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Posts posted by Anden

  1. I'd go. Everyone else gets a festival or parade. We also need the White Entertainment Channel WET for short. Ellen and The Cosby Show would be played because good TV is good TV. But the people that run LOGO and BET wpuld probably be offended.

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  2. It's for this bastard :


    CF Moto 650 NK



    It'll pull alot of shpping carts.



    That bike is a 650 twin, so the pipe would probably work fine for one of them bastard SV650 or a Ninja 650 depending on the inlet size. But it would be too loud for the kitties. Possibly scare the whole trailer park.



    Sorry all I hear is Bubbles with that avatar.

  3. I see ads for this in my other time-wasting games.

    If the strategy is at all similar, you need to "camp" and get powerful without leveling up.

    There are several ways to play. Camping doesn't help you much it really puts a target on your back. Saving resources makes you a target. Chasing tropies just stalls you out on the leveling. Spending more to attack then you make is worthless.Power leveling town hall just screws you. Gives you to many options to upgrade and the payout for an attack is less. You also can't defend yourself this way and give up more loot to an attacker.

    Then there is the war. Pairs clans agains each other. My clan was unstopable. Then folks started chasing trophies and power leveling town halls. Yeah not so hot any more. Not sure how they pair them yet but I will figure it out.

  4. What the code monkey above said. If you're looking for a specific device, I can tell you that the Meraki Z1 not only does time-based access, but also device-based time and content restrictions as well (all based on the MAC address). As a cherry on top, all device data is viewable over the Web from anywhere (Meraki is cloud-based, configs happen on Meraki's site instead of on the device), so you can see monitor traffic from literally anywhere, including mobile devices. I also happen to have one that I'm not using, if you're interested.

    Just what we are looking for. As ours is doesn't support the time limits and what not. Besides if it did, the kids would just reset it. Will do some goole fu on this thing.

  5. What I want to know is if there is a way to set up the home network to shut off access to the internet at schedualed times for some but not all devices. How can I monitor web traffic. I don't want to block anything as others know how to use things responsibly.

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Hmmm, Don't know on this one. I am assuming he was tailgating you. Noticed truck in your mirror. So you almost came to a stop on ramp. So he encroached on you. You are both at fault here.

    Just the way I am seeing things.

    Why not use that getaway speed before all this happened? Plenty of time to pass car in front of you. Or move out and let him around.

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