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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Wow, did not see this coming from him...
  2. Keep chugging the kool-aid that the GOP is doing the wrong thing... http://news.yahoo.com/disastrous-obamacare-exchanges-just-tip-iceberg-060600225.html http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/10/14/obamacares-website-is-crashing-because-it-doesnt-want-you-to-know-health-plans-true-costs/
  3. What's the SFI number and expiration date. I need a jacket to be legal next year.
  4. No, THE TREND IN AMERICA IS WE EAT LIKE SHIT, DON'T EXERCISE, AND DON'T TAKE CARE OF OUR BODIES. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HEALTHCARE. Is that clear enough? Do you need a graph of a fatty on jazzy chair eating deep fried cookies and watching Tru-TV to make this more clear? I can't debate this anymore, your stupid wins...
  5. You do realize it has less to deal with healthcare and more with life style when it comes to life expectancy right? But don't let the facts get in the way of a great story...
  6. :dumb: That graph is missing a little info and is skewed just a bit, but if it makes you feel better...
  7. Interesting graph, missing information, but interesting none the less.
  8. See below, there is not cure for stupid.... Out .gov loves to throw money at all the wrong problems in all the wrong ways. Besides, the problem really starts at home with the family and goes up from there. But why fix the issue the right way?
  9. But we will have healthcare for all :fuckyeah:
  10. Interesting read from another site. I did not get a chace to full fact check it. First, Republicans went for a complete repeal of ObamaCare. When that was met with Democrat resistance, they offered 4 compromises that were also met with resistance by Senate Democrats:Compromise 1- One year delay to review the law that was passed UNREAD - Shut down by Democrats in the Senate.Compromise 2- Give individuals the same Equal relief that the POTUS gave to Big Business - Shut down by Democrats in the Senate.Compromise 3- Repeal the Medical Device Tax, which BTW had bipartisan support - Shut down by Democrats in the Senate.Compromise 4- Negotiate a "Compromise" in Conference Committee WITH SENATE DEMOCRATS - Shut down by Democrats in the Senate. So, since the Senate Democrats decided to shut down the Govt., House Republicans decided that it would be a good idea to keep some things going. So, since the shutdown started, they passed bills to: 1. Pay the military .2. Fund lifesaving research .3. Open National Parks so that Americanscan enjoy their beautiful country .4. Fund Nutritional Food Program for Low-Income Women and Children. 5. Keep critical veteran's services running .But, STILL, these bills are being blocked by Senate Democrats. The only thing that top Democrats like Reid Pelosi and Obama have to say is, "We won't negotiate." and "It's the Republican's fault."
  11. Yep, I agree. Let me tell you a story, that has nothing to do with a man named Brady, but has everything to do with why I hate the ACA. The issues this law is causing anger me, a bunch. I have one relative that is 100% screwed because of this law. Long story short his small business employer is cutting his hours and forcing him onto ACA. So he is now making less money, has to buy healthcare, and figure out how he is paying for school too. How is that a good thing? You are 100% right, there are some tricky areas that are hard to figure out. If you know there is someone abusing the system, why not do something about it? When I worked at a gas station in college and I saw people abusing their welfare cards I called that shit in. You want to pull a scam, fuck you I'm taking you down.
  12. At this point just let it go and pass. If I were a betting man I would put my chips on the "this is not going to end well" slot. Talk to those who are already feeling the effects of this. Less hours at work, forced to buy healthcare. What do you think the long term effects will be on the economy? Is that worth what this bill does? In my eyes, no, you are about to make a bad problem worse, and create more issues along the way. Hence why the .gov needs to keep out of this unless they have something better. Besides, its going to get passed. Years of shit fiscal policy and taking money from Uncle China and Aunt Japan are about to bite us. They are going to ask for their money back and I don't have the money,do you? http://finance.yahoo.com/news/big-creditors-china-japan-press-u-resolve-debt-121113714--business.html
  13. And just to be clear, I don't think its a bad thing to help others, or that people don't have a need for healthcare. What I do think is bad is how the ACA works. Its a bloated mess that reaches to far and does not do what it needs to do in a responsible way. We have some very smart people in this country (mind you, none of them were in on making this trash bill) that could come up with something better.
  14. But they get healthcare that YOU are paying for Again, liberals are ignoring the problem to come up with a solution, just like gun control and everything else....
  15. What's wrong with the ACA exchange? It does not work for many people, still. Your loved communist from Kenya and his friends had 3 years, 3 YEARS to get this right and could not do it. The ACA does force companies to take anybody, and it should have stopped there. You are so drunk on the Obama-aid you fail to see what is happening. The ACA is a patch that helps the minority and will hurt the majority. Its not that I don't want this to fail, its the fact its going to do more damage than good. Keep drinking the liberal-aid and get drunk off its ideas, because the hangover it could give us all is going to suck. Let me leave you with a quote from a friend who works for an insurance company that has a lot of skin in these exchanges. He is not sold on any of this even with the fact his company is going to make money.... "Even if you do not feel the premium pinch initially, you will as the subsidies start going away. If you think its good, I will leave you with this thought, 25-30 million newly insured and a dwindling pool of primary care physicians on a limited network. How long do you think the wait will be to get an appointment to see a decent doctor?"
  16. It's ok, if I had a nickel for every time somebody called me stupid I would be able to afford a Cougar. My ideas, logic, and viewpoints tend to be different that the liberal/conservative mindset because I think there are more than just 2 ways to do something. You want to fix the "healthcare crisis" in this country, you need to start at the root issue, not the end of the line. Why do we have this "crisis"? What can we do to fix that issue? It falls in the same vein as the whole gun control cluster fuck. Banning guns will help, but won't fix the issue. You have to fix the issues that CAUSE guns to be used as a violent tool. I just don't think the .gov needs to be sticking the cock in everything like a drunk dude at a hooker house.
  17. It’s ok, I’m used to your condescending tone towards those who do not share your view point. I can see where the current system is an issue, but as others have pointed out the prices in the current system seem a bit inflated by the providers for certain things. Why not have them “get real” with pricing? There has to be a better way than creating this giant entitlement program. Look at social security, how is this going to be any different when it comes to how its funded? I’m pretty sure I heard Obama and others refer to this as universal coverage, and free during the election. Unless I misheard, I am about half deaf these days anyway… I’m not ok with my current money going to dead weight, never have been, never will be. I’m not sticking my head in the sand as you seem to think, I know this system is wrong, but this stuff getting crammed down my throat is not the answer either. The best fix would be something that has a lot less political crap in it. I think the best solution should and would come from the private sector. Maybe I'm just to simple and don't see how having the .gov get involved in something that they are not good at will help. I suggested before, make it easier for insurance companies to sell across state lines (more options in the private market, less cost), but I guess the idea of free market options won't drive prices down? I always thought that when you had more options for a product it drove prices down. In the end nothing I think, say, or do will make a bit of difference. Somebody else came up with this idea and if it works or not will be on them. /rant I will now hang up and wait to be told how stupid I am yet again :lolguy:
  18. How is that any different than what people do right now? Is there some type of hard data that shows this will be an issue, or is this just a guess? I don't buy into the idea that we have to force everybody to get insurance or pay a fine. That is not what this country was founded on, if people want that Euro style of life, pack your shit up and go. I for one am tired of seeing my tax money go to dead weight. I have no problem helping those who want to pick themselves up by their boot straps.
  19. Option 3: Not let the .gov get mixed up in private enterprise in a way that adds more debt, layers of crap, and a system that will fall under it's own weight. Here, let me give you the first few steps to solve this problem. 1. Not allow insurance companies to deny people due to pre-existing conditions (really the only "law or mandate" we need. 2. Make it easier for insurance companies to sell across state lines (more options in the private market, less cost). 3. Put the screws to those who fraud the system (bet that saves a billion bucks)
  20. And then went to run a 13.XX :lolguy: The S2000, Megatech Rotary, Ecotec GXP, and 2JZ Nissian were impressive. Everything else was gross to watch run or stage. Did you see their live music truck? They had this truck that looked like it should have been selling tacos driving around the pits with a live band in it.
  21. That's what I was thinking. Guy had pretty much the same problem at the Shakedown this weekend, new solenoid and problem was fixed. Maybe check the wiring too and be sure nothing got pinched?
  22. Thanks! You know, I don't want to do it full time, but I have a good reason. A couple months ago I got some words of wisdom from someone when I was really kicking around trying to go full time into the media and writing stuff. He told me " If you really love this, don't do it for a living, you will start to hate it" It makes sense, because then I would be more worried about getting "the shot" to try and pay for my mortgage than just going out there and trying different things and having fun. I framed a few of those shots a certain way because I wanted the tree in the shot and get the tire wrinkle in there. No bad, I think he got beat in the second round, but that car fucking hauls ass and sounds nasty.
  23. Thanks! I'm just trying to learn how to take better shots.
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