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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I like a 5 or a 7 spoke. The concave look is growing on me. But then the cost just puts me off. These wheels are fine in function, so it's hard to justify the cost of other wheels. The wheels you listed all look great too. How are/costly to fix the clear?
  2. Not a fan of those for my car. Good looking out though. Multi spoke and the bolts don't do it for me.
  3. Thats not tint. That is stock for FD's. Have never heard of anyone tinting wheels. Any examples? I would worry about the wear and how long before you are working on them again.
  4. I have had these Sport Max wheels for 5 or so years. They are staggered 18x9.5 and 18x8.5. I still like the look, however the clear coat is chipping terribly, and there is curb rash on the fronts. The wheels were $150 ea, so I really can't complain. Truth is, I find it hard to justify putting $2,000 into wheels and tires. Getting the wheels fix would cost more than buying new ones, I think. I considered stripping them down and dipping them. I just haven't felt that is going to fix my want for them looking better, or maybe changing the look. I'm looking for thoughts, maybe I'm overlooking an option, on how to either clean up the wheels or even open to changing the look. I like things pretty simple, so I'm not looking for white are bright wheel colors. As it sits now. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/94%20RX%207/IMG_5270.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/94%20RX%207/IMG_5187.jpg Credit to Wagner for the pics. Thanks
  5. Mojoe

    Hardcore Heroin

    We have been watching all the documentaries on Netflix about drugs. It's everywhere. Meth is insane.
  6. I can't even give them any credit in the least. They are untrained children with weapons. Their movement is COD at best. They are simply praying on easy victims, simple targets of opportunity. They have guns and the will to use them on anyone. That's it. Their message is pathetic by their actions. They have not hit one target of any significance, since 9/11, and that's if you want to lump ISIS in with Al Qaida, and Taliban. I respect a street thug more for just trying to get his cash. At least the thug isn't blaming his action a religion.
  7. It is doing what it is suppose to. I think I benefit from it in a way it was not intended. My Geo Spring water heater is in the same room as the dryer. The diverted heat from the dryer puts out humidity with the heat. The heat pump in the water heater tends to come on while we run the dryer. This dehumidifies the air, and heats the water at the same time. The water heater puts off cool air as a byproduct of the heat pump, making the area pretty much neutral.
  8. Cult gatherings to pump each other up. They call it working out.
  9. Come hang out with CR members and get your CCW class taken care of. Still a few open seats. this is 13 days away.
  10. Disappointment for a NWS.
  11. 360, and playing COD AW. Not digging the AW stuff much. But it's still pretty fun. My GT is dsnowgod. Usually play hardcore kill confirmed.
  12. Mojoe

    New House

    My wife loves that chalk paint. We have it on the wall by the front door. She writes welcome notes on it when we have people over. It has turned out pretty handy. She also dipped the bottoms of wine glasses, so the girls can write their name on them. That cross stitching looks great.
  13. Mojoe

    LTE speedtest??

    Yup. Had FCC in mind from the other thread I posted, where the FCC sued ATT. Corry on.
  14. Mojoe

    LTE speedtest??

    Basically a write up about ATT being sued by the FCC and how come Verizon isn't, for throttling. http://consumerist.com/2014/10/29/why-att-is-being-sued-over-data-throttling-but-verizon-isnt-yet/
  15. http://www.gibbssports.com/quadski
  16. Apparently, I'm not allowed to do that anymore. It was part of my debriefing.
  17. At this point enough people have commented or PM'd about similar run ins with the same car. If anything, this thread is an FYI if you see this car, be aware of their driving habits.
  18. Mojoe

    New House

    Can't wait to see the 3-5 year pics. That is a great place, and you tend to do cool things for upgrades. Congrats.
  19. If so, I disappointed it's a CR member driving like that in traffic.
  20. Seems pretty neat. And, it's half off if you have Amazon Prime. http://www.amazon.com/oc/echo/ref_=ods_dp_ae
  21. The woman was identified as Veronica J. Rutledge, 29, of Blackfoot, Idaho. Authorities said she had a concealed weapons permit. Miller said the young boy was left in a shopping cart, reached into the victim's purse and grabbed a small caliber handgun, which discharged one time. As sad as it is, and I don't want to see anyone shot, better her get shot than the kid shoot himself.
  22. No one is going to carry a single action revolver, or a revolver with the hammer back, making it single action. That is why I said it would have to be a heavy trigger pull for the kid. Meaning, in double action, that pull is 12-14lbs.
  23. My guess would be revolver. But, that's a heavy trigger pull for that kid.
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