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Everything posted by Monstrosity

  1. This = major fail that sucks. Last year around this time I burnt my leg riding a 2smoker with shorts on.
  2. I thought only a shop could do that? I'll make a few calls and see if I can come up with something.
  3. I may have to get one of these. I never lost my wallet riding but cell phone, keys, work badge all have bit the dust.
  4. Dude I'd love to post everything about her. Name, number, pics, I just cant at this point. I'm hopping he can win his kid back. My gf and I would adopt her daughter if we could.
  5. It is what it is. I woulda never kept the skanky tramp around. Poor judgement on my buddies part. Hard lesson learned I guess. If she wouldve ran off and no children were involved this would be a whole different story. I'd tell him thats what you get and probabbly make fun of him (after a few weeks).
  6. Better to ask for foregiveness then beg for permission.
  7. I'd better not. I shouldnt have posted what I did but I'm drunk and cant sleep.
  8. Alright hell with it... I went to bed pissed about it and am still pissed about it. I'm going to clean it up a bit and take out a lot of the detail from the original. Longggg story short... A good friend of mine has been with this former stripper for 3 years. She has a 3 year old from another guy and they have a 1 year old. She hasnt worked since they got together. My buddy paid for everything. Last Thursday she turned up missing. Due to no help from the Akron PD my buddies and I took matters into our own hands and found her. She took the kids and ran off to FL to be with some guy she met off Face Book. She covered a lot of her tracks but not all of them... Her dad who she was currently living with until my buddy and her got a place together. Called the car in stolen. They got the car but did not get her... My buddies in shock over all this. They were fine last Wednesday night while she was at his place. Then poof gone... It turns out she stole $600 bucks from his house. This is what she used to get down to FL She took none of her personal belongings, nor any of her childrens. My better half and I would watch the kids and she was constantly buying toys/cloths/misc for the kids. A custody battle is about to start and I dont think she knows it. Granted I have a feeling shes going to try and continue to run. Moral to the story "dont try to make a whore a housewife". I dont have any pics, when this is done if he has any "good pics" I'll get them and throw them everywhere.
  9. That does have a wet clutch correct? If it has a wet clutch then just make sure the oil says "Wet Clutch Compatible". I always ran either the factory spec oil or Royal Purple Max Cycle. As far as filter I love K&N due to they have a 13mm nut on the end.
  10. Overly generous, I would never pay retail from a private owner. If that bike was mint and I really wanted it 3500 at best. That means everything is tip top, never dropped, all stock, with like new Pilot Powers. But more than likely 2800 to 3. I think I'll call him tomorrow and offer him 2K.
  11. Couldnt have said it better myself. I was even generous with the Retail cost.
  12. Monstrosity


    http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcd/2404695263.html I guess he didnt use KBB or NADA... http://www.kbb.com/motorcycle/retail/2003/suzuki/gsx_r750/79273/
  13. Damn OP that sucks! We used to ride a lot in Akron and I had some weird incidents happen. Best one was when two young girls in a Neon merged into me. They were clearly not paying attention and as they just grazed me I kicked the neons door as hard as I could and from what other riders told me it creased the whole door in. I was on my gixxer K so I took off like a bat outta hell. Marbles were what we would use. They were cheap, lightweight, and for most of the modern cars with thin metal would do damage.
  14. Exactly, Unibody cars may twist, or crease in weird areas when wrecked. Look this thing over top to bottom. I'm assuming your paying cash or getting a personnel loan? I dont think the banks would give a regular car loan on a salvage/salvage rebuilt.
  15. I almost stuck up for him the first time it was posted hes like "That Dude" glad I didnt.
  16. I didnt bother reading past the 5th post. I however have avoided picking on Ringo due to the fact he's young and immature. This post gets to me... Dont get an animal if you cant take care of it, period.
  17. Thank you, I love guns! Its kinda shocked me that the people actually bitched... Then again some gearheads just need something to bitch about...
  18. Great points guys thanks for the response.
  19. - doesn't matter, people will feel the way they feel in the presence of someone different......not much guys like us can do, no matter how friendly or unfriendly we appear -- but at work, we CAN take steps to encourage approachability I understand where your coming from. I have a shaved head and used to have facial hair. After a few complaints that I was unfriendly I shaved it. Needless to say I havent had a complaint since.
  20. Sorry if I was confusing, the guy carrying was not at work. Where I work is very conservative.
  21. Last week while at work one of my salesmen was helping a customer pick out parts to rebuild his motor. I walked by and saw his Glock holstered on the side of his belt (reminded me of the wild west). He had a sleeveless shirt and displayed on one arm a tattoo that must have started at his shoulder and stopped at his wrist. A few customers complained that he made them feel uncomfortable. I told them I'm sorry but we dont stop customers from carrying. I'll admit the guy looked like a real hardass and his look encourage trouble in my eyes. The part that got me the was he had two young boys I'm guessing to be early teens. I'm all for the right to carry but he wasnt John Wayne and this isint the Wild West... Your thoughts?
  22. That just bugs the shit out of me... My dad is looking at a touring bike to his stable. Concourse, FJR or the ST1300. Anyways a salesman at a dealership was saying that one of the bikes side luggage bags wouldnt hold a helmet. My dad and I looked at each other and said shouldnt you be wearing the helmet??? The salesman (early 20's) replies "well if its a hot day and your cruising around you may not want to". I just rolled my eyes and walked away.
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