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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Going out to heckle Howard is always fun.
  2. I need to hit the lotto so I can do this! The first time I saw this was on the XGames and it looked so gnarly
  3. It smelled like the tears of a troll....
  4. I heard that song and wanted to suck start a shotgun
  5. My experience with Volvo's is that they throw a dummy light if you look at them wrong or fart in them. If you like it who gives a fuck what other people think?
  6. Well if you alredy took your beating, might as well just ride it out. You always here "buy low well high" and this is a great example. Eat the loss and sell out next time sooner.
  7. What did you expect would happen? If you are not willing to take the risk, don't play the game. I had to do do some trading in class during my undergrad, made me realize the stock market is not for me.
  8. If I want to see some asshole ramble for hours on end I will turn on Fox News, I can do that for free. I picture this as him just saying the same dumb shit and "winning" a bunch. By the end people will be ready to jump off a bridge, or throwhis dumbass off one. Charlie needs to go back to making such classics like "Men at work", "Major League", and the moving film "Navy Seals" That is reel talk sun.
  10. If you think the world is going to end in 2012 please jump infront of a speeding COTA bus, you are using O2 that retarded cats need. That is real end of the world talk.
  11. The lap dace is so much better when the troll is crying...
  12. Why do you have a picture of yourself in your signature? Does Derrick know you are playing that much grab ass at work?
  13. Why get just the milk, I want the whole Yak.
  14. Does the mammal come with the cowboy hat, or is that Anthony's "special" hat for you?
  15. Unplanned WOT can lead to unplanned brown trout in your undroos.
  16. Eurotrash needs a pickup truck to haul things in and pick up ugly german womenz while rocking their Hasslehoff Fro.
  17. wagner


    http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/will-troll.gif http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/70/obama_deal.jpg
  18. Have you ever seen a WEC fight? Very rare to see a boring fight there, and most of those guys are pretty talented. Not to mention having all of those lower weight classes in the UFC will bring more of those guys to the public. There is a ton of new talent if you can get past the "big name" fighters. The UFC is trying to do it right now and bring guys along a little slower. They don't have the need to toss guys to the fire and build a "name" to get ratings. Overall they are trying to avoid what boxing has become. This whole big name fighter thing reminds me of people who boo a so called boring fight, they don't know what the hell they are looking at or talking about.
  19. I *think* there is an option in iTunes where you can do this. I am not the greatest with my iPod so there might be a better way. You can also try to plug it into another computer where your device is not the primary iTunes account. That will give you the option to wipe it.
  20. Part of the ring of fire, wait till CA gets the magic finger from this round of plates shifting. As for the 2012 stuff, if you think that is true please jump infont of a speeding COTA bus now god needs more ratards in heaven to fill this months quota.
  21. You are correct, and it could be much worse. The UFC keeps MMA from becoming the mess boxing is. I am willing to be a virgin's ass most people can't name the current boxing heavyweight champ. There are some negatives to the UFC, but you know where all of the best fighters are. Now Strikeforce will see a boost in the TV productions (it needed this BAD) and it will get the experience of the UFC. Now the UFC has possible access to something they never had before, possible access to the non-cable market. Strikeforce has that deal with CBS, imagine if the UFC is able to put a FREE card on CBS? No NFL? No problem, stick Brock on a free CBS card and you have over 1 million views at the least.
  22. That is what it looks like in Charlie Sheen's mind.
  23. Next TUF is going to be over in asia I think, imagine what that will be like? I will spend $50 all day long on a PPV any day over stick and ball sports tickets. Now you have all of those WEC fighters in the UFC and those are usually some great fights. The fact they are cutting guys who are not performing or just put on bad fights will raise the level even more.
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