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Posts posted by BadTrainDriver

  1. I appreciate the offer crf69...but I'm leaving at the ass crack of dawn on Saturday.

    If I don't find anything before I leave...I may look into a 55 series tire for when I get home...but I'll have to modify my rear hugger...as the clearance is tight with a 50 series(one bracket will move...but the other is fixed due to mounting design). I have heard of guys running the 180/55 due to the "profile"...but not the 190/55.

    As far as cornering...I'm completely happy with how the bike handles now...and can scrape peg feelers at will...and have no chicken strips on the front or rear. I'm not the average C14 rider...not bragging...just stating.

    Thanks for the info and offer.


  2. Found a nice set...big thanks to Coyote!!!

    Listen up folks...can anybody help a brother out?

    My Concours14 tires don't have the life left in them for an extended upcoming trip...and I'm getting short on time before I leave...so I'm throwing this out here to see if anyone has a set of new tires I could give them cash for. I'm willing to pay fair market price for what you've got...or I can just order you a new set and have them delivered to you.

    I need to pick the tires up no later that noonish this Friday so I can get them installed...I'm leaving Saturday morning.

    I know this is short notice...but any help would be appreciated.


  3. It's a memorial fund. What about when a professional football player dies and they have a fund for the family? What about a small community that losses a fireman and holds one for a family that is left behind? It's the same thing. You were making assumptions which wasn't just putting out feelers.

    If so, you wouldn't have prefaced it with "I'm not cold hearted or anything"... You also were saying things not in question form, but in factual tone. You stated that the sport wasn't cheap and that his family (your belief as you put it) wasn't poor...

    Essentially, you were judging and that ticked me off. Again, you don't know much about the sport and the people in it. That's fine, but to assume they are all wealthy and do not need help is crazy.

    I didn't say it was going to charity. I stated it could go to a host of things. We had a young pup get paralyzed and his parents have had him in different hospitals and different centers since the accident. He's been very slow to recover and essentially, they were financially sound. However, they drained a LOT of money in trying to get their son help. A fund was established to assist in the costs.

    We also had a really well known racer get killed and they created a memorial fund and it was later sent over to another organization and was used towards creating a fund for racers that got injured, etc.

    The idea is that we don't want to let Peter fade away. Donating is a way to keep his amazing talent and aura going. That money can be used to assist the family in putting Peter to rest in a positive way. It can help them in the costs of getting this sorted, getting home, getting him put to rest, getting on with their lives w/o Peter, etc. Or, maybe they are set and they can give that money to someone in need...

    We don't need to know. We don't need to judge. We just need to support our family. To those that don't understand (I suspect this link won't get posted on the home page like requested), that's fine. No need to donate and understood. Just right now? It isn't the time to debate all this shit.

    Ben, I got pissed because I am reading all this shit about "too young", "Murder-cycles", etc. All coming from non riders, non racers, non enthusiasts. It's getting us all in a boil of emotions because we all have watched friends die from this sport. We all know what it takes, what it costs, what it can reward us with. We also know what can happen and when something like a simple accident occurs that turns deadly, the world chimes in with their opinion... I just didn't need to see someone making judgements.

    Brian, I agree with everything you've said in this post except " What about a small community that losses a fireman and holds one for a family that is left behind? It's the same thing."

    Hardly the same thing...

    With that, I've said enough...and I'll stay out of this thread.

    I feel your passion, I believe it, and you're free to have it.


  4. I figured my response would get a few harsh answers...so no offense taken by the reply Brian.

    You're all right...I don't know his family financial situation...scraping together funds to pay for his racing...second mortgage and all...so I was merely asking/making a statement.

    Furthermore...If the website mentioned anything of donating all the funds to a charity, I sure as hell wouldn't have made the post I did...but the website doesn't...so again...I was merely asking.

    And I've got compassion...I said so right in my post.

    Giving a dollar or two doesn't mean I've got more...

    One great thing about web forums...the different view and thoughts.

    Sorry if you've got a problem with that...but that's the way it is.


  5. Listen...I'm not cold hearted or anything...I've very saddened by his death and for the families loss...but think about this for a second...

    Racing isn't cheap...and he's been racing for quite a few years...which leads me to believe his family is not exactly poor...which leads me to ask why they need "financial support" in this time of loss...

    My two cents.


  6. I went once.

    Two things left a lasting impression in my mind.

    #1. Old dude walking around completely naked with a half empty fifth of Jack Daniels swinging from his dick and balls via a small rope...

    #2. Old woman who tried on a leather bikini(top and bottom) right there in front of everyone. Stripped right down to nothing...put the bikini on...took it off...and hung it back up.

    Now that I type this...I wonder if that old dude and chick were married...


  7. Fuck Darth Bitch and ADVRIDER...my thoughts on that...

    As far as the Rally...yea, I led a ride last year of which two crashed on...one totaled his bike an had to ride bitch back to Canada on his friends 650 V-Strom. My group started with 14...and ended with 4. Everyone else bailed after lunch.

    I'll be on my 2010 Connie this year...and 8 people is the max that I'll take with me.

    More than that is just too many people to keep track of for that long of a ride.

    Couple pics from last year.





    My old 1000 VStrom is the left on in this pic.





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