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Everything posted by wagner

  1. To many stupid people in one place for me...
  2. Truth hurts, people can get mad all they want, but in the end if you spend more time behind a keyboard trolling a car site than at the track it is what it is... As for Arizona, guess you need to research my avatar and the info in there a bit more :gabe:
  3. Unlike many of the haters and non-racers around here I like anything loud, fast, and dangerous even if there are no pistons in the bitch.
  4. Just..Plain...ROTARDED
  5. Some people will get it, most will not. Dave DeMarco has some wicked bad ass racing ink done too. I will see if I have any pics of it, but I don't like taking his picture because he can be a very angry man from Boston when the race car is not running right :lolguy: Do what makes you happy, fuck everybody else.
  6. Dude, Paul Bearer is dead and you post something like this? I hope you get face herps mixed with ass clap.
  7. Yes, from what I understand on these old tractors there is no frame in that area, the transmission acts as part of the structure.
  8. Flywheel lets go, takes the transmission with it, splits tractor in half.
  9. 1. Buy CTS-V 2. Become pimp 3. Get road head in CTS-V 4. Become ballin ass mother fucker 5. Profit
  10. They run the vette now, but Petty still tunes a lot of Ford stuff. Lynch's old mustangs were just nasty...
  11. Lynch was not there with his car, it was still on the way back from the middle east. The blue vette in that video is John Carter's old car. Wait until you see some of the shots I got of these cars, they are so well built.
  12. There is a job on their site that caught my eye, would like some inside info if possible. Hit me up via PM if you like. thanks,
  13. If I had baller dollars I would have them build me a motor :fuckyeah:
  14. So I really haev to watermark these pictures before I put them up. I found someone using one of my pictures as a facebook profile pic! Not that I am mad, I made the mistake of not watermarking the picture. Are there any programs out there that can do a batch process for this? I am just having a hard time finding a simple way to watermark these. What process do some of the pros in here use?
  15. wagner

    Wing Stop

    Enough room to have a CR meet there? I know we have done a car show in that plaza and used to meed up at the sonic right there.
  16. Nice. I saw him run the car a couple of times last year, it moves out.
  17. Is Jamie still rocking the IRS? I know his car is about the cleanest race car I have ever seen.
  18. At the race down in GA that I helped to cover I got to talk with the track manager at Norwalk for a while. We were interviewing him for dragzine and in the flow of the conversation he asked about when I had been to the track. He then asks if they can use some of my photos and videos from events I have been to there. If the talk of payment comes up where do I even begin to price these at?
  19. Mother of god..... For your own personal safety imstockpotato I am locking this. I have been around cars, racing, and car websites for a long time. You easily are one of the top five biggest idiots I have ever seen. Take some advice and just lurk here for a very long time. You have already dug your grave, shit in it, and covered yourself in fail. If you really feel the need to talk shit go to http://www.Yellowbullet.com and try this shit over there...
  20. Seems like I have seen all of this before... OH WAIT http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109726
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