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About OhioBob
- Birthday 10/28/1972
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06 VTX 1300C and 06 CBR1000RR
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Hi, hope you all are doing well. I have a question about wheather I should go with K-Tech Suspension 25SSK RDS Cartridge Kit or RaceTech G2-R Cartridge Kit for my 2006 CBR1000RR front forks. A couple months ago I purchased a used OEM rear shock from an Ebay seller. I know that was risky, but it worked out. Anyways, I sent it off to RaceTech to inspect/verify shock was in good working order then had them revalve, respring and rebuild the shock completely. I must say it looks like a brand new shock and can't wait to get it on the bike to try it out. RaceTech promises me that it is as good or better than any aftermarket rear shock I could have purchased, like Ohlins, Penske, etc. We shall see, but then again, I've never had the pleasure of Ohlins so I won't truly know. LOL Reason I went this route is I no longer can find aftermarket rear shocks for my 2006 CBR1000RR. So, after speaking to RaceTech several months ago I went that route with an OEM rebuild. Now on to my question about the front forks. I no longer can find aftermarket forks, like Ohlins for it. Honda doesn't even offer the OEM outer tube (upper portion of the front forks) any longer for my 2006 CBR1000RR. I can purchase the lower slides (lower portion of the front forks), but not the upper portion. Argh...I guess after a certain time you're supposed to either baby it as a garage queen or wreck it and toss it. Anyways...Argh. So, I spoke to RaceTech and they would require me to send my forks to them to build their RaceTech G2-R drop-in cartridge kit for my make/model of bike. However, I'm extremely leary now that I know I no longer can replace the OEM outer tubes if they get damaged, likely in shipping. I was hoping that RaceTech would just sell me the drop-in cartridge kit then I would have a professional install them in my stock (OEM) fork tubes (outer - uppers and slide - lowers). However, they don't have a kit available nor does it sound like they have the calculations on record to do such a thing without having my forks to measure and experiment to build the proper cartridge kit. So, I was trying to figure out a way to safely ship them when I thought about going the Ebay route again with a spare set of used forks in good condition to ship to RaceTech. I thought about PVC pipe to protect them. Another idea was a rifle case, but I kept thinking I would have to pay to ship them my only forks off my bike, pay them to build the cartridge kit, pay them to professionally install the kit into my forks, pay them to ship them back to me, etc. It just seemed like a well laid plan gone awry. Just my luck. Then I ran across K-Tech Suspension USA and spoke to Burch, the tech on staff and he said they could get their cartridge kit to me without shipping my forks to them. I assume because they've probably done it for many UK racers in the past with my make/model of bike. I know RaceTech is USA and K-Tech is UK. I know that many "true" road racers in Europe (UK) that run K-Tech as either a cheaper alternative to Ohlins aftermarket forks or they just can't purchase Ohlins aftermarket forks any longer like my situation. I'm leaning to toward K-Tech for obvious reasons above, but not sure how they compare to RaceTech. And I'm sure it's OK to have a stock (OEM) rear shock rebuilt by RaceTech and run K-Tech front fork cartridge kits together? I mean I know another CBR1000RR rider who has an Ohlins rear shock with stock front forks. So, what's your take on RaceTech vs K-Tech products? Thanks in advance. Keep on Keeping on. OhioBob
Well, since Honda has decided to discontinue supplying certain parts for older CBR1000RR's, the front fork tubes to be specific, I'm on the hunt for some OEM front forks in great condition to rebuild, revalve and respring with RaceTech's G2-R drop-in cartridge kits. Unfortunately, RaceTech requires me to ship them my forks in order to build out the kit as they have none in stock nor sounds like they've built a set for some time and need the OEM parts to figure out measurements in order to build the kit. Since Honda has discontinued the front fork outer tubes (uppers), I'm extremely reluctant to ship RaceTech my only set off my bike, because my luck would be they'd be damaged in transit by the shipping company. Then I would be out of luck with no bike unless I figured out how to unicycle the CBR. What's frustrating about this is what would happen if I wrecked the CBR? Or am I supose to just make her a garage queen after so many years because you can't get replacement parts? Just plain...argh. Anyways... I've researched and called all major online retailers as well as local dealerships with no luck...except Ebay. However, Ebay is iffy at best since we all know they're just parting out wrecked bikes to begin with. If I could get my hands on an aftermarket set of forks like Ohlins, KTech or others, I would jump on them, but it seems Ohlins and KTech have discontinued for 2006 CBR1000RR as well. Argh. I may be revealing my age, but I appreciate the older bikes more so than these modern marvels they produce these days. Too many bells and whistles...and too many "nanny aids" for my liking. What happen to having skill to ride? With all the rider aids these days, it's like the manufacturers want everyone to be able to ride so they can sell more. I'm all for everyone and anyone riding, but let's earn it by developing the necessary skills rather than dumping more $$$ on all the aids in order to ride. Some might say the rider aids are there for safety. I wouldn't disagree, but let's face it...Riding is dangerous...PERIOD. If you ride you should acknowledge that and accept the risks. Heck, I used to jump out of perfectly fine aircraft back in my military days. Since then, I've drawn to riding for the thrills, camaraderie and adventures of the open road of freedom...KNOWING that there's always a chance I may not return home safely or at all. It is what it is. Anyways, I'm getting sidetracked, so I'll disgress...for now. So, if anyone has or knows where I might be able to find a good set of 2006 - 2007 CBR1000RR front forks or at least the upper tubes shoot me a line/message. Or if you know where I might be able to find aftermarket set of forks/cartridge kits like Ohlins or KTech or others, let me know. Thanks. Take care and come on spring...winter is waaaaay overrated! OhioBob
Sorry I missed you message. Bainbridge would have been nice. I'll text you from here on and we'll figure out a time/place to meet up. Thanks.
No worries. Figured you would respond when you could. I see you have a 690sm. Nice. I used to have a converted 05 CRF450X-SM that was street legal. It was the funniest street bike I ever had. Wish I still had it. Anyways, it would have to be a Saturday. Depending whether the bike shop calls me this week to pick up my VTX or not. If not, I could meet you in Chillicothe this Saturday. I'll know for certain by Friday whether I need to head a different direction to pickup my bike instead. If not this Saturday it wouldn't be until the earliest Oct. 15th, my next free Saturday, to meet you. Let me know if that works for you. Thanks.
It works and been verified to mount with certain helmets, but not just HJC. This link indicates some of the helmets that are verified to mount on. Note: It may not be the latest updated list, but if PackTalk Slim mounts on the helmet this SMARTH will too as they're identical in design. https://www.cardosystems.com/packtalkslim-compatible/ What helmet do you have? I can check for you, if you like. And yes, the battery pack is external and mounts in the back of the helmet. Same as the PackTalk Slim. It's a nice design as it distributes the weight, which isn't much to begin with, equally on the helmet. I loved how slim or low profile it actually is once mounted on the helmet. Another great thing about this design is it's much easier to replace the battery if it ever dies. Let me know if you have further questions.
Thanks Pauly.
I could meet at a halfway point. (Like Chillicothe for example)
I'm in Hillsboro.
OK Let's try this... $60 shipped to lower 48 or local pickup. This thing needs a good home that will actually use it. Thanks.
ATTENTION: Price drop... $60 + shipping or local pickup.
Hi, contemplating purchasing some aftermarket chain adjusters for my 2006 CBR1000RR. Was wondering if anyone has used Gilles TECA (TCA) Chain Adjusters? https://www.google.com/search?q=gilles+tca-sc59&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ9Ze_6iLegTrlkAzqIEaJyP-eN8g:1662585069917&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwii-4CEzIP6AhXXAzQIHaf2AsQQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1680&bih=897&dpr=1 If so, what's your thoughts? Worth it or junk? Would they last for a street rider? Or should I just stick to the stock OEM blocks and be diligent in measurements whenever replacing and adjusting chains, tires, etc.? Wanted the Lightech Chain Adjusters, but they've discontinued them and impossible to find them for sale anywhere these days. Day late and a dollar short...my life story. 😞 However, I've found someone or at least I believe they still sell the Gilles version for my year/make/model bike for the moment. Thanks for your time and feedback. Take care.
Labor Day Sale...Price Drop... $65 + shipping or local pickup.
Good day everyone. Hope all are well. Getting in some riding before that ugly season we all dread shows up...winter. Been meaning to post this up for sale for a while now, just never could find the time to take pics and post until now. I have a Cardo Systems SmartH unit that was part of a Duo pack that a buddy of mine went in on halves a couple years ago. Sadly, I've probably only used it maybe 3 times. It works great, nothing wrong with it. It fully charges and lasts as advertised. It's up to firmware v.4.2 on purpose so it supports up to 15 DMC Mesh just like the PackTalk Bold and PackTalk Slim. In fact, this SmartH is the predecessor of the PackTalk Slim and operations the same with one exception...the SmartH doesn't include the JBL speakers. However, you could purchase the JBL speakers separately and basically have a PackTalk Slim for a fraction of the cost. NOTE: Cardo states it works with specific helmets based on how the battery unit that attaches to the back of the helmet fits, but it other helmets may fit it with a little creativity or just trying since Cardo hasn't tested all helmets on the market. Also, if the PackTalk Slim fits your helmet then this SmartH unit will fit as they're identically the same units. https://www.cardosystems.com/support/smarth/ https://www.cardosystems.com/packtalkslim-compatible/ This unit will come with everything shown in these pictures. Again, the reason I'm selling it is I just don't use it and figured instead of it collecting dust, it should go to someone that will actually use it and enjoy it. I'm asking $75 + shipping. If you're local, I could meet up to make the exchange saving you the shipping costs. If interested hit me up via PM. Thanks. Keep the shining side up.
Yeah, I mowed yesterday and wondered why I thought it was a good idea to mow that day. I probably sound ancient,, but wow, that's some miles on a sportbike. Of course, I have a bad back. So, I am done after 150 - 200 miles. Good thing I don't have to travel far to get to the good twisties in Southern Ohio. What exhaust you have? It kinda looks like my KR Tuned slip-on.