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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Wow that is why I have my eyes on what the hell is on the track at all times. Tire shake is no joke last year at the ADRL race I saw it break a chassis on a pro mod. Sad thing here and not what the sport needs
  2. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/ou6t60.gif
  3. I am biased towards people not being fucking assholes. Most of my family is in the education field in some form. I can't do it because I can't deal with parrents and kids who refuse to be accountable for their actions. I could tell you some crazy ass shit that my mom, uncle, and grandfather had to deal with as adminstrators. My dad had a student take a swing at him and my brother had a student threaten to kill him. Both cases the parrent said their kid was being "picked on" by the school and the school was making things up. Bottom line people don't want to deal with hard truth and force their kids to not fucking be assholes.
  4. http://i718.photobucket.com/albums/ww184/tessamarie666/fear_and_loathing_in_las_vegas.jpg
  5. You know it is a good night when you throw up, don't remember it until the next moring when you see the vomit all over the back of the toilet and have a flash memory as to what happened. At this point my wife wants to get a new sweeper due to all of this. Oh I went out and checked on Zac, looks like he moved so I think he is ok. My head feels like it was used as a door breaching device at this point.
  6. Zac is still alive ( i think) in my living room sleeping. Epic night from what I remember and thanks to Chris for making sure we got home. My mouth taste like poor choices right now
  7. Should be up there around 9 or so.
  8. There would need to be something in her mouth at all times so her dumb does not infect me. She just needs to stick with what she is good at and it is not trucks and ducks...
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItC5KmyYbxA
  10. That is beyond dumb and shocking lol. One of the things I hear teachers and adminstrators talk about is limiting their liability, this kind of fucks that.
  11. http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/6437/1266388955947.jpg http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/9905/1266393171497.jpg http://www.hi-upload.com/upload/uploaded12/fjqlajux8ci0pimm01xupj.jpg http://forums.posdsm.com//imagehosting/2804b7c8df49d7d9.jpg
  12. http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/3/32/Epic-beard-man-victim-before-after.jpg http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m1/MrAshDarksideTM/1266398624902.jpg http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/b/b8/Ambulance2_copy.png
  13. Sometimes there is really nothing you can do with a kid. I came back and sat with my dad one saturday when he was running the In School Suspension and it was a mess. Kids complaining they could not sleep and it was "stupid" they had to do school work. I mean really? Yes admins are going to have to be the bad guys that is life same things cops have to deal with . Will they be wrong sometimes, hell yes they will. The alternitve is for them to be lax and then guess what? You are now in a situation where the inmates are running the prision and the problem students will grow in numbers. I saw all of this bullshit type stuff from kids and parents growing up and then when I went to college. That is why I did not go into teaching the parents would have hated me so much. The stuff my mom tells me is shocking and makes me sad since this what our country has fallen to. Oh and don't even get me started on "sexting" in schools. Kids these days and the pictures they send to each other is so dirty.
  14. You my friend should have kids one day that will make you very proud. That is how I was raised and both my parents were teachers in the school I went to. So it was even worse when I got in trouble. I acted out as a kid and the principal called my mom during school. My mom told him to beat my ass so he did. When I got home I got it again and I learned break the rules bad things happen. If you kids respect authority they have a better chance of being well adjusted adults.
  15. http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/a/a5/EpicbeardmanCC.png
  16. Teachers and cops have something in common, they have to deal with assholes a whole lot. You are 100% right kids and parents now think they have the right to challenge teaches and school officials at will. A lot of my family is in the education profession and it is all the same. Kid acts up no matter how small, parent comes in and their kid can do no wrong. There is nothing wrong for parents sticking up for kids if needed, but if you act up enough have dicipline brought up from the school than there is an issue. Schools are under crazy amounts of pressue. Less money, more standards, and even more issues from the kids. Nobody wants to be the bad guy they just want it fixed. It is even worse because the kids KNOW they won't get in a lot of trouble at home, they will get slap on the hand from the law so where is the fear. My unlce that is principal at Bucyrus had a kid pull a knife on him in his office and say "what are going to do about this?" His response "beat your ass" and mind you he looks like unlce fester and is 6'2" about 265. Kid backed down but then said "my dad will have your job". Parents need to stick up less for their kids and actually raise them to not be assholes.
  17. That kid is in a mental institution now. At his hearing he threatend to kill my mom and had to be put in a straight jacket. Was it a bit to far to cuff the little girl yes BUT there is another issue that comes from that. What the school people have to deal with are the other parrents who say "well you gave so and so special treatment why can't my kid have it?" So everybody has to be treated the same, does it suck yes and that little girl should not have been cuffed. The amount of BS that parents try to pull anymore is scary. Asshole kids have asshole parents and since education is not as imporant as it used to be it is only going to get worse.
  18. The kid got knocked down in the fight and his had was on a stair. The other kid then gave his head a good stomp but his mouth was not on the stair thankfully. I have seen my mom seperate a copule of 200 pound kids trying to fight when I was in school. She has even had to defend herself but that whole issue really shook her up. The crazy thing is the kid's grandma asked my mom if was "ok if he came back to school".
  19. I have tried to get something together but all people do is bitch that it is on x side of town and I won't drive there. If my place was big enough I would have a UFC Party for every PPV.
  20. Oh and when it comes to kids that are sexual offenders school officals don't get to see their records and have no idea what they have done.
  21. Front page of CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/02/18/new.york.doodle.arrest/index.html?hpt=C1 Now this sort of “news” reporting is pretty deceptive at best. My dad is a retired teacher and my mom is has been a Middle School or High School Principal for the past 6 years. This story does not tell the whole truth on the subject at all. Last year my mom had student curb stomp a kid American History X style, assault her, assault another teacher, and then try to kill himself with a bread knife in the school kitchen. Now this kid had been removed from the Akron City School system for violent behavior and sent to her district and the parents (or lack there of) took zero responsibility. So as a parent do you feel zero tolerance policies in schools are good or bad? If your kid does nothing wrong where is the problem? Discuss and keep it intelligent please.
  22. Well from what I have read Nogueira was not 100% for that fight. The UFC nor he will admit it since it would not look good. He had a pretty bad staph infection from what I read and he just was not on it for that fight. Now he did look much better when he fought Randy but that is a tough fight to gauge where he is. Where Big Nog will hurt people is on the ground. His BJJ is nasty and very slick with how he uses it. That is where he will get Cain I think and I am willing to bet that is the game plan. Use that youth and strength to get him to make a mistake. If Nog tries to stand and bang with Cain he will get his face punched in.
  23. Well I hope to see the under card fight where Bonner will get his arm ripped off by the polish exeperiment Cro Cop is just finishing hs contract out then he will be done I am guessing. Jose would bring nothing to this fight but his mouth. Look at his only MMA fight when he fought the 7 foot tall asian. His boxing his even worse he got pwnd in celeberty boxing! Walker needs a bunch more polishing but he does not like a person in his 50s! I like this card, hell I like any fight card
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