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Posts posted by Anden

  1. I fucked up and gave the odd subordinate my number. Yeah, may need to get my number changed. After 6 voice mails and 15 texts. I finally replied and told him it was the weekend. I'm not paid enough to worry about work on the weekends. And he shouldn't either as he is off too.

  2. I was almost interested, till he said work hard!

    Looking at that wrong. The hard work goes into increasing cycle time, and a good solid setup. For example put as many vises as possible in/on machine. More is done at once so you get more time to fuck off. But in all reality I would see your long cycle time and ask you to do something else too.

  3. I received a excessive tow bill once. Wife put her car in a ditch. No biggie right? Wrong. A townie we are a quainted with who is on the volunteer fire department called it in for us. It seems since an emergency vehicle called it in it was a priority call. Hence a weeks worth of wages down the drain. Now I wasn't told in advance the bill was going to be stupid high. Just I got your car give me money and you can have it back.

  4. Pepper sprayed myself once. Found a perfume sprayer thing tucked away above refrigerator. Thinking the wife had bought some expensive ass perfume and was hiding it from me. In my blind rage and thinking this shit had better smell good I sprayed it into the air then breathed in deep. I thought my chest was going to explode, nose burning and running like someone turned on a snot faucet. Eyes started watering then rubbing mace back into my eyes. All while thinking who would wear this shit.

    Finally it dawned on me that I had just maced myself.

    Some how I managed not to wake anyone up in my agony. So I asked my wife the next day why there was mace in the cupboard. Turns out it was for the daughter to use. She got a big kick out of my ordeal.

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  5. Wait a minute, let me get this right. Building burns dow, collect an assload of insurance money and rebuild. Next start up a go fund me page to "rebuild". Collect several assloads of money. Sell business and look forward to early retirement.

    That's the plan right there.

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