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Everything posted by wagner

  1. After reading your post and this it makes more sense. I am just a little fired up right now to say the least. The process I have had to go through to try and get this home has been an experience. They ask lots more questions and require lots more documentation. I don't like the notion of being lumped into the same boat as the fucks who take welfare money that do nothing and are happy to have zero worth or value. I had to deal with them when working in southern ohio and have some in my family. I hope they all fucking get what is coming to them.
  2. I guess maybe I don't understand FHA fully but how am I a freeloader? I plan on paying my mortgage, my taxes, and not being a waste. Sometimes you come off as a total fucking asshole. I think I need to meet you in person to passs final judgment if you really are this much of a prick, or just like to stir the pot on the internet.
  3. Hal I could care less what people say and do on this site as long as they play by the rules set forth by Anthony. I am just his internet trunk monkey that helps keep the window lickers from jumping off a moving bus. My beef is the people who whine bitch and moan about stupid shit, but most of them are gone or don't post anymore. I would rather not open up those cans of worms anymore. So in closing as long as Anthony does not say shit, I could care less what is done. Rubbin is racing kids, if you can't deal with what is said on the internet you should ban yourself from life. I think he hs refring to another pat there champ
  4. There is some good stuff in there, but some of the comments are a bit closer to the truth. The bottom line is people in the United States do not like the truth, hence why Ron Paul did not come to mind for me. I know who he is, but don't think of him much because of all the other useless fucks hog the camera and spew their fail. I did some quick research on Ron Paul and the guy has great ideas, he really should have more power but people don't like the truth. People don't like the idea they might have to give something up, tell their kids no, or god forbid actually work and not take money from the goverment. /rant time to work so millions of useless bags of flesh can sit at home and enjoy my tax money.
  5. Leave it to Doc to freaking poke a hole in my idea! It is what it is there is nothing I can do but just take the freaking ride I guess. There are a lot of good people who are going to get screwed in this deal.
  6. We are still waiting for the final OK from the bank, but we were going to try and close first week of May. I could say this is "not fair" but I really hate that phrase. It is very sad what is happening to this country right now. I blame ALL in power on both sides, they are all equally worthless. There is not a single elected offcial in office right now that has the people of the United State's interests in mind. It is time that we the people take this bitch back...
  7. Mother fucker, I am about to lose it.
  8. I have not had a chance to dig into this, but if the government shuts down so does FHA. No FHA means I might miss my closing date for my house?
  9. I tried to infact you but a gun appeared on my screen "daring" me to continue
  10. We are still way behind our quota for the month.
  11. For those who are or can be morning people. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91249 I might try to set up a summer meeting place for Friday or Saturday nights after I am done with class and the move. I will reserve the right to e-dickpunch anybody who bitches about it too.
  12. It will be at the state house at 12:41 pm.
  13. I am not racist, I hate everybody with equal amounts
  14. The shark and poo gif is natures version of CR Nutswingers. The shark (cool person on CR) takes a shit and all of the followers (nutswingers) flock to the poo to tell the shark how cool his poo is.
  15. Tripple posts are for faggots and democrats! Oh wait....
  16. Hal will fuck you up in an e-battle from a dig or roll, that is not real talk, that is how it is.
  17. 1. People that post need to be more witty. Its like a bus of convicted retards turned over and the fucks found a laptop and registered here. I really dont care much for the fighting as much as I liked the comic relief that came from the fights. ----Do you really want to deal with the bitching? Imagine the e-mails we will get for for reported posts.... 2. Too many trolls, not enough assholes and neutral players. Posting off topic is fun until until 10 people are doing it. -----Trolling on a car site is like trolling for fat chicks at a bar, just fucking sad. 3. More call outs from people. I understand the no street racing rule, but there are like 5 other types of racing. The I dont do the track thing gets old. -----Most people who call out for street races don't have a car that could pass tech, can't deal with not having excuse why they lost or ,don't want the world to see how slow their car is. 4. Old heads need to start caring and being competitive again. As you noticed the older crowd is all buddy buddy. No call outs, no reason to dump $1000's to be king shit. We even share cars... shits kinda homo-seshual. I am part of this and apologize. Instead of calling out Scott I tell him how nice his car looks and ask for ride alongs. -----Maybe they get more laughs sitting on the sidelines? 5. Weekly meets of 50 plus need to start happening again to help fuel the content for romper room discussions. Most of us dont know each other so the conversations are general and lacking substance. ------People would rather say "I don't want to go there because (insert bullshit excuse here that includes the food sucks, or I don't want to drive my car to a car meet).
  18. Just passing through... http://4gifs.com/gallery/d/182099-1/Shark_poops.gif?
  19. Japan got infracted by god
  20. wagner

    Hey there

    IF YOU ARE NEW READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61288
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLAMhTorPCk
  22. I freaking love it, raise the stakes of the pony car war and we all win
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