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Everything posted by wagner

  1. We can do a repeat of Zac's birthday but I will DD and there will be no destroyed sweepers If you do want to go out let me know I am done with class the first weekend of August and might be putting something together for stress relief
  2. So you have seen what happens when you intro-fail and you post this? I see rape in your future...
  3. That is not an apples to apples deal there
  4. Because when the green light drops the bullshit stops and a time slip does not lie.
  5. This! I planned on doing this if I was able to race more this summer Keep it in the car and as soon as you are done running write down what happened before you forget.
  6. I thought this would be about their lack of track prep. Now as far as them cracking down, do you know how many sportsman drivers have been killed the last few years? I am betting the heat is on from NHRA's insurance company and that is now pushing the local tracks.
  7. No, I tried a dry run in the paint section of walmart and it did not end well
  8. Suprise buttsexx while looking at scenery is always a great way to show your love.
  9. I might have to pick one of those up. He is a punk and his mom is a crack whore and it will be so great when he gets what is coming to him.
  10. Areas of white gravel road and 139 = ned beaty squealing like a pig...
  11. The Dancing Outlaw is freaking crazy, it is a great showcase of white trash. You can go to southern ohio and see this type of shit too man. I could tell you some crazy ass shit I have seen down in WV, Northern KY, and Southern Ohio while working at enterprise rent a car.
  12. If you can find the Dacing Outlaw, you need to check it out. I saw that while I was working in WV and it made total sense. There are some scary ass people in Boone County! I had to go on a repo there and we foud a gas station that sold beer out of a tap by the gallon. Some kid rode up on his ATV with an empty gallon milk jug, filled it up and was on his way. Fuckin banjo type shit down there.
  13. This thread needs something worth people's click http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/54/facepalm_implied.jpg http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/Immortal_2.gif http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/freakinoutbeaker.gif
  14. I think we should run for office and restore this country. God, Guts, Guns, And Glory will be our slogan. My first act in office would be a Shoot On Site order for all who try to enter this country in a non legal sort of way. This should stop the flow or at least kill the dumb ones off. Then my second act would be to make Ted Nugent our Secretary of State, who would want to fuck with the United States then?
  15. Kids this is why you wear a helmet when you ride your yut ugggggg
  16. TRUTH! The idea of "mainstream" is why this country is doing a neat circle around the drain of fail.
  17. Do you know how to stop the crime problem in this country? Put this sort of fear in people so they do not want to even think of doing anything close to criminal. This country has become soft and the weak now. We starting to become a country of fat, lazy, i think i deserve this, TMZ is news kind of place. People don't want to hear the truth they want it sugar coated and dumbed down. Not everybody can win a trophy, not everybody is a star, life sometimes fucking sucks and is not fair. We need to stop treating convicted criminals like they are special, they are not. They did something wrong and should be punished not given extra chances.
  18. Black MJ says you have 23 hours to do a correct intro http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/WackoJacko.gif
  19. -rep for bumping a useless and horrible thread. My god have mercy on your soul...
  20. Ravenna huh? How are things in the old Portage County? I am from Rootstown and have family all over in the area. Nice rides and welcome
  21. I know you have been around a few forms of motorsports I thought that there was someone else who was pulling the whole drag racing is easy an boring card. Must have only been on my 2nd cup of coffee. Now are you really going to stick an LSX in that 240? That will be some HP to LBS right there...
  22. Mongo smells troll, Mongo does not like trolls... Read the sticky at the top or you are about to get fucked harder than cleveland did by lebron
  23. wagner


  24. wagner


    Like fat chicks to buffets...
  25. Natty light is to much, 40 of OE and a half used Black and Mild.
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