. Fingers crassed.
  12. I saw her post. I just didn't think to post it here. That's why this would be awesome. Good thinking Howard.
  13. I wish you were standing here next to me so I could ball tap you and smack you in the head.
  14. That would be awesome if it was him.
  15. Glad I didn't open it now. On a GOV work computer.
  16. Not even opening the link. Going with Repost X3
  17. ^^ Of course. And point taken. And I didn't mean to take this of course. I actually like the effort put into finding the unknowns and bringing them to the ring.
  18. Maybe I didn't make it clear with saying it the way I did. My point was there's always going to be someone they bring back as a wonder fight. I know he has been losing and his game is long gone. But just like Dana searching the corners of the earth for an unknown, they will play the "guy who once was" card too. Chuck is someone who fits that bill. And I know we are talking about a "Sport". But if you decide you want to "Play" it sometime, this "old man" is game. No keyboards, just mats. But we've had this talk before.
  19. Lesner's not going away. He's the new standard, and evolution has brought a new champ. I didn't see the focus that I have seen in his other fights. I didn't see anything "Wrong", I just didn't see that "I'm going to eat your face" that has been there before. His conditioning looked good. But that's what he prides himself on, so of course it will be in check at all times. Who will he fight? Hell, Dana's in some shit hole corner of the world right now sponsering underdogs to bring up, so who know. How long before they put Ladel back in to go for the title again? And was it just me, or did Teto get his bottom spanked?
  20. I was going to call RX7 as soon as I read your 1st post Ben. Liking a rotary or not, that car comes with challenges. Uniquiness comes with a price. I can't say I agree from an investment stand point. But if it was paid off, I'm a 100% in his corner. It's what he likes and wants. RX7 owners aren't known for doing things people agree with or understand. But, few people can deny that a well build one is always a pleasure to see. I''d even say It's on many peoples top 10 cars thay want list. But I do see your frustration is it's someone you spend a lot of time with. There's always the "when I get my car running..........". Or even helping them all the time and never seeing the hope of it being done. I'm 5 years with mine. 4 sets of stock twins in 10 months at one time. Electrical issues that never seem to end. Getting this piece to work with that piece. Tuning, tuning, and (did I say) tuning? Pay the damn thing off. Then fix it right and mod as you can afford to. It takes time. And at 3 years, I'd say he has another 3 before he works things out. Unless he takes it to someone and throws $$ at it.
  21. Looks like Darth Vader's Bathroom in there. So many gadgets. LOL. Just kidding Kevin. Pics look good. I'm liked my Truboost for the last few years. Many options.
  22. I'm done with mine. Pm me and we can work out the details.
  23. Mojoe

    Xbox360 help

    It's understandable for you to say I talk a lot, but don't really say anything. How could you possibly understand what I'm talking about, given your thoughts and approach to things? I'm a student of life. This threads done for me. Being right, isn't always right.
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