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Everything posted by wagner

  1. 1300 to the wheel and they need to work on the tune...
  2. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/gold-slide-flashes-warning-signs-061741392.html So how fucked are we? I did a quick read on this article and it sounds like shit might be getting ugly again.
  3. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/19/17817173-one-boston-marathon-suspect-killed-second-suspect-his-brother-on-loose-after-firefight?lite There is a video interview towards the bottom of a guy who was saw all of this go down. This is some crazy shit, like operation Swordfish crazy shit. If I was a betting man, I would put money on our second little Russian friend will not be taken alive...
  4. Talk about a worst nightmare, the entire city of Boston is pissed off, and looking for YOU. No thanks, pray for death of the feds to catch you first.... Waiting for some more great reporting from CNN on this, maybe they will report the second guy has been to court already and is headed to Gitmo (even after the fact SOMEONE said they would close it) :lolguy:
  5. This is how you internet right here :fuckyeah: not to mention dude's got a point...
  6. This is what I have been saying the whole time and people still call me a gun loving crazy person :dumb:
  7. Wait, you mean the media is reporting false information, or something to soon on this? NEVER
  8. because of how old it was and the lack of activity. threads get closed and sent to archive after so long, been that way for a long time.
  9. The biggest thing that bugs me is the mental health aspect of all this. Look at all these shootings and the one common factor besides the gun is the crazy people pulling the trigger. It bothers me even more the fact the guy down in TX that went all edward stabby hands on a campus and that just gets swept to the side. Again, there are bigger threats and issues that need addressed before you even put gun control on the table. I am all for it, but I think this was shot down for so many different reasons, and it really outlines how broken our POS goverment is.
  10. Moe's is pretty bad ass, unless you are on a diet.
  11. Sounds good, I will need to check my travel dates but I wanted to try and make this either to race or for video/pictures.
  12. Slept? Right... My point is before you start crying about people cheating, you need to remember that you have been accused of the same thing. It really bugs me personally when people do that, so take it for what it is. Sorry to thread shit Fill, I hope to make this event.
  13. I don't always agree with what you have to say, but I respect the fact you can see the bigger picture. The legislation to me seemed flawed, because we already have laws on the books for background checks. I could see having checks at gunshows, that makes sense, but person to person sales just adds extra costs that really don't have an effect. I would rather see some serious teeth added to the laws we have, and enforce those laws as they were set up. The whole thing of dragging the Sandy Hook familes around to me was just beyond low, and frankly insulting. Now that this is over can we please try to fix some of the real issues this country has, that the feds should be doing anway?
  14. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97495
  15. Using 4Chan or Reddit as a "good source" is right up there with using Wikipedia as a reference on a written paper. I saw some junk on facebook from 4chan about how a guy knew about this, how the .gov had it planned, and they were going to say reloading powder was used by right wing nut jobs to ban ammo, gun powder, ect.
  16. As soon as I saw the lady in blue that is what I thought
  17. How are there conspiracy theories that involve our government? These mother fuckers can barely do their jobs let alone conspire to do anything outside a group poop on tax payer time....
  18. I loved how they were puting the VHT directly on the rear tires with paint rollers :fuckyeah:
  19. When I was growing up and we were always told you should have 2-3 good sources for a news story. In today's media its whatever some hipsterfuck tweeted, or some equipment manager intern in a football program might have been told by a grad assistant who was sitting outside a meeting
  20. Don't read most, if not all initial reports because they are wrong. The whole ball bearing thing is being found untrue. Modern media has no interest in facts, just in clicks and views.
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