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Everything posted by CoolWhip

  1. I'm doing well for the most part. I'm down because of the inexplicable drop of LULU...
  2. I just wanted to quote these so next time Exarch tries to say that he doesn't resort to name calling or making assumptions about people he doesn't know...
  3. One of the reasons I chose to live in the apartment that I live in was the quiet. I really enjoy my peace. I used to get so annoyed with my roommates playing loud music. I feel for you, Swing'r.
  4. Can someone explain to me how LULU beats all earnings estimates, gets upgraded to a resounding "BUY," increases its EPS, gets a target set at almost $90 per share, and then drops $7 bucks a share??? People are crazy...
  5. I haz a sad that I can't go I started physical therapy today with Sturg's woman (She's a cutie )
  6. I will take schfifty-five please
  7. It says the site is under maintenance. I can't see my stocks, but I did OK according to Google Finance.
  8. She wants to wait until we get our new furniture. I shall relinquish my dibs.
  9. We are all limiting this to three stocks right?
  10. The markets are rallying today, most people with halfway decent picks should be up. I am afraid it will be a short term rally though.
  11. I'm calling dibs for now. I sent the info to my woman will let you know what she says
  12. As am I, but on Google.
  13. I don't have kids, so I don't think I am fit to give advice on this situation.
  14. :welcome: I'm wondering who this "real nice guy" is you speak of. I don't think he was from this forum
  15. I'm hoping to make it to this. I start physical therapy on my knee on Thursday. Hopefully I will be up for a 3+ hour ride in a little over a week
  16. Nevermind, I'm out. My guest will be here at 11am.
  17. I'd prefer an 11ish start, but I'd be down for some twisties. I have a guest visiting, but as soon as I find out what time she will be arriving I will know if I can come. Let me know what route you are thinking. Since I can't go to the Gap maybe my knee will let me do a shorter ride around OH.
  18. If you need an example, look no further than this thread title.
  19. Until you can use proper grammar and punctuation, please do not correct others.
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