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Everything posted by wagner

  1. wagner

    UFC 114

    I want to see the evans vs rampage just to see what is said at the end. Rampage is freaking funny and a very scary man. I hope bisping's teeth end up in the 3rd row in someone's beer.
  2. wagner

    UFC 114

    Light Heavyweight bout: Quinton Jackson vs. Rashad Evans This fight could be one of those really quick first round KO's or a 3 round battle. If Jackson is focused as he claims and does not fight angry Evans is in for a rough fight. Flip side if Evans can get his ground game going he could expose Jackson. Prediction: Jackson KO's Evans and says funny things Middleweight bout: Michael Bisping vs. Dan Miller Bisping is trying to mount yet another comback and Miller is not that impressive so it is possible. Miller should be able to out hustle Bisping and get this Heavyweight bout: Todd Duffee vs. Mike Russow Duffee is being hyped alot and Russow is being overlooked. I think this might be one of the better fights due the style match up and these guys are going to be going at it big time. Russow takes this Light Heavyweight bout: Antônio Rogério Nogueira vs. Jason Brilz Poor Jason Brilz! Talk about taking a rough fight on short notice after Griffin gets hurt. Nogueira is going to maul him it is just a matter of if he KO's him or does some crazy submission Welterweight bout: Diego Sanchez vs. John Hathaway GREAT another Sanchez entrance him him chanting the word "yes" over and over and over again. I don't see this ending well for Hathaway
  3. I joined for the blue waffles
  4. X10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005
  5. "Her vagina smells" that is my favorite part.
  6. Craigslist is the best place to make your point since people take it as serious business. http://columbus.craigslist.org/rnr/1759109467.html
  7. The high end cars on here are nice and good options but I have a suggestion for you. I saw your price range is 30-35k and that can get you some pretty nice cars. Why not try to get something that is maybe less flashy so you can take the extra $$$ put it toward doing some future mods or even bank the money. In that case maybe pick up C-5 or a really nice 4th gen f-body and then you would have some nice cash to play with and mod the car. Or you could even get a car and a bike and maybe even a really nice hooker? If you do have your heart set on a higher end nice daily I would suggest going with some of the Benz action that has been talked about in here. The stuff my wife tells me that can go wrong with a BMW sounds scary and very expensive.
  8. " Dover Lawn Service, when cutting your grass is just not enough" "FUCK YOUR LAWN"
  9. This is the farkas brothers father I think. His lexus is super clean! welcome
  10. Do they look a bit 80's pro street, yes. Does the truck look bad fuck to the no! I thought the whole pro street look was coming back? If you don't have anything else that is in dire need to get done and it would make you happy remove them. That paint on it looks great everytime I have seen it so it would not be the big of a deal to leave it. In the end if it does not make it go faster or stop better do you need it?
  11. That sounds like a great idea but is above my pay grade to make happen
  12. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61288
  13. There have been 2 CR car shows and there will be 2 more this summer...
  14. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/19/pretty_Pussies.jpg
  15. Wow man glad to hear you are ok! That is 2 people that I know this weekend that had freak stuff happen on bikes that caused them to lay them down.
  16. I plan on posting when I am going to Trails to race and we shall see if anybody goes with. I want to make it up and check out one of these grudge races and take a bunch of pics as well. My big problem is I can't do as much as I was planning to do for CR since I am back in school. There are some people who have came to me with good ideas but nothing ever comes of it. If people want the culture to become better they will need to step from behind their keyboards, stop bitching about locations and events, and help out. Going forward I think the group of people who seem to bash noobs because they don't like their car are going to find it more difficult to do so in the future.
  17. Skinny jeans make me want to rage out and fucking give someone a chokeslam
  18. wagner

    Its saturday!

    On his face from his classy lady friend out of her buttox
  19. wagner


    I would +rep you to the max if I could right now. I hate the fucking word almost as much as "poopra" and any variation of the word "bro" and "brosuf" I still need to meet up with you after work and give you your beer. Sidenote what about the word "brother" as used by Hulk Hogan and friends?
  20. 1. Bomb lots 2. Bomb more 3. Bomb what is left 4. Build new Disney theme park 5. Eat giant "turkey leg" while looking at animatronic display of what the bombing looked like 6. Profit
  21. I have the fastest stock bottom end Element in Columbus does that count?
  22. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/3/anybody_can_be_cool.jpg
  23. Yeah getting seats done can get expensive, even mroe so when you have a good shop do it. I would check e-bay I am pretty sure there is a really big pick n pull in cleveland that might be able to help. Also check Gahms auto down in souther ohio. They are an old family friend, run a Mustang in the ADRL and might have what you need.
  24. Did you try a Pick-n-Pull or maybe a part out from another truck?
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