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Posts posted by alienpi

  1. However,

    This!!! ^ If you have the extra time.....OMG too much fun!!! :D

    Normally I would feel bad about making little girls cry. (okay not really :p)

    When some asshat pulls out in front of you and then they spend about 25 minutes driving in one big circle and the little girls in the back keep turning around in the seat and start crying.....awesome!

    Reminds me of the Jack Vale Paranoid clips.


  2. Nice, I love the deck and the pad in the back.

    But why must guys always think about shooting animals? Why not enjoy the beautiful wild life by looking at it as it is so close to the house?

    Sad, b/c it ain't hunting. :cry:

    :skunk-1.gif + cage: :D

    Congratulations on the new house!

  3. I think around 5 years is the point of burn out. I'd just get a temporary job somewhere else for a while, while retaining your current job. I bet you'll find that with a little change the burnt out feeling will go away.

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