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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Thank you sir. May head over there.
  2. Thanks. Not finding it. But I'll call them.
  3. Should you find where to get one of those bags, please contact me. Thanks.
  4. That bag is needed. I need to find one. Very nice indeed. Almost picked up the FN 40, but ended up with a sick deal on another service weapon. Love the factory threads as stated.
  5. I could watch that shit all day. SkillZ
  6. Awesome, and inspiring to many on here I hope. Shanton, I hope things come together the way you like. The freedom of $ stress and to be able to plan is all worth is. I had to lay low on things for a while. It's too easy to get caught up in this and $ just flys out the window. Big Bar tabs, high end cloths, but then struggle when an emergency pops up. F that. Well played sir.
  7. Agreed on the he said she said. I've taken this far off topic. But, I do appreciate the info you guys have shared.
  8. Again, I understand it. I know that is what the book says. I've been asking if anyone has really seen the "Tap" be the fix to the problem. LJ, say he has experienced it. I just wanted to know.
  9. I'm 18 years firing these weapons. And I've seen rounds on a 1911 not chamber and come out of the weapon, more than seeing one chamber. Which is never. But that is just one weapon, you say it does work with. That's why I ask. I've not seen it happen. And because of that, I don't teach it that way to our students .I know what books say. And the more we discuss this, I think the more weapon specific it will come. I'm not saying I disagree with the words in the books. I just haven't seen it be the more reliable and speedy way to perform corrective actions with a hand gun.
  10. This is another no shit, I know what is says. Now read what I'm questioning and give me real reference. Please understand, I'm simply questioning the process on a hand gun. How fucked up is the magazine not seated properly to the point where your tap on it seats the round to the right position to chamber correctly? Pretty way the fuck off, isn't it? Is that realistic? or are you going to go straight to Rack?
  11. What are you tapping? I've never had a hand gun partial feed. Not saying it can't happen, just asking. And to say the bottom of the magazine to seat it, a partial feed with that, I would still rack first. Thoughts? Tap, rack, bang; refers the the use of the forward assist. Very few weapon systems have these. No hand guns have them that I have ever seen. Correct me if I'm wrong here. Tapping the mag on a rifle has never been the fix to any misfeed I've worked with. If this is too far off topic, please PM.
  12. Make and model # please with pics. PLease email dsnowgod@gmail.com
  13. ^^well writen Rob. ^^
  14. Is there a thottle position sensor on that motor? I had same issues long ago and that is what need adjusted. Don't know if that helps.
  15. I'd think you would welcome the perspective of others on what weapons are known for having issues. It's not a Domestic Vs. Import. It's, will it fire when I need it to? Or life and death, if you will. Buying a used weapon is also a pretty good idea. Just ensure it's comfortable for you and you understand how it functions. Walthers for instance, great weapons. However, not the most user friendly for several people I have worked with on them and have limited exposure to hand guns. My .02.
  16. Haven't talk to Mike in a while. But, I can say with confidance that this time of year, he will be very hard pressed for free time to to this. And I've not heard or seen anyone in this area that does them, let alone as well as Mike did. Good luck.
  17. I was feeling pretty confident doing 40 to 60 in a work out. I'll be over here shutting the fuck up now. This guy did more in a day then must do in a year or even their LIFE!
  18. And the guy is only 19. Damn! http://www.thecalifornian.com/article/20100608/NEWS01/6080307/U-S-Navy-Seaman-Jason-Armstrong-breaks-world-pull-up-record-in-Pacific-Grove On Memorial Day, Armstrong performed 3,376 overhand pull-ups at the In-Shape Fitness gym in Pacific Grove. His effort helped raise $5,000 for the Wounded Warrior project. According to the World Amazing Records website, the 19-year-old Armstrong set the world record for most pull-ups done in one day. Armstrong said the money would be used to provide goods and services for families of wounded soldiers abroad. "I hope to do everything I can in support of the U.S. military and those soldiers that have already sacrificed so much," the two-year seaman said. Armstrong, a native of the Dallas, Texas area, is studying Chinese at the Defense Language Institute's Foreign Language Center in Monterey. He trained daily for about a year on both reverse and overhand pull-ups, but has been preparing as an athlete since age 13. Armstrong was a swimmer and gymnast who also played football, and as he grew older, he became more competitive. During his mission to set a new mark for the most pull-ups in 24 hours on May 30, he also broke the 6- and 12-hour world records. They're not the first world records for Armstrong, who is listed on the ultra-distance world records page of the concepts2 rowing website for the 100,000 meter individual row in his age group. He earned that record of 6 hours, 46 minutes and 0 seconds Nov. 8. Five days after his Memorial Day pull-up performance, he'd already begun training for indoor rowing again. Though Armstrong said it will take him about two to three weeks to fully recuperate from the pull-ups effort, he said he would do them again for a good cause.
  19. Retarded statement. A 20b dropped in there would be about $20K and be cabable of high 600 hp+. Last I checked, that's not slow. And as for the kid at the track with no piston stickers. RX's were made for road course. He will break that car drag racing it and then move to another car with pistons probably.
  20. They look great from the the pic you haven't posted. And since they are free, no price listed. I'll take them. When can we meet?
  21. So basically, no body knows and assumes that the cost of the cars they sell represents the quality of work they might do building a motor or tuning. I'd say it's a new venture for them and that I'd not want to be the one to try them out on this. There are plenty of people out there proven with Subaru,assuming that's what you were going to have work done on.
  22. That is impressive. He broke the wheel's!!!! would love to read the story on that accedent.
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