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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe

    my new car

    Holy mulit mobile Batman. lol. Congrats.
  2. - seat belt = weight reduction. Now you can be the fastest dead guy out there.
  3. easy. 12:29 with a 3:00 phone call. No cheats
  4. The only way I see that shirt being accurate is with the S7.
  5. http://www4.forum.viperclub.org/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=799841&an=0&page=0#Post799841 More pics http://www4.forum.viperclub.org/sho...ge=0#Post796301
  6. Sometimes the people on here are actually funny. hahaha Owned by double post.
  7. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak as hell. Boooooo. Summery: Staged interruption of wedding, girls pulling hair, girls pulling hair, acting like they are going to lose some clothing. Doesn't happen. No nudity, pulling hair, pulling hair. I think I saw a windmill in there.
  8. You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts. Do not call them for this.
  9. You have 30 days to send that company a "dispute letter" stating the account is not legit, and your side of the story. Don't waste your time using words like "he's a dick". Stick to the facts.
  10. Here is what it is http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product2_10001_10002_761468_-1
  11. Are you implying that we stop trying to learn more about something once some one comes up with a theory and estimated speculation? The previous posts are saying that it was to happen at a certain time. No one has a time that is accurate. What is known, is that chemicals are in the air that are changing that balance of the atmosphere, as we've known it. We know that we need to be aware of the sources of our energy and how much we use. I think it's all theory at this point. But, I don't think we can call it all bull shit. To dismiss it completely is foolish. Of course we aren't in a ice age now. My reply to Alfa was for his complete denial in his post that we have anything at all to be concerned with. All of my posts on this topic have been to simply discuss. I have never said any time line or that it was one way or another. I am open minded on it, as long as it's acknowledged that there is something to be aware of. I'm interested in seeing more theory's on this that aren't Hollywood or political. Referencing 30 year old info that has proven its self wrong is no reason to say GW does not exist.
  12. I'm sorry your 6th grade special ed class had you working with bullshit numbers and false speculations on time. If you're going to use your 6th grade learnings as a reference, you're simply proving how wrong and off base you were tought. Your statement is so close minded, I find it hard to beleave you take even yourself seriously.
  13. I'm not a Gore fan. I have watched his movie. I didn't think it was all that bad really. I feel there is a level of profitable scare that is being exploited by the topic, but I didn't see his movie to really focus on that. I'm not defending his movie. I'm saying it's worth the time to watch it though.
  14. What exactly do YOU think Global Warming is?
  15. Any from behind? That would help me remember her better. What an asshole. I can't beleave how rude I am. You know I'm kidding Ryan.
  16. Here's a thought. What are the possibilities of hemisphere change? I mean weather wise. I think there could be a season shift that takes place over thousands of years. What are peoples thoughts on this?
  17. With getting satellite radio, I have decided to change head units for the RX 7. I'm selling this one after only 8 months and very little use. The coolest thing about this head unit is you can rip songs from radio or CD, straight to an SD memory card or USB memory stick and play it off there. It has a remote and will come with all the equipment that was original equipment. I will have it installed until sometime next week if you would like to hear it. Hear is the info on it and below is how it looks installed and on. It was $119 new, I'd like to see $65. post here or PM me. http://www.insignia-products.com/pc-127-16-insignia-40w-x-4-ipod-ready-cd-deck-with-cd-rrwmp3wma-playback.aspx http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/nightpics107.jpg
  18. She just sat there for a second like it was someone's fault. LOL
  19. So I roll in to HH Gregg @ Sawmill after lunch today to see what the might have for head units with Satellite, iPod, mp3, CD, AUX, and was hoping to find as USB or SD port. I know it's asking a lot. So after waiting for someone to get to me, ( they were completely dead in there) I get bozo the clown. The guy knows nothing. And I mean he could barely get his name right. I asked him about if they have any thing like what I was looking for and he has no idea. I said tell me about this one. Pointing to what looked like it should would. No tag or sign anywhere for it. He has to check. Come back and tells me "It should work". Fucking brilliant! I asked him for the model # and got the fuck out of there before I caught stupid. And, yes, stupid is contagious. I had already planned on going to Circuit City also, but thought I might give HH Gregg ONE more try, like I do about every 6 months it seems. To say I'm in a hurry is an understatement. I like to go places and do business. I want to deal with someone who is a professional and can answer my questions, even if they are dumb. I know a little, but not all there is on electronics's. So I walk in and this guy approaches me without pressure and asks if there was anything he could help me with. I hand him the model # and barely a hi. He saw I was in a hurry and said cool, then immediately knew it was a new Sony unit and pointed it out. I badgered him with questions and he had answers. The unit had only been out a week at most, but he knew all about it. Best of all, it was everything I was looking for. Then he tells me it comes with free install. Sweet! I told him I'm an bit of a jerk when it comes to my car and that I would be the one pulling it in and pulling it out for work to be done. He was respectable to that and said, "No problem". He asked what kind of car it was, and then said he understood where I was coming from once I told him.I know my car is not a high end exotic, but it's my hours and $ in it, so I'm a tad leary about who works on it. Turns out his name is Cabit and he's a member on here. He put everything I needed together and gave me a great deal. I will be checking with Cabit in the future for all my car audio needs. here's what I got from Cabit. http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Sony-In-Dash-Player-CDXGT610UI/sem/rpsm/oid/172514/catOid/-13089/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do Here's what it's replacing. Let me know if you're interested. http://www.insignia-products.com/pc-127-16-insignia-40w-x-4-ipod-ready-cd-deck-with-cd-rrwmp3wma-playback.aspx
  20. I would have done that in a second. That's funny as hell. All the stuff I had to send in was based on personal interview and car junky info and documentation. They wanted interesting people who had done most of the work on their cars. Seeing the F150 go trough the block wall in the preview for next week is a challange I would not want to be in with the RX 7.
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