I have had these Sport Max wheels for 5 or so years. They are staggered 18x9.5 and 18x8.5. I still like the look, however the clear coat is chipping terribly, and there is curb rash on the fronts. The wheels were $150 ea, so I really can't complain. Truth is, I find it hard to justify putting $2,000 into wheels and tires. Getting the wheels fix would cost more than buying new ones, I think. I considered stripping them down and dipping them. I just haven't felt that is going to fix my want for them looking better, or maybe changing the look.
I'm looking for thoughts, maybe I'm overlooking an option, on how to either clean up the wheels or even open to changing the look. I like things pretty simple, so I'm not looking for white are bright wheel colors.
As it sits now.
Credit to Wagner for the pics. Thanks