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Everything posted by wagner

  1. http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/197293-1/Wrestling-manwhich-no-homo.gif?
  2. Stir the pot more Phil. How about you go over to Anthony's house and ask him, I am off duty baby sitting for the day.
  3. I don't give a fuck if you are racing willy wonka up your brown highway, don't do it. If you really think saying some happpens "in mexico" or some imaginary place saves you from the cops you are dumb as bag of dicks. I could care less, I just have to enforce one of the very few rules around here. There are still people who watch this site trust me. I have been asked direct questions about people on this site and their names and cars were referenced. Now, back to JP fucking 100% of the shit talkers up.
  4. Don't set up street races? You can talk about your crimes and post vids after, just don't set it up...
  5. So does that mean you will race this guy :gabe: ?? http://clevelandracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19481 Glad to hear the knee is better blown up knees suck, I learned that at a young age
  6. My bias is pro education and doing what it takes to make sure kids get the best.
  7. My point was made more towards the college level, HS coaches don't make a ton for the time they put in. Football and basketball yes, the over 20 other sports I don't know about for OSU and other schools. But wait, those professors don't work year round! Under some people's logic in this thread they are overpaid and can be looked at on the same level as cops. Yes, research profs make stupid money when they publish and help bring money to the university. They should since those guys and gals drive innovation and help solve problems.
  8. This by far is the best point made in this thread.
  9. What would I suggest? 1. Blow up how schools are funded and use a solution that makes sense. How? That is up to some people who are a hella smarter than me but something needs done. Will that happen? I don't think it will until the system melts down. 2. Don't ask school boards what to do, they are there for their kids and their own interests. 3. Teachers will tell you to cut the crap that is not needed, make it about the education only. Now the problem there is you would have to cut sports or limit them. Then here come the parents bitching... 4. Best way to fix it? Look at the other countries that are plowing our asshole in teaching their kids and use that method. Again, this would require change and god forbid parents ACTUALLY doing something. 5. Who should getting the blame? The people who set the policy. Admins and teachers at the schools are put in a box and told how to do their jobs. The second they step out of that box people raise hell. That Saving Superman documentary is pretty interesting. That lady got her balls busted for trying to think out of the box and fire bad teachers.
  10. This would require a total reset on how schools are funded. If you think your elected officials are going to step on that land mine you are on crack. Goverment has added so much red tape and other shit from bitchy parrents schools are in a no win situation. I don't see anybody here bitching about how much of your tax dollar goes to OSU. You do realize that right? We talked about this in class how much our tax money goes to OSU and that was mind blowing. But hey, it is easier to pick on overpaid teachers than overpaid coaches, professors, and students right? People need to start placing the blame where it belongs, at the feet of a broken system. Also, what is the first thing people ask about when they buy a house? "What school district is it in?" Do you think good teachers are cheap? Why and how do you think these districts get such good marks on testing? Again, it is easy to just blame the bad teachers that work 186 days a year. My brother is a teacher and I am pretty sure he is not making the baller dollars some of you think teachers make. If teaching was easy everybody would do it.
  11. Wow, don't even know where to begin with this gem... So you want teachers paid by performance, yet you want them to let kids fall behind. Great logic there... When a district makes cuts teachers don't get raises in most cases.
  12. You are really showing how ignorant you are of what teachers really do. Are you really using a cop to teacher to make a point? I love how people just throw teachers under the bus. Teachers have to try and teach kids who don't give a fuck because there are no fucks given at home. Let me guess, the teachers need to fix that to right?
  13. Ryan don't bother trying to reason with people on this, not worth it.
  14. wagner

    The Blitz

  15. wagner

    The Blitz

    I guess that is why you pay for something that is free? I do not see the value in paying for something that I can get for free. Yeah, I have to listen to some commercials but it does not cost me a dime.
  16. wagner

    The Blitz

    Pay for something that is free :dumb:
  17. wagner

    The Blitz

    Mo quit after Hal Fish would not give him days off that he reqeusted and approved. Mo and Blazer have a new gig on a bigger station.
  18. Can we have a thunderdome?
  19. I drink PBR in a 16 oz a can an fuck like a donkey, what you gonna do?
  20. I can appreciate the hard work you guys put in, HOWEVER that was pretty rough to listen to. I would send that to Tosh.0
  21. Good to hear. I can't wait to use mine this year, I should be able to get some good shots with it.
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