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Posts posted by ShankroidBeast

  1. :rant:

    That's it!!!! Seeing the government cut this year in just numbers (oh and what kind of bike THAT could have bought me...turbo hayabusa for sure) was unbelievable. My HARD earned money spent on people that take handouts when I have never taken a handout in my friggin' life (and believe me in my younger years I ate Romain noodles to live at times) makes me sick. I'm joining the frigging' Tea Party and killing a deer or two. That reminds me I need to buy some GUNS!!!

  2. Everyone I know likes to wave at my ballz.

    we all do.... EXPECILLY after they catch on fire! Waving is a good way to cool them off, whatever you do don't try to ice them right away, swollen areas in you neither regions can be a good thing ;)

  3. The Harley guys don't wave to me because I'm all decked out in my safety gear, with a helmet on, riding a metric cruiser.

    The sport bike guys don't wave because they are too frickin cool to wave to a cruiser.

    My new rule, I ain't waving no more. I hate everyone! :bigfinger:

    LOL! :D

    I always liked the whole waving thing and I'll tell you why. When you wave you are indicating that you are part of a some kind of brotherhood. Believe me ALL the cars around you see when two bikes pass each other and they both wave. It's an impact. And they are secretly jealous that they don't "belong" to a kinship.

    How often do you see people waving to each other in cars? (rural West Virginia being the ONLY exception to this rule) The only way you are going to wave from car to car if if you BOTH are driving something very cool and very exotic.

    I like the wave. We riders are a unique breed and have a lot in common. I will always wave at you no matter what I ride or what you ride, its the fact THAT we ride is what binds us ;)

  4. I think this is the best thread idea I've ever heard of. If it takes off...people can do a search and get the nitty gritty on their possible future obsession with an HONEST assessment of the bike :)

    I do want to be intelligent here and do a full review of my recently acquired gsxr. But I'm almost 43 years old and been riding bikes off and on since the age of 16 and this is my first sportbike. So 10k RPM to me is like a 12 year old boy seeing his first Playboy.

    Not a damn thing bad about it and I make excuses to ride it every chance I get. YES. I am in love.....

  5. Man my old VX-800 had a center stand. Loved it for the garage but I do feel that boy's pain (and embarrassment)

    I'm not entirely uncoordinated, yet even putting my gixxer on a rear stand by myself is a somewhat risky maneuver for me, but in my defense I'm a certified retard (or so my ex wife's court paper's say..and she did present A LOT of evidence to the court)

    Ever seen the Goldwing's auto center stand or whatever the F it's called? Cool shit.

  6. I love my 3/4 gloves. I wear mechanix gloves if it gets chilly and I'd love to pick up a nice pair of semi gauntlets on the cooler days.

    I will admit with all the ventilation zippers open on my jacket I find it keeps me cooler than tshirt only... that's kind of nice

    This thread should be sticked and retitled "how NOT to be a squid...and live to tell about it."

    I love my mechanic's gloves and I'll ride with them in the summer. Excellent FEEL with them and reinforced in a few areas. I can unstrap my helmet with them on, not a feat I'm able to do with any other gloves. But then again I have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time since the ball accident.

  7. Three guys go out one night to an open bar party. they decide to out drink each other.

    Two days later when they are able to move they get together to discuss the nights events.

    First guy says: last thing I remember we at the party and then I woke up with a tooth missing duck taped to a tree upside down outside a fraternity house.

    Second guy says: glad you got off easy. I woke up naked on the side of the street with a new tattoo on my ass and some dudes taking video of me and uploading it to youtube!!!

    Third guy says: Got you all beat, and unfortunately I remember everything. I went home and blew chunks all night!!!

    Other guys give him an are your fucking kidding me look....

    Third guy says: You don't understand.....Chunks is my dog.

  8. And I saw The Who in Cleveland years back in a baseball stadium. WORST concert I have ever been to. Sound was horrible, and it echoed off the grandstands, and Pete in all of his infinite wisdom decided to do the entire set with an acoustic guitar.

    Sir I don't mean to sound rash, but I fart in your general direction!

  9. Petaphile? WTF? Do you mean pedophile?

    Anyway, welcome to 2003. Nice op-ed piece you posted - been taking lessons from Jrmiii or something?

    Doesn't seem like any of it stuck. Unless I had a stroke, I'm pretty sure they were the half time act at the Super Bowl last year.

    Research it dude he was arrested for child porn. He bought his way out of it. ANY guy that has 10,000 images of young boys in child porn on his computer is a fucking pedophile (sorry for the misspelling I blame that on spellcheck)

    And I respect Jrmiii so that was not an insult.

  10. I've watched every one of this guys youtube videos he is amazing.

    The best guitar player to ever live is Randy Rhodes. No contest. Zakk Wylde has huge natural talent and can play amazing even when wasted, Buckethead has amazing technical skill, Eddie Van Halen was an innovator, and David Gilmore was smooth as glass.

  11. Even though he comes off as a pantie waste, you got to hand it to him. Anyone who has the balls to ride a bike in New York City has at least a little of my respect. 12,000 cabs in one city and not one of those fuckers know how to drive. I was there for a week last summer and there is no way I would drive on those streets with those asswipes :)

  12. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. That toll worker sounds like a real prize.

    I really like the fact that you are following through and presenting this information to the powers that be. So many people would go through something like that and let it go and not to report it. So the same thing can happen to some other poor unsuspecting sap. Hope you get the satisfaction you deserve from this :)

  13. I've told a lot of stories over the years about how I lost my ball. Truth is, when I was 11 yeas old I was riding down the only hill in the area on BMX bikes with my friend. I was going a good 20mph when an old lady opened the car door right in front of me. The VERY sharp gooseneck on my Huffy ripped my ballsack open and lots of pain and mayhem ensued.

    So yeah I tell a different story every time I explain it. My favorite is when I was working on a manoyane farm when one day the pitchfork glanced off.......

  14. Come on that was a long time ago. I've fathered a child since then. Yes I do have one ball. I would be very happy to prove that to your GF or your Ball and chain ;)

    It's really funny when I have to have physical I never say anything about it. Strange how the doctor's head cocks to the side when he checks me for a hernia....his eyes say...WTF.....LOL

  15. Okay. Sorry to pull this, we have a lot of qualified people here....

    but.....moments after my welding accident I was barely able to put out the pubic hair fire, when in the process my moisture laden underwear (soaked from a failed bellybutton shot of 151 earlier in the evening) set my nether regions ablaze and in the process was able to save my right ball by pouring my beer on it (i drink beer fast and only had enough left to save one I'm afraid)

    so take it from a real man with only one ball. You can trust me....even when I lie ;)

  16. I've gone through paramedic training, been a lifeguard, was able to save an 8 year old from drowning in a pool, work for a hospitals and doctors offices for the past 15 years, spent 2 years in an ER while going to school (so I've seen everything no matter how embarrassing) and I also even made the mistake of marring a nurse.

    So if you have a question I'll be haapy to lie to you and make you feel better ;)

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