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Posts posted by ShankroidBeast

  1. Welcome!!

    P.S. As far as the warning about JRMMiii goes, sure he is mean, nasty, unwholesome, rotten (there is even a rumor that he has eaten a baby or two) Just don't say anything ignorant or even look at him wrong because if you do he will reach down your throat and pull out your spine. That being said he is a nice guy ;)

  2. Awww man, I shot Marvin in the face!

    Ha ha!!

    I'm a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker!!!

    My advice is part out the Mustang. There is a big market for those parts on eBay, just strip it down and you would be surprised what you can get for some of those parts. Sure that will take work and be a pain in the ass, but with no insurance you dug the hole yourself.

  3. Yeah after watching it, I thought he was a bit of a douche bag for not giving them a picture when he came back to pick up his girlfriend. But then again he is "annoyed" by them enough I guess he thought they "owed" it to him.

    AND if I had his money I'd be riding around in a Dodge Tomahawk. You can jump that with a car easy enough ;)

  4. I waved to someone yesterday and they didn't wave back.... I cried a little inside.

    On a two lane road I wave at everyone with the left hand down wave, or a noticeable nod if my hands are busy.

    I indicate EVERY (wave...communication...what-have-you) on two lane roads. I've noticed almost 100% of the time the ones who see you and don"t respond...... is some overweight asshole with no gear on a Harley.

    Just saying. 99% of the Harley riders when it comes to manners and riding etiquette think being rude is cool. Yeah you are a bald headed fat piece of shit. You are so cool.

    When you weigh 300lbs you either ride a Goldwing or a Harley. Truth.

  5. Okay. My ugly ass has something to say.

    if you were on a reality game show and one of your tasks was to get pushed out of a moving vehicle on to any given asphalt road in your neihborhood at 30mph how would you prepair for that? would you do it in shorts" tee shirt? NAHHHH....

    you would gear up wouldn't you? Hell you would go over board. Stuff an over sized leather jacket with foam, elbow pads. hockey gear, and make sure not a single part of you is oncovered RIGHT?

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it :)

  6. Okay here is a thought. You know all the people in your life that give you a hard time about riding?????

    Tell them you want to be safer but gear costs money. Then ask them just how much they care about you and if something were to happen how much is your life worth to them?

    Sometimes a guilt trip can go a long way when you want someone else to pay for what would normally come out of your own pocket :)

    And yes, I've done it and NO I'm not ashamed.

  7. I can't stand to not wear gloves, it feels really awkward and less comfortable actually.

    I need to get a pair of pants. If I am actually going on a ride and not just to work I have a pair of dickies I'll wear, they are the strongest I have.

    This is the way I see it. I wear all my gear for a possible low speed crash (OR THE CRASH YOU MIGHT HAVE JUST RIDING AROUND THE BLOCK OR A JAUNT A FEW MILES FROM YOUR PLACE - sorry didn't mean to shout). Taking a turn with sand or gravel, oil patch on an on-ramp, lowsliding, or the "fender bender" (which of course 3500+ pounds vs 700-900lbs is never a favorable physics match). If it helps me avoid the reaper in a high speed crash more power to me, but I wouldn't count on it.

    Ever hear the philosophy that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? Look at it this way. EVEN if you have the BEST medical insurance you will still pay 15-20% of medical bills. An average 20mph road rash (with no gear) and its related injuries can run 100k and go up from there depending on hospital stay and such. I've seen people with gear literally avoid $10,000 in hospital costs from their own pocket by wearing their gear. I work for Mount Carmel Hospitals so not all of this was pulled directly from my ass :D

  8. i slack off when it comes to pants...always wear leg protection, but never my actual riding pants....not really sure of the point sometimes, the thin sweats or old navy brand jeans dont seem like they would hold up AT ALL in an accident, rather be in shorts since they will do me just as well....havent ridden in shorts though, and i need to start wearing my riding pants...theyre just so damn bulky lol

    I feel a little self conscious about wearing leather pants if I'm heading somewhere. But you do have a choice if you want to look normal. Check these jeans out at the Iron Pony. I have a pair and I'm getting another in the darker shade. They have heavy denim and Kevlar panels sewn to the inside. Plus they look good. IP has them for $100 now but you can find them online for about $85 shipped (no tax). If (and I hope you never do) go down, it will be the BEST money you ever spent and they look great.

    BTW the motocross knee and shin armor fit very nicely underneath them.

  9. I worked in a hospital ER for two years while going to school. All these guys would have to do is go to a busy ER on a beautiful day like today and they will see what road rash really looks like. I've seen fingers ground completely away, and while they clean it to get all the asphalt out, the sound of their gut wrenching screams raise the hairs on your neck.

    I wear an armored leather jacket, spine protector, full face, gloves, boots, cycle jeans or leathers and knee shin pads EVERY time I ride. WEAR YOUR GEAR PEOPLE, pain REALLY sucks!!!

  10. here is my opinion because i know IP loves them:

    you need to buy the chain and sprocket as a package unit. you buy a new chain with old sprockets and the chain will wear faster, or visa versa with new sprockets.

    That's good advice and yep, I'm replacing it all with a "kit". The bike has nearly 18k on it and it was not well maintained I'm afraid, so I little peace of mind and with some help from new gearing the bike will be even more fun than it already is!!!!

  11. Ok the 520 chain is strong enough for rossi so strength is not an issue. Its for weight! The 520 chain is thinner and lighter and depending on model has better "o-rings" or x-rings or some kind of better sealing ring. The most common GEAR change would be to go-1 in the front and +2 in the rear. It is DEFF the best bang for the buck power and feel wise. Remember this gear change will make ur spedo even more wrong and your top speed will be cut down. Its perfect for almost any streetbike to go -1+2.

    Thank you!!! This is the exact answer I was looking for. A 520 and -1 in front and +2 in the back is what I'm getting. I'm not concerned about top speed, my balls turn to the size of raisins even approaching 100, so if it goes 140 instead of 150 I would never know nor care. As far as my spedo, I'll use a GPS and mark my tach in increments. That way I only have to look at one gauge :D

  12. Yeah... you're a little confused. 520' date=' 525 and 530 aren't gear ratios. They are chain pitch sizes.

    My opinion isn't necessary, because we'll have enough of that in this thread in no time.[/quote']

    But the conversion does change the final ratio on the bike which what my question pertained to I was confused by the jargon on the sites. I wouldn't be converting if it was the stock ratio. I guess I should be asking how many down in front up in back would be a better ratio than stock but not too aggressive it It can go 17/46 on the very extreme end it appears.

  13. I'm going to do a conversion on my 00 GSX-R600 and was wondering what if any real difference it can make or effect the bike either way between the 520 and 525 kits?

    I have a Mustang GT and went from 3.27 gears to 4.10 and dollar for dollar that was hands down the best mod I did even though it killed about 2mpg on the highway :(

    So any reason to get one over the other? And those who did it, is there a noticeable difference after the conversion? It would be nice to hit the powerband a little sooner :p

  14. Lane splitting should be legal everywhere.

    Want to see some REAL lane splitting? Go to SE Asia. I was in Bangkok and at every stop light it looked like a swarm of little bikes filtering through all the cars, and they all line up up front and they take off at the green light. Dozens of them. It's something to see. Because big cc bikes are incredibly expensive to insure you should see all the 125/250cc sportbikes over there. They trick those things out like you wouldn't believe. The two strokes sounds like angry bees on steroids and look surprisingly fast.

    As a footnote, Thailand ALSO has a very high two wheeled mortality rate.

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