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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Video from back in the day of full bush, leaded gas, and you could smoke anywhere you damn well wanted. Oh and people not wearing seatbelts then getting thrown from cars at high speeds. Note: Some of these are kind of tough to watch
  2. Yep, and its the Crazy Left and Crazy Right that cause the larger share of political/social issues we have. I have an ex-coworker that is one step beyond crazy left already blaming us "gun crazy hate monsters" of causing this. They don't even know who the fuck did this, yet blame is already being passed out.
  3. There is a difference between "too serious" and not having any class.
  4. Motive? People are fucking crazy. You can't pass laws to combat crazy, just have a plan in place when crazy happens, and have situational awareness. And of all places, Boston? Whoever did this better PRAY the cops or feds get them first, because the last thing I would want is a large amount of pissed off people from Boston looking for me. Boston Irish justice is a ball bat meeting with your lower back...
  5. There were a lot of people from my Boston office at the race and they are still trying to do a head count
  6. Media and the .gov is still trying to say it "might" have been a gas leak, yet they are telling people to stay away from trash cans and not to use cell phones :dumb:
  7. Video https://vine.co/v/bFdt5uwg6JZ
  8. Two of our sales people were running in the marathon and we have not heard they are ok yet...
  9. http://waggz.smugmug.com/Other/Cars-and-Coffee-2013/i-q5gQdbC/0/L/IMG_8860-L.jpg
  10. I plan on hitting some when I can. My I hope to get good enough this summer that people will want to buy some of my work.
  11. wagner

    I apologize

    Lucasville huh? I bet you know my dad Steve Wagner and his brothers Teddy, Bill, and Richard. Oh yeah, don't worry about the e-allstars around here and let your car do the talking.
  12. Had a blast today, lots of nice people, and got to check out an event type I have never been too. http://waggz.smugmug.com/Other/April-Drift-Event/i-JdnFNwh/0/L/IMG_8945-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Other/April-Drift-Event/i-SWsppLZ/0/L/IMG_9135-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Other/April-Drift-Event/i-4ThL9rs/0/L/IMG_9156-L.jpg
  13. added to the 2013 pics
  14. Time to take out more of the trash :fuckyeah:
  15. Man that sucks, they are still one hell of a band.
  16. You see, none of that matters because its more important to be a trollprick to someone because "thats how its been here". There really is zero rational reason to just put someone on blast as soon a they post and start the neg rep and goad them into an e-battle. If I had it my way there would be no oven at all.
  17. wagner

    Dear Clay

    I will get them up at some point, I am in a food coma from Der Dutchman lunch buffet. DAT FRIED CHICKEN
  18. wagner

    Dear Clay

    $2,0000 minimum for me to pull the car off the trailer and run. Besides, I got a race locked in with some fat guy in a white lambo with shitty lookin exhaust lined out for third quarter of 2014.
  19. wagner

    Dear Clay

    Upon further review I will triple post and post this video about mike tyson
  20. wagner

    Dear Clay

    On second thought, maybe I will just report the posts, or maybe complain that somebody who knows about cars and racing ACTUALLY made it onto columbus racing.
  21. wagner

    Dear Clay

    People made fun of me on the interwebz and disagreed with me, think I will start a kitchen thread about it. http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/208514-1/Restaurant-railing-spin.gif?
  22. Fucking Jonathan Winters is dead,
  23. wagner

    Dear Clay

    I want a rematch against that ragged ass ford. Next time we can get some runs on open freeway and I will have the bottles warmed on the Yaris :gabe:
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