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Everything posted by wagner

  1. This is the face of 100% Thread-backfire, and she is one fugly bitch.
  2. Is the humpty dance really my chance to do the hump?
  3. Can you repeat the question in tard for some members of our viewing audience?
  4. Is there a nice way of asking Michael J. Fox to do the Harlem Shake?
  5. What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?
  6. FACT: You are an idiot.
  7. I know, god forbid someone buy something they want/like/or fits their needs without contacting the great automotive minds of CR. If I did that I would be driving an Audi with a LS1, BMW interior, AWD from a scubie, and that was slammed to the ground on some god awful looking rims that are super rare in Japan.
  8. Phil just pretty much brought the pain right here.
  9. That is what I was thinking...
  10. Does that orange mustang run much at the events? Phil's car is one bad bitch and loud as fuck http://www.dragzine.com/news/phil-hines-becomes-first-to-break-into-the-sixes-on-275-radials/
  11. May your sheep be warm, your porn load quickly, and obama phone never run out of battery
  12. My big question is how do you add the watermark like in the picutres Nick posted? I watched John do those in the tower and it looked like he was just adding them as a seperate image. Is that done through layers?
  13. I do beacuse the goverment steals enough from me, I don't need anybody else doing it. If you knew how much some places paid for images that alone makes it worth watermarking. John Fore III will be making some good money off the photos he took of that wheelstand. I know Dom over at DRD Photo got $2,000 for a single photo he took last year.
  14. :lolguy: I hope he steps in... There has been a big issue with a certain internet fucktard stealing photos and claiming them or using them as his own. I want to avoid that and protect myself a bit more.
  15. So I have never watermarked anything before, but have been told going forward I should (and need to) with all my work. I am a total hamfisted idiot with photoshop so any tips or good tricks on how to do this? I have an image I can use, or will create another one. Any links to good guides on how to do this? What size should I put my images at before I start? Most of these are good size pixle wise so I am guessing I need to resize before i watermark?
  16. People had their shit set on fuck your mother fast. The level of cars there was like nothing I have ever seen. The only thing close is the Ultimate Outlaws race up at Milan.
  17. No, I see me getting pissed off and things not ending well.
  18. I leave for a few days and you mother fuckers trash the house, fuck the dog, and drink all my beer? GOD DAMN IT THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE. Back to the rape and pillage of imstock2, please keep it long, hard, slow and dirty. P.S. Keep poking Dover, I want to see him bitch slap you straight.
  19. I have seen some crazy shit at the race track, but nothing like that, and I am shocked it ended that well. My pics are from when he pulled the wheels off the line, I did not get any good down track shots. I had to go interview the guy and take aftermath pics of the car. As soon as I get everything sorted I will post them, but that car will live to race another day. Best quote from the driver "when things get quite in these cars bad shit is about to happen, things got REAL quite there for a bit" :lolguy:
  20. Outside of the rain this has been amazing. The fastest and most bad ass radial cars in the country are here. There are a few grudge cars here too. If we can get this going Keith Barry said he is going after Mark's lsx 1/8th mile record.... Note: NEVER mention roll racing around these guys :lolguy: Someone made that mistake and then got made fun of until they had to leave the pit we were in, then got laughed at by some of the media people.
  21. This has to be a joke....there is just to much dumb being posted in here from a certain person....
  22. I am here this weekend helping with coverage. I think there is a live feed on Ustream somewhere. http://www.dragzine.com/race-coverage/drag-radial-events/lights-out-4-unfinished-business-same-day-coverage-from-sgmp/
  23. I always loved watching racing with my family as a kid, and remember many of these moments. John Force has always been one of my favorite racers and still gives the best interview in racing. One of the best Force quotes ever "I saw Elvis at 1,000 feet"
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