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Posts posted by Anden

  1. Two sides to every story. You have only herd the "victims". I bet if you dig into this story you will find there is more to it. I tried Bell County Texas isn't real user friendly But was charged with Interfering w/ Public Duties. Way to be an asshole just cooperate with the cops if your carrying.

    More over grew up maybe an hour away from this guy. Cougars? Like old ladies wanna fuck him? Yes there are cougars in Texas but its a huge fucking state. Feral dogs would be the only thing to scare me out there. Even then still not all that rural of an area. Not if the Temple Police got him, he is still inside city limits.

  2. At least someone is doing right by keeping the crazies at bay.

    Conspiracy theories

    We almost hate to even address this stuff. We'll start with a bottom line: Anyone saying they know what happened at this point is making it up.

    But that didn't stop far-fetched imaginings, often based in political ideology, from flying almost immediately after the attack.

    One syndicated talk show host (who won't be named and whose content won't be linked here) tweeted that the attacks "stink to high heaven" of a so-called "false flag," or staged attack. "False flag" is an old naval term that's come to be used for a military action that's not what it appears to be.

    At least one Web user was ready for this. He registered a website -- bostonmarathonconspiracy.com -- on Monday. Clicking the link reveals a white page with black text reading:

    "I bought this domain to keep some conspiracy theory kook from owning it. Please keep the victims of this event and their families in your thoughts. Thank you."

  3. I do want the motorcyclists better look for me bumper sticker.

    Why? You ask. Because I can't hear your loud pipes when you camp my blind spot while I've got the music cranking. Even when its not cranking I can't hear you. Also if your dumb crotch rocketing ass is "filtering" through traffic at 1.25 I won't see you till your next to me. I don't drive in my rearview. Just making sure the fucktards are warned. Me and any other responsible guy will have no trouble.

  4. What started out as a smart ass comment on Oldschooldime92's Facebook page has happened. And this is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Dime is the man putting his own personal time into someone else's stuff for no reason what so ever.

    The bike is my 1997 Triumph Speed Triple. Has a little over 50k on it but sleeps in a garage and is neglected for the most part (I've little free time). The paint leaves a lot to be desired even when washed.

    Before pics.




    After pics








    Oh man what an improvement. I did bring him an absolutely filthy bike. The shine was gone even if I washed and waxed. Dime your the man! And if anyone wants to say different I will fight them like your wife (slapping clawing). Many many thanks to you I don't think you have any idea how much I appreciate this. Every one please rep the shit out of him.

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