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Everything posted by Monstrosity

  1. http://www.funtrivia.com/playquiz/quiz2798382009b18.html I hope this isint a repost. I only missed one (number 5). Not a very tuff quiz but I thought it was fun.
  2. I did good all in all but I work with this shit almost every day. I got a little confused with the Buick, Olds, Pontiac stuff.
  3. Its been shut down! Chubby couldnt afford to pay for the site last I was told.
  4. Hmmm... Interesting way to put it. I'll have to remember that one.
  5. Hey I'll second that! When I was single as long as she wasnt a grizzlesloth, had all her teeth, then why not for a night. A few of my other buddies had no standards... The best ever was my buddy hooked up with this fat black chick with a shaved head. His brother nailed some 300 lb troll the same night. After that we would all say "never go out hogin it with those two, they will win!"
  6. .. I voted for hookers and blow! I'd like to go but everyone I know that went said the same thing, too much $$$
  7. Lol, some of these kill me I'd give you some advice but I'm off the hook this year. Last night my gf asked if was going to buy her anything... I didnt know how to respond so waited for her. She said lets save the money since were buying a house and lets go out to eat Tuesday instead of Monday. She stated she hates crowds and long waits!
  8. I used to drink a lot... My name is Montie and they would either call me Monstrosity or the Monster when I was out getting loaded.
  9. Great flick, "now were's the fuckin Twinkies"
  10. OMG, who puts rims on a Lambo??? Those things are bad ass enough stock. What a jerk...
  11. I semi understand that. I'm sure it helps with quick change and everyone's drawer should be dead on. However I'm just old school when it comes to money. Plus your just swinging a door wide open for people to bitch and make a big deal over the policy. Then they will demand money off or a gift card or something for compensation.
  12. lbts! But hell I'd still ride it!
  13. My sister wants to go to film school so she bought one and has made a few movies (no porn). Other than that purpose I dont see why someone would want to spend the money for one... They lost me when they had a new product out a year or so back and wouldnt accept cash, you had to pay by card. When in business you accept any form of payment. Just my .02 ***edit*** didnt realize this thread was so long. Guess I've missed a few posts, lol. Damn nyquil!
  14. My buddy Kyle will be the first in line to see this!
  15. Busas are considered "sport tour" with that said they are more comfy and can be ridden longer. In reguards to the white one just check it out. Tell the guy you want to run a compression check (those numbers dont lie). Look it over real well. I wouldnt be scared of that millage on a Busa especailly if its been street ridden. Nice thing is with bikes/bikers most guys love to brag. If they were drag racers, knee dragers, stunters, etc they are likely to let you know if you ask the right questions. If your still debating on the Busa or the 1K, the Busa is less radical. I'm not saying its slow or for beginers but the 1000's dont weigh anything, are more violent, and are not comfortable. For what your looking to do stick with the Busa and dont ride over your comfort zone.
  16. Anyone? Build a trophy with them, make a custom exhaust for your Cavalier, shoot them, cut them up, try to sell them on craigslist.
  17. Stock slip ons in good condition. 07 CBR600RR with heat shields (from the bike in my avatar) 05 R6 Price $0.00 you just have to come and get them. Both fit other years. I live in Kent and work in Tallmade right off I-76. If your interested shoot me a pm.
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