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Everything posted by Monstrosity

  1. 04/05 GSXR 6/750 tail on a 03 GSXR 6? I think the subframes are the same but was wondering if anyone was sure.
  2. :eek: You've had some bad luck lately...
  3. No problem. Are you close to Jegs? You could go in and tell them that Summit is offering 10% I almost guarantee they will do the same. Also Tire Rack blows away almost everyone else away on price...
  4. I cant remember what Mastercrafts I'm running but love them on my truck. They are great all season tires and hold up well. I work for Summit Racing and not this weekend but the following weekend the retail store is having 10% off. We dont stock a ton of tires for trucks so chances are they will be special order. We also price match but cant combine the 10% with a price match.
  5. I dont think he was bashing them. I look at is as the oath they took when being sworn in. I never blamed the men and women who stood by the shore side. It just sickens me that people had to sit and watch. I do agree it would be tuff to rescue someone in water. Years back another guy and myself had to pull a drunk out of a hot tub after he passed out. That was tough enough (granted we were all loaded).
  6. I've never torn apart a bike that old. I'm guessing some wrenches and sockets (metric). I love my 4 inch grinder, torches, and sledge hammer but usually dont use any of those on a bike. These are the best screw drivers I"ve ever used! http://www.summitracing.com/parts/CNL-SD-7CB/
  7. I'm no cop but I love donuts and coffee!
  8. That jackass is lucky he didnt get hurt.
  9. That was a great race! Of all the racing I've watched within the past year that was my favorite. Too bad the rookie blew the last turn.
  10. I had one on a 636 and I busted my junk on the tank every time I rode it. I noticed I was constantly squeezing the tank with my legs to prevent this. I thought it was just due to the seating position and the angle of the seat.
  11. Yeah I've got to agree with you. Last year a lifetime friend of my fathers stopped by his house while I was there. The 3 of us talked cars, bikes, and laughed about shit. Two days later he was found dead in his garage from carbon monoxide poisoning. I never like hearing about suicide.
  12. Dont you have to tape off your speedo for the novice class?
  13. When you just vanish and the day prior everything was ok (the money hadnt been discovered missing till Sat) people tend to worry. Her father, friends, etc. She told no one. Then on top of that your kid has your last name and your name is on the birth certificate you'd think you had some rights. Little did we know...
  14. Thats bad ass! I'd like to see the movie now.
  15. Perspectives may very. If I had your morning I would look at is funny and not a bad decision. If it werent for his kid I'd give him a week or so to sulk and then rag on him till he'd probably want to punch me. Only point Im trying to make its always easier for someone else to say what should be done or that they would never be in that situation. Prime example was during 911. I heard people constantly say "no way I wouldve let those planes crash into the towers, I would take some stitches over letting that happen". Very easy for people to say that werent on those planes. Back on point sure its easy for me to say I'd never let that happen. Exactly, shes turned out to be more of a loose cannon than anyone thought. Hans is a great guy. I let him use 2 of my bikes to r&d pipes for.
  16. I take it you've never made a bad decision or let pussy cloud your judgment?
  17. http://www.hmfracing.com/ This is where I got most of my exhausts.
  18. I just threw up in my mouth! I left HMF a few years back and stopped at some hole. One decent blond if your drunk and the rest were grizzlesloughts.
  19. This is my favorite color scheme on a GSXR.
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