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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Wagner 13.34, 105.29 2.03 11/7/2009, 2000 Trans Am N/A http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/dragway42slip1.jpg
  2. Sounds good let me know
  3. You coming to the pub tonight to "party"? I am going to have a beer maybe and chill. Oh I heard you like to party this hard... http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e14/gettinmybangbangon/jackass.jpg He is talking about the website and is 200% correct
  4. That is the whole point We can dance if you want? I am just an old man with 2 trick knees and a bad back... It can be for the CR Fight Night Title I will even buy the belt We could be the co-main event for Howard vs Chris
  5. You see Paul wants to stand around a parking lot on a friday or saturday with people that talk about maybe racing, then might race, then have to avoid cops.
  6. Ok I should be there what time will you be there and we can meet. I might head up there early anyway to kill some time.
  7. wife is out of town so i have a free pass to act even more dumb than usual. If I find a DD I will see if I can go drank for drank with ya...
  8. LOL sounds like a Paul challenge...
  10. Paul you bitch about sonic like little girls bitch about their period. So Paul where do you think we should hang out? What is required for a place to hang out that you will not bitch about?
  11. Thanks, that was going to be my next step to check LS1 Tech. Search fun!
  12. Do you know what size the plug is that goes in the intake on top?
  13. This reminds me of the PS3 vs Xbox fan boyz... Apple customer service is outstanding. They have treated me very well and taken care of any issues I have had. At the same time Dell was also good to me but the rep was very hard to understand. Both products have their pros and cons it just comes down to personal choice. Having both a Mac Book Pro and my Dell Laptop I do like the Mac a bit better. The Dell is great for what it is but the Mac stuff to me is just a little bet easier to use. In the end I am lucky enough to be able to have both and am very happy with each.
  14. Truth does not need to be funny :bangbang:
  15. Who needs to steer with the front wheels?
  16. Hmmm I might have to look into this. Is this easy to do? Any size I should look for?
  17. What the hell kind of post is this?
  18. I have contacted their marketing person to see if CR can get a discount on food too
  19. I will enjoy hanging out, talking cars, and having a good time. It is nice having a spot that we have permission to hang out at, that has bathrooms, and has plenty of room.
  20. Is there any shops here locally that sell EGR blockoff plates for an LS1 Intake? I want to get rid of the emmsions crap on the car next and need one. Let me know ASAP otherwise I will be ordering one in the next day or so on-line.
  21. There is fail, and then there is this http://www.wcpo.com/content/news/localshows/goodmorningtristate/story/Ouch-Arrested-For-Shaving-Bikini-Area-While/k5rUneKEMEaGcakiMAJCeA.cspx
  22. Hmmm that might be a possibilty. Inb4 paul whines like a litte bitch because he does not like sonic...
  23. Still in and working on getting ready
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