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Everything posted by wagner

  1. The way she explained it that was it.
  2. Red White and Boom = live acton http://www.peopleofwalmart.com Not for me, have fun, and be safe. Oh and one of those things down there bites you, treat it like a zombie bite and cut off the infected part as quickly as possible. It might stop the spread of infection....
  3. I would rather be locked in a room with Paul on crack then go to Red, White, and Trash. I should be at the lube with the Red Dragon
  4. Thanks Phil, do you have a contact for her at work?
  5. What sort of position?
  6. wagner

    Goodguys show

    I will be there Friday and maybe saturday too, should be a good time. Might set up a meet somewhere around the cruise spot up there on Friday night details to follow....
  7. wagner

    UFC 116

    If Carwin lets this fight go to the ground he is going to be in trouble. The only thing more terrifying than Brock Lesnar in your guard is being covered in Twinkies at a Jenny Craig meeting. Carwin really needs to use his stand up and try to pick Brock apart early then hope he can soften him up for that right. If he over commits that could be an even worse situation for him since he will have no defense to stop one of those lunch box hands that will be coming at his face. I really think this is a very tough fight to predict due to all of the x-factors. It could be a very boring first round while the feel each other out, or it could look like to drunk chicks at the club fighting with hair and teeth flying in all directions while wild punches are thrown. The thing that sticks out in my mind is Carwin’s fight against Gonzaga. He ate a punch, almost got knocked out and caught Gonzaga for the KO while he was in lala land. He can’t do that here, he eats a Brock knuckle sammich and he will be on the slow boat to KO town.
  8. You tease me with your offering! Are you going to be at C&C Saturday? I still want that photoshop and maybe we can talk about this car...
  9. Tell him to go suck a cheetah’s dick and to have an outstanding day. You went above and beyond and this ratard can't seem to grasp the big picture.
  10. Does anybody have one? Or maybe one of the hand held systems? I need to get better at leaving off of a pro tree and was wondering what people had and if they liked it.
  11. WOW! 9.80's on a fat tune and low boost with no traction? That car is going to put the hurt on some people when you get set to kill mode If I get both my papers done I will be at 42 on sunday with the red dragon, I hope the have some prep done.
  12. wagner

    UFC 116

    Heavyweight Championship bout: Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin This could be a really epic fight. Both of these guys have hands that are WMD's, both are big guys, and both are quick for their size. Smart money is on Brock for the simple fact Carwin has really not had some of the tougher fights Lesnar has. I am going with Brock but it will be closer than the experts predict Middleweight bout: Yoshihiro Akiyama vs. Chris Leben I hope to tuxedo shirt baby jesus that Leben knocks this fucker back to the land of bad TV. Akiyama was supposed to fight The Axe Murderer Silva but he got hurt. Leben agrees to this fight 48 HOURS AFTER his fight on the TUF final. Leben is like a white trash version of Silva an dif Akiyama looks past him he is going to get fuct. I usually don't pick the guy who takes a fight on short notice but I am gong all USA on this one Leben wins this. Welterweight bout: Chris Lytle vs. Matt Brown I would like to pick the Ohio boy Matt Brown but Lyte is going to beat him up and take his lunch monies... Light Heavyweight bout: Krzysztof Soszynski vs. Stephan Bonnar Rematch because Bonnar was bleeding to much in their last fight due to a head butt. I am still going to pick Soszynski because he is a very nasty and angry polish man.
  13. That is an amazing thing to do. I am also pretty sure you have to put some sort of value on the title when you gift a car. Not to mention the tax implications if you give a car as a gift.
  14. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/16/07e5b8edb02a.jpg
  15. Army national guard was paying for school and she failed a quarter. She had to pay it back, which she did on time. The department she was dealing with did not report it correctly so it became a hit against her credit. She got it all paid back and has a letter that says it was paid back over a year ago, in full, and was never late. Got to love government workers and how accurate the are.
  16. Jackstands are not NHRA approved...
  17. I have a co-worker who is getting screwed by the government right now. Long story short she had some issues with a debt repaid getting reported properly and now it has affected her credit. Even with the fact she has an official letter from the department stating everything is paid it has not reflected on her credit report. Now she can’t get a car loan because of this and is in need of one due her paid off car just died. Any thoughts on how she can get around this? She was told it will be close to 90 days before everything is reflected “officially” on her credit report. I thought she could try to get in a car at a higher interest rate until all of this clears then refinance. If you need more info to give a correct response let me know and I will ask her for it. Never know there might be a sale or a loan to be had out of this...
  18. No, I am not that much of a hillbilly You can bust on me all you want but I really personally don't see the value in paying for something I can get for free. There might be one or two channels that I would enjoy and that is not worth the money to me.
  19. I still laugh at the fact that people pay for radio But to each their own I guess. Since sports talk radio is now on 97.1 that is pretty much all I listen to or a burnt cd since most mondern music is trash anyway.
  20. The only issue we had when this was brought up was the class structure. There are to many people who will complain about how it would be set up. If you have some ideas pm the to one of us so we can try to figure something out. The only fair way to do this the first time out was a bracket style. I would love to see an indexed set up leaving off a protree but most on here have zero seat time doing that. Now next year we get the details worked out we can have a Battle of Ohio that could have grudge and brackets
  21. I just got to see the fight online and I am really suprised at how bad Fedor looked. The exchange that led to the triangle choke was sloppy at best for him. He was swinging like a drunk sailor, if he was going against a polished striker he would have been open to some nasty shots. The thing is he has not fought somone that was not washed up in so long he thought he could just jump right in and do some GnP and be home before 12am. Instead he got caught by a guy who is a world class BJJ fighter and that is that. Piss poor gameplan by his corner and a terrible mistake. Dana White should send that kid that beat him a thank you note, because he just put strikeforce in a grave.
  22. A bet a few of these guys can hold their own running with autos http://www.umtrdragrace.com/
  23. He goes to the UFC he won't get a shot at the title. He will get beat by frank mir, Dos Santos, Cain, or I think even Roy Nelson since he has some NASTY BJJ and his size. Fedor needs to stick with fighting washed up UFC fighters and freak show stuff. I used to be a fan of his until he stopped fighting good fighters and let M-1 ruin his career.
  24. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/47/makeitstop.jpg
  25. Yes, something has to be done to save this school bus fire of an intro.
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