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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. It would mean more if you were making 666 whp.
  2. Picture 4 shows where the car could have caught air. I'm thinking it hit the tree at the same angle its shown, and maybe slid a foot or 2 up on impact. That rear glass has no business being in one piece. I was saying that to Jesse last night when I IM'd him the pic.
  3. Roger that. Bodycount, this is Bravo Base. Surround and eliminate all enemy in Sector 4 of level 2. How copy? Roger that Bravo Base. ETA to local is 3 min. Will commonsense termination of all enemy in that sector. Body Count out. . . . . . . . . . . . Bravo Base, this is Body Count. Enemy eliminated. Be adviced, we have a possible thread jack. Over.
  4. http://www.king5.com/perl/common/slideshow/sspop.pl?recid=3063&location=www.king5.com Discuss.
  5. I'm not out that way too often. And I really don't think this is how good riders ride. I know several people that are part of the bike crowd. Not once have I ever seen anyone ride like this guy. I was just so put off by him, that I had to see if he was on here so I could hear his reasoning.
  6. http://www.netdisaster.com/go.php?mode=ufo&url=http://www.columbusracing.com/
  7. I'll take both sets. I was just looking at buying these for the Subaru. I'm on my way out of town for the weekend. PM me when we can do this early next week. Thanks
  8. I'm pretty sure I have all of Mikes spare parts by now (haha), but I'll ask. I'm on my way out of town for the weekend. I'll try to make some calls for you. Pm me if you don't have one by Monday.
  9. Might be the best phrase of this topic yet. Well put.
  10. Mojoe

    Nice Rx7

    I've seen 3rd gens go for that much stock.
  11. Click the link in my sig. I'll be in deals Gap next month for the RX 7 rally. If I see and exotic car rental places, I'll get the # for you.
  12. Dave, good to hear you're getting it all done. I wish I had the part to hook you up. Did you call the RX 7 store? They have been able to take care of me when I've been in a pinch. Did you end up wrapping that down pipe? Any chance you can join us for the Deals gap rally next month? click the link in my sig for a teaser.
  13. I have put the code in the lock box for 5 hours, off and on, it still won't open. Yes, I did it with the paper turned. Fuck that room. I think the rest of the stuff would have been fun to sort out, now that I have read it.
  14. Fuck it. Zoom into desk, Look around the right side and get WADDED-UP PAPER. Open up paper and note what is written and the pattern of the torn edge. View top of desk and look at each of the three books, they all contain clues. Note: Tear in the red book, also color of swatch. The hibernating frog being awakened by rain. The cube diagrams. Zoom out and go look at coffee table by couch. Pick up: KITTY PICTURE stuck to bottom and GRAY ORB. Note Picture frame. Zoom out to view of pot plant. Get DIRT CLUMP and GREEN ORB. Look under couch, get CRAYON. Look under couch cushions, get REACHING ROD, and WHITE ORB. Look beside right of couch, get WHITE BOX and 2nd GREEN ORB. Look at drawers in corner of room, get 2nd WHITE ORB. Open drawer and get GLASS. Open red book, use crayon on it, note the flower and color. Open bottom desk drawer, press squares like diagram according to its orientation if it were to match up to the tear in the red book. Get GOLD KEY. Use Key on green drawer of desk. Get SCREW DRIVER. Look over behind the potted plant and use screwdriver on vent. Get PALE BLUE KEY, TWO SCREWS, and 3rd WHITE ORB. Go to drawers, use pale key, get the paper with the rabbit on it. Look carefully at picture, it is not a rabbit. It is a duck. Note color. Go to desk, bring up cube, select an orb and use to punch holes in top and bottom as indicated in green book. Place under desk to reveal butterfly, Note color. Look at blue wall and click in open space of wall to find panel. Enter in the appropriate symbol in the color slots. The code does change from game to game. Get SILVER KEY. Use silver key on yellow door to open up bathroom. Use the sink to fill glass with WATER. Look at glass and add clump of dirt. Rinse it out in sink to get FROG. Look on shelves to back of restrooms; get SCALES PIECE, 2nd GRAY ORB, and LAST GREEN ORB (in plant). Next to them, pick up a SHEET OF TOILET PAPER. Wet the toilet paper in sink. Go to potted plant in main room. Use damp paper on smudge, note the number. Go back to bathroom, use code on box. Get the PINK ORB and the BLUE KEY. Go to desk, use blue key on blue drawer. Note the picture the device in the drawers is a scale, it is broken. Remember the positions and colors of the orbs in the picture, this is the formula to find out the value of the gold orb. Look at diagram of plant. Look at hanging plant, use reacher rod on it and click around to revel 2nd PINK ORB. Go to drawers, open top drawer, put piece in missing space and flip over the device, affix the piece you have to it with the screws. Set it upright. You can use the scales to determine which orbs are heavier, and therefore are a higher value then each other. After experimenting you should find that: PINK = 1, WHITE =2, GREEN =3, GRAY = 5 And therefore according to the photo you have, Gold = 9 Go to the Tulip picture on the green wall. Use the frog on it as indicated to do in the book to reveal a secret panel. Use the orbs, knowing their values, to complete the equations. If you do it right it should read: PINK = PINK GRAY = WHITE + GREEN WHITE + WHITE = GREEN + PINK GRAY+GREEN+GREEN = WHITE + GOLD Press the gray button when you are done. The panel will retract. Step back, there is something on the ceiling now. Use the reaching rod to pull on it and bring down a ladder.
  15. August 7th, 2006 9:44 AM, is when that artical was posted. The auction ended 8/06. http://offer.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=160015765472 I'm guessing it never made the #'s.
  16. I don't know bikes. It was dark. Rider was wearing a black riding jacket with the spine shield in it. No helmet.
  17. I've always liked the bike guys and gave them their respect. But tonight I saw I rider I couldn't stop shacking my head about. I don't know bike that well, but the exhaust was not stock, and sounded nice. As I became the car behind him, we came to a red light. He switched lanes in front of me with plenty of room, down shifted, then proceeded to unnecessarily rev 6 times to let motorists at the intersection know he had arrived. I gave him plenty of space, as I needed to change to the right lane before the next light anyway. The light changed and he's riding the right side of the left lane like he's going to pass everyone down the middle. Had he just done it and got it over with, than fine, but no, he rides the the bumper of the car in front of him by 2 feet. the car moves to the far left of his lane to give the bike room to pass down the middle, but the bike just stays there being a pain in the ass. By now I've made my lane change and have a side view. My turn is coming up( at the krogers, turning right ) so I'm just coasting. Now he comes over in front of me. I back off, not knowing what the hell he's up to now. He makes the turn in front of me rev'ing a bunch more for everyone to see he's turning. After the turn he's creeping at 5 mph. No gravel, just clean pavement. he picks it up a little before turning into the development on the left, where I was heading. I bet almost anything he is on here. His plate is 59MM6. Not sure on the 6 though. If you are on here, watching you was ricerific.
  18. I got into this hours ago, but got busy with work. It was challenging. I'll see if I can get into it tonight.
  19. Mojoe

    IPS Motorsports

    Why, is your rear end swinging around on you? Some Tiens would take care of that. I know Jeff can get a deal on those. Just give IPS a call, I'm sure Jeff's wife can point you in the right direction when she answers the phone. hahaha
  20. Mojoe

    my new car

    I would chop before the hassle of off and on plates. I don't think it looks bad. His is a lot cleaner chop than most.
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