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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe

    $$$ for metal

    Cat do not need to be off the pipes. Help them out by taking the heat shield off if they have them. Aluminum is good cash. They go by weight, and the stock RX 7 radiator is small and weighs nothing, but I got $2.80 for it. As for the poles you have, I couldn't really tell you. All I can say is give it a try.
  2. ^^ I'm up for pretty much and snow related trips^^ Watch for my post after next week about mine and Jesse's trip to Vermont to ride for a week. They are getting 15" of snow in the next 24 hours.
  3. Mojoe

    $$$ for metal

    Ok, so I just got out of the shower. And I just got back from Ace Iron. Here's the way to get rid of your metal. Know what you have. Steal and iron go to the back of the yard. You pull your car up on the scale and they weigh the whole car. Then he'll tell you where to drive to in the yard. You get there and some guys will tell you where to pull up and help you off load your metal. Then you just go out the way you came. Stop on the scale and wait for someone, if not, you don't get paid. He'll weigh your car again and you get paid on the difference. You must have at least 100lbs. The guy will give you a receipt that you have to take to the $ window. I had the cat's from the RX 7 too, so for those, you go to the main area. Easy to notice, because that's where all the movement is going on. BE CAREFUL! This is as bad as any construction site. I saw a truck with a trailer pulling out and had not closed the doors on the back of the trailer. I had to yell for 2 guys to get out of the way. One was like 90 yrs old and the other had to grab him and pull both of them over some barrels so they didn't get hit with this big steal door. The old man came over and thanked the shit out of me and said he got hit with a Bobcat there a few years ago. Anyway, so the are taking me cats in and they needed to remove the heat shield from the main cat to see how much they could give me for it. The whole time I had guys asking what that cat came off of. It was like I have caught a huge bass at a fishing tournament and everyone wanted to see it. The people there are serious about this stuff. I knew the whole time they knew I had no idea how the place worked. The workers there are very cool though. They were honest, and wanted to show me why the main cat was worth $75 (like Mike said) and why the pre cat was only $5. The guy helping me was more civilized than those around him and happy to help. I had the stock radiator from the 7 too. The just off tot he side took that and wrote it up. So in all I had 3 separate receipts. I went to the cash window and stand in line. The line wasn't too bad 6 people are so and I'm 3rd. You'll need your drivers license and then they run you in their system(don't ask, I don't know). The guy behind the window then gives you your $. In total, I was there an hours or so. I trashed the car with mud and got it in the car too. Wear boots and know you are going to get filthy. I had this funk of oder on me when I got back in my car that had me riding home with the windows down. And don't even think about bringing a girl there. I had 120lbs, and it paid a whopping $9.11. Radiator $2.80 Cats $80 Total: $91.91 And more room in the garage
  4. Mojoe

    any landscapers?

    Is it just me, or does this sound like some super hero slut from Marvel comics?
  5. I'm not hitting that place. I thought it was a going out of business sale. Not, looks at allz da cheap shit we gotz here mang.
  6. I'm heading there this afternoon
  7. That sucks. Sorry to here it. I like your approach to simply posting your PREPARED resume'. If I hired in your field, that would impress me. Good luck, I'm sure you have something in no time.
  8. I'm not really looking for the fight. I will be at a party during that time. If you had a hookup on them, I was just going to get them to friend. Looks like I'm going down and trying to buy tickets at the door for Expo.
  9. I own a couple of Burton's and I will not own another (unless it's a great deal). They make a high quality board. But, 2 years ago I went to the factory in Vermont to buy some boots and I could not believe how shitty they treated everyone. I wrote a solid email to customer service and received no reply. I had been a Burton supporter for over 10 years. My senior year of HS, I was on the slops and just ended up riding this run with another snowboarder. Nothing big, we stopped and were talking and introduced ourselves, he said his name was Jake Burton. I played it cool, not thinking it was really him. The guy was still cool though. I saw his picture later and sure enough, I had been talking to the owner of Burton snowboards. From seeing how cool and laid back he was and after years of great service, and then having them act like assholes when I'm trying to spend $200 for fucking boots(I hate that). That was it for me. I will buy Ride, Lib Tech(now merged with Morrow) or a few others. I can find, and have, a complete setup for a fraction of the cost of what Burton sells for. And it's guaranteed still. Look into a company called 24/7. I just picked up a board/binding deal for $250, an equal setup with Burton would have run me $600+. As for bindings, I got rid of the Burton p1's I had. I thought they were heavy and I didn't like the back being so high. I replaced them with Burton freestyles that were on sale for $99, and those have been pretty good for what they are on (Burton 7). All my bindings are ratchet. I have broken a few and had several that took a beating and never broke. It's kind of hit and miss with liking them. One thing that is getting weird to say is that I've been riding for, going on 18 years. I don't feel old. But, for me to hear that from someone, I would think,"Man, that dudes old".
  10. I'd take them if I could get them. I'm really just looking for the day Expo passes. They are only $10, but I can't get them anywhere. PM me if you have anything, even the fight. Thanks
  11. Jesse, Amy and myself are arriving together. We know what Bill looks like.
  12. Mojoe

    $$$ for metal

    Very good info sir. I'm looking forward to clearing some space in the garage this weekend. ....... They are open on the weekends, right?
  13. On the cell phone thing: Vermont just ban any cell use, even if it's hands free, while driving. Looks like I'm getting a ticket next week. NY also has a no radar detector law; another ticket for Joe.
  14. Mojoe

    $$$ for metal

    Thanks guys. Mike, I remember you telling me about that, but didn't remember where to get the info. I just read that thread. LOL. I guess I'm in the clear with the RX 7. 1) You're only getting under it with a racing jack. 2) You won't find and cats when you get under it. 3) You set my alarm off you idiot, better start running. As for taking it some where, anyone have an address for a place here in Columbus?
  15. This is a GO. TIME: 9:45ish LOCATION: Easton # OF PEOPLE ATTENDING: 5 +
  16. Jesse and I were heading over there. Didn't know if anyone else was interested. $10 lets you play all night.
  17. Mojoe

    $$$ for metal

    I might have 200lbs.
  18. Mojoe

    $$$ for metal

    I have all these parts and pieces I have taken off my cars. Everything from Stock exhaust, clutch, rotors, just a bunch of metal. Nothing worth selling to anyone though. I have heard that there is a recycling place in town the will give you $$ for it. Anyone know anything about this? Thanks
  19. Thanks guys. I'll let you know what I find.
  20. Nope. I don't do talk radio. Maybe if I'm bored on the drive to Vermont next week. Do tell.
  21. ? I missed this completely
  22. So easily over looked. I'm sorry to hear this.
  23. I don't know of a referral bonus. My name on there is dsnowgod, if it asks.
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