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Posts posted by Anden

  1. Driving a car is a privilege. It is not a right granted to you at all.

    Some one else touched on another thought I had. Make gun owners responsible for thier guns. Properly stored and what not. So if anyone gets ahold of a gun that doesn't belong to them the owner is held accountable also. So if your shit is stolen you get fined. Call it a criminal activity buy out.

  2. My .02. Get a triumph. Speed triple is upright and comfortable. If you want something alittle more sporty buy a set of clip ons for it. It becomes an entirely diffeent bike. Harley set won't bust your chops any either.

    Asking for opinions here isn't a bad idea, but please dont be offended or feel you need to defend your choice. Its your money and your ass on it we are just thowing out options. Hell I love the VFR I also like the K1200s. I will get one of them one day.

    Harley does make very pretty bikes.

  3. All for this but to play devils advocate. Criminal children are smart, I would think they would figure out who is carrying and go from there.

    Also when one of these kids go off the reservation who is to say that a teacher won't do any dammage to the children, or even cause harm to a legitimate visitor to the school. That's a lot of confusion going on there. But then again I don't know the school policies.

  4. They seem to look like they are coming from a couple directions. Majority are running west to east. I did see one that appeared to blink. I am assuming it was tumbling through the atmosphere.

    From what I understand much of this shower is raisin sized and smaller.

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