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Everything posted by wagner

  1. wagner


    I think this needs quoted for future use...
  2. wagner


    Nobody is mad, everybody is pretty much thinking you are a giant tool...
  3. wagner


    Thank you for confirming how clueless you really are. C16 does not make anything a race car, but I don't expect you to grasp this concept based on my evalutation of your posts. EDIT: So you are going to not read a build thread on someone who has called you out for a race? How dumb can you really be? Is this your first day on the job?
  4. wagner


    Found my info: So it looks like to me you are calling this: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99641 A max effort build.
  5. I am outraged because we pay these fools damn good money to do a job, and they cannot do it, and there is no real punishment for them not doing there job. I will be the first one to tell you I am pretty bad ass at fucking my own life up, I don't need the goverments assistance in making it more difficult.
  6. I should have put more qualifiers in my statement. People should be outraged that our goverment is a total clusterfuck on both party sides. If you do not pay attention what goverment is doing, in my mind you are a sheep being lead to slaughter. Elected officals need to be kept honest, and the fact they line their pockets with lobby money is kind of messed up. Greg, again you are not a sheep, just a large llama that spits interesting truth bombs that make people think and stay on their toes.
  7. wagner


    I got $5 that says you are a better wheelman passed out drunk on my floor than this cholo is on his best day.
  8. They do spit from time to time... You do have some valid points and maybe I should not let my total anger boil over from the hate I have for our elected officals.
  9. wagner


    You have more excuses than Carter has liver pills. I am pretty sure the fucking motor in Alex's car has never been out, but why let details or truth get in the way of a ricer backpeddle?
  10. Point made and taken, but can I call you a goat? Maybe an alpaca?
  11. So, you are indifferent to this because it does not affect you personally, I get that and at least you are admiting it. The lager point and bigger picture is that not caring what government does will affect you at some point. You are just giving them the green light to walk all over you.
  12. Maybe before you come in and try to troll something you don't care about some research should be done? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109128 Looks to me that some of us are being proactive and trying to change things?
  13. You are just one of many that have this attitude, that is what the problem is. I used to be in the same boat, until I finally realized the fact that not giving a shit adds fuel to the fire. All of this ties together, does it feel good not having that extra 2% in your pay or do you not care about that either? Do you care that your taxes are about to get powerfucked like a drunk prom date? When you don't care and don't hold that those you voted for (at least I hope you vote) accountable it allows them to just keep screwing us all.
  14. That is the type of attitude that has put this country in the shit situation it’s in.
  15. wagner


    Wait, were you not the person who said something about not wanting to race cars that are an "max effort build"?
  16. Fuck them, come and try to take people's guns and see how that turns out. If you are not outraged by this idea you are just another sheep...
  17. wagner

    What if?

    So where will all the money for this come from? Oh, according to the president we "don't haev a spending problem" and our debt as a country is so under control...
  18. wagner

    What if?

    Read away: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/obama.html How? By using an EO to cram this down the throat of this country. To be dead honest I am very sick and tired of this gun control fuckery. This is just grandstanding crap being used to put off and ignore the larger issues. Keep thinking what you need to ( it is obvious you are not stupid compared to many around here) I hope you sleep better at night because I am not.
  19. I think you are smart for going that route, playing Dr. Frankenstein with transmission stuff can lead to a world of pain.
  20. wagner

    What if?

    To put this in CR terms, the government is playing a game of just the tip when it comes to our 2nd amendment rights, and we all know how that game ends.
  21. Aab is amazing. Just don't get their hottest of the hot curry unless you are pro level, that stuff will melt your b-hole
  22. wagner

    What if?

    Yeah, would love to see them try to pull this off. But, this POS adminstration has moved around checks and balances before by using executive orders.
  23. I don't think so, the TBSS came with a 4L70E transmission from what I understand. I would hate for you to buy something that I am not 100% will fit.
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