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Everything posted by alienpi

  1. I'm guessing there'll be an OhioRiders section on youporn.com by the end of this year?
  2. i'm not saying I don't think we need security, i'm just commenting on the evidence that shows our government is complicit in attacks such as 9/11 (see 911 truthers) and the underwear bomber. in the underwear bomber's case the patsy was escorted past security. In the case of 911, where is all the explosive residue coming from that all the engineers are identifying as unmistakeably residue from a demolition. It seems as though the government never wastes a crisis, and when it needs one it'll make it happen.
  3. It's been shown that Osama is funded by our government. One of the ways for our government to get power is by offering safety from these terrorists that they created to run these false flag attacks, that enable them to push their police state agenda.
  4. Probably get a reality show or something out of the publicity?
  5. If I were a terrorist, based on these recent reactionary approaches, I would propose that a certain type of scanner should be added to support air port security. Then after talks are initiated I would work with the CIA on a "training exercise" that tests airport security. And then after the patsy in the exercise hurts himself, and causes fear, I'd increase the price of the scanners and suggest they be used everywhere, despite the health risks. Then I could make a ton of cash and decrease the population slowly by inducing cancer.
  6. TSA is out of control. I'm glad some people can put them in their place. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXbCwlldqxI&feature=player_embedded
  7. Just put it inside one of those bouncy things that the kids jump around in, then the kid could be caught by the nets and it could be sprayed out and ready for the next mother.
  8. full of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW5_4gZ0Jn4
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iul4SBlHIf8&feature=related
  10. iPhones have been around for almost 4 years, so they may have had them for a while before they lost their jobs. Concerning the birth control: Our government authorized forced sterilizations, to weed out the undesirables, many decades before Hitler; actually our system was his inspiration. Margarate Sanger was advocating eugenics in the 1930s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Sanger If birth control and drug tests are madated to receive government assistance, what's next? During the H1N1 scandal some places were trying to mandate vaccinations. I'm guessing instead of forced sterilization maybe they could just tap into the water supply that leads to government housing and put something in the water to sterilize them. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7547385139152764985&hl=en# (http://www.fluoridealert.org/ related video) Then again why not just "help" everyone by putting other medications in the water supply for everyone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmBnaJIQdUw (The interesting part is in the last minute of the vid.) The great part of statins is that they cause memory loss and cognitive side effects, which would be perfect to get people to forget about all the problems with the government. Oops I forgot to vote, must be the water. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P042ShLphW8
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv_f-8pt9wE&feature=related
  12. Ah yes, the joy of riding around in a stretcher while watching a house fire.
  13. He needs to move up to bullet trains instead of the normal slow trains.
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