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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Has anybody had any issues with armslist.com? I have seen a few guns on there I liked, just was not sure if there was anything I needed to be aware of. There were several XDs on there that are close to the suggested prices in here. Few that were a bit more expensive but seemed to have extra stuff (mags and or ammo). When buying used is roundcount something I need to be wary of?
  2. Never really liked the feel of them, just a personal thing. The glock and XD felt really good in my hand and that is big for me.
  3. Looking to get either an XD 9mm or a Glock 19. What kinds of prices are good for new or used guns? I have looked around on-line and they just seem to be all over the place. I am looking to educate myself on what a "good deal" really is before I buy. I know to avoid Blackwing and Gander Mountain for new stuff because their prices are as high as a cat's ass.
  4. Yep I had seen some crash videos from this, but never anything like this.
  5. Yep adding this to events I want to see.
  6. first of many vids I am sure
  7. Wear a jockstrap all the time, support issue solved.
  8. Some nice cars have been torn up this weekend Steve Jackson Mike Martin John Wood destroyed that sick vette and Tim Lynch has a turbo explode and about park the car in the wall These guys got their cars set on fuck your mom and sister without giving a fuck.
  9. Why? It is fun to see the stupid people get their cars towed for parking where it clearly says NO FOOTBALL PARKING.
  10. Can't go wrong with PPC or John Moore, maybe Holt but their prices might be a bit much. OR You could just put some PVC in the car, melt the joints a bit to look like a weld, and paint it. Hell on wheels tech guy at trails has a hard time seeing if my battery is in place, let alone really checking a roll bar :gabe:
  11. This thread has turned into a factory of sadness
  12. Yeah, it was like a 2 or 3 part series on Frontline. I had several professors in the MBA program who were not fans of the lack of regulation. It scares me how some of these complex financial products are allowed to be used when really nobody knows what they do. Kind of reminds me of the Hellraiser movies and that box....
  13. Never said you think in a vacuum, just making the point that pure textbook stuff does not always apply. My defintion of and how uncertainty have been desribed to me are different that the ones you present. Not saying wrong, just different. You do have some good points above, not going to point and call you a stupid face on those. You are correct, we are not Greece, but are we not on a similar path? From what I have read I think so. It may not happen now, but if we don't stop this debt ball it could go down that way. Question, how do you think the deregulation of the bank industry played into all of this? The program on PBS about the 2008 trainwreck posed some interesting questions on it...
  14. Pretty much, and don't forget about the damn cat trolling me by trying to steal my stuff again...
  15. They were my mankini Hulk pair. I used to run around the house in them screaming "WAGNER SMASH". Had to stop because I left the back door open and it scared the old lady that lives behind us. She now walks her dog on the other side of the street
  16. One time my jimmies got really rustled, turns out my underoos were on backward.
  17. It could be both, think about the seven factors that can effect the external business environment , one of them is goverment.
  18. Not necessarily, the uncertainty is driving the lack of demand. The taxation issue is actually helping our tax business side, because people are trying to purchase products to gain information to try and fight the uncertainty. Good example of how uncertainty wreaks havoc in what I do: Law firm wanted a big due diligence search done for a pending deal that involved some international factors. This was right around the time of the Greek elections. The deal ended up dying because they were not sure how the new Greek government would do certain things, the people funding the project pulled the plug. All of this came from uncertainty that was created by people in government. We have similar issues with deals that are domestic in nature, market uncertainty causes issues, market uncertainty can and is driven by governments lack of ability to do their job. Do you see the connecting tissue now? The problems are coming downstream because the government (both parties) cannot get the job done. I can see what you are saying, but from my direct experience it does not play that way. Maybe in other industries or in the academic vacuum, but in the real world it does not hold. Wait, are we having an intelligent discussion or am I having a stroke?
  19. So top law firms in the world that deal in mergers and acquistions are using this as a crutch because their clients are not doing any business?
  20. I am an ops level employee at my company. Every day I deal with clients, sales people, and others in different levels of management. Basically I get to see most of the field and what is in play. The sales calls I have been on clients tell us point blank they are not seeing as much business because of the uncertainty in the economy. These are law firms, banks, capital firms, and other general businesses. So what you are saying is they are dumb?
  21. Not sure if serious or liberal troll....
  22. Yep, holding cash for when things might or might not get ugly again, just throwing more gas on the fire. All these problems just keep feeding on each other and the cycle continues...
  23. I sat in on a big conference call for my business unit this week about financial related things. We were told “we want to expand, but are going to wait and see what happens due to the high levels of uncertainty.” The level of uncertainty right now is depressing the economy further, the uncertainty comes from a government that cannot pass a budget, not passing the budget leads to the fiscal cliff, ect., ect., ect. Companies are also incorporating overseas even more due to our countries stupid high taxes and tax system. Companies are cutting their effective tax rate by 9% when they incorporate in Ireland versus the US. You are talking billions of dollars lost, but what is a few billion when we are talking debts in the trillions? Take a good look at what is going on in Spain, Greece, and other countries because the show is going on tour and will be here very soon…
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