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Everything posted by alienpi

  1. At first glance it kinda looked like a modernized Stingray to me.
  2. If they didn't publicly announce it beforehand it'd definitely be illegal. There's a few apps to help the people avoid these checkpoints and such; Buzzin and Trapster are nice. I think I'm going to try out Trapster.
  3. According to the Mercedes website its MSRP is $183,000.
  4. Dog spinning looks like fun. I bet someone just wanted to do it, so they told people that it prevents rabies. I heard that cat spinning helps moderate their blood pressure, and makes them more friendly.
  5. I've heard rumors of beet juice. I'm guessing Schrute Farms is getting rich from this.
  6. It'd be nice to get a little 150cc scooter to roll around there.
  7. that attracted beautiful
  8. I wonder if a preorder of 300 dozen per year, dozen/day @ 6 days a week, would be eligible?
  9. The government has figured this out. They need to devalue the dollar to the point where the debt is practically nothing, through hyper-inflation. This is why gold prices are becoming astronomical. It's not so much that gold has gone up as our money is worth less. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi5hmwQJ9YU
  10. I saw at least 5 bikes this morning on my 5-minute Krispy Kreme run.
  11. The other day I had to pass my turn because I could see the guy in my mirrors eating french fries and looking down when I put my turn signal on. I started to slow down and he almost rear ended me, so I just punched the throttle and turned around at the next opportunity.
  12. This is tempting, I used to program the hell out my TI-83. Could "check" my homework quick when all the formulas were programmed. :-)
  13. I hope he is back ridin b4 the nice weather arrives. I'm not sure if it's due to the cold or debris, but I've had a lot of squirrelly moments in my car lately. It seems there's a lot of traction fluctuations on roads lately, especially in the cold mornings.
  14. Happy day! I think I need some pizza now.
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