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Everything posted by wagner

  1. If Urban is a good salesmen and wants to get naughty he will some how convince JT and 12 Gauge to stay. At that point you will have the potential for the 3 horsemen of the Buckeye Wrecking crew in the backfield at one time and that is the kind of thing that a defense won't want to face. The thing that shocks me is how ANGRY 12 Gauge scrambles. That dude gets in the open field and lowers his shoulder with bad intentions in mind. There was a couple of times during the game where it looked like he was seeking contact. 250 lb QB with a 10 yard head start vs a 180 lb DB is like a dump truck hitting a smart car, fun as long as you are not the smart car...
  2. I'm working on building the giggle juice version of this car :fuckyeah:
  3. I'm sure the game will be on in my house as my wife screams at the TV like she is playing Middle Linebacker. I don't have time to focus on it totally, got a bunch of deadlines coming up for stories to turn in and pictures to edit.
  4. Wait a second, so 20% can't even graduate? So how about we address that problem first before we look at spending those tax dollars on higher education? An even better thought, how about we fix the shattered educational system in this country? I LOVE the idea of higher trade school education for those who want it. Maybe then we can get some manufacturing back here in this country. I love art majors, most of them make a great cup of coffee :gabe:
  5. I agree with this statement. I'm a wet dream for the grammar and spelling police force. I don't proof read what I post most of the time and screw up the whole to, too, and its thing ever now again.
  6. Here comes the "other countries have free education so we should have it to" crew...
  7. whiskey tango foxtrot... http://nypost.com/2015/01/09/the-horrid-truths-we-gladly-let-slide-about-these-ncaa-heroes/
  8. Yes, really. Maybe I should have been more specific and to the point to keep the piling on down to its usual CR amount. You don't see a large amount of modern religions getting their base fired up to: -cut people's heads off and put it on YouTube -get their followers to attack others overseas with these lone wolf attacks -take their hate to this sort of level and try to spread it globally You do see in other parts of the world, like Africa is a nice little decades long ethnic and religious cleanse going on that gets no play. Think they have made movies about it and some people thought Billy D. Williams was Koni for a while right? Now what you are seeing is a lack of action by other countries because of the PC era we are drowning in. The United States stuck their dick in this mess decades ago and stirred it up, we are now starting to see all of that come to a boil. I really don't think you can ever solve this problem, we tried tossing money, bombs, and who knows what else at it, can't seem to fix it. Cliffs: The world sucks, humans like to kill humans because they are different and the Bengals have not won a playoff game in 3 presidential cycles.
  9. wagner

    Hardcore Heroin

    Drug dealers and gangs are a lot like grocery stores, you have nice well funded operations, then you have the bargain chain types. Some have nice things, others, not so much.
  10. wagner

    Hardcore Heroin

    I know I could write a great HBO series based on the years I lived in Portsmouth. You haven't lived until you are trying to take a piss in a townie bar bathroom and a Royal Rumble breaks out over who has dibs on the next pool game.
  11. wagner

    Hardcore Heroin

    I lived in Portsmouth from 1998-2004, I've seen shit that you would think only happens in places like Mexico or Detroit. I've seen meth head hookers walk down US 23 with no pants trying to turn tricks for their next hit. I saw a guy come into a gas station I worked at trying to sell a stolen tv with a gash so big on his head I could see what the dude was thinking. Turns out he got high, tried to steal the TV, got whacked in the dome with a pipe wrench, and was so high he had no idea he was pretty much bleeding out. The cops showed up right after he left asking if I had seen a guy with a head wound and at TV, I told them follow the fucking blood trail. Later the guy came through the drive through driving a car, in a hospital gown with a head full of staples and wanted to buy a 40 of malt liquor. That was your typical tuesday in Portsmouth...
  12. You are 100% correct, the media gives no fucks unless it can help get ratings and those who are in power. Mexico is a great example, that place is a total mess but you don't hear anything unless its totally crazy. Modern civilized religions don't kill people on a mass scale and encourage their followers to do it, do they? We kill "innocent" people here for other reasons than God, its usually "national security". Clay hit the nail on the head, there is no easy solution to the problem unless you find a way to get people to suck less. Humans will kill in the name of god, money, oil, or dozen other things.
  13. I've heard of 3 of those so what does that tell you about how things are covered. Maybe a less broad brush should be used, but you don't see any Catholics hunting down and trying to kill the people from Family Guy for their funny Jesus bits do you?
  14. The elected idiots in this country don't have the stomach to do the job right. This is not a ware on religion or a certain people, its a war on animals that need to be removed of their ability to live. You don't see many other religions doing this...
  15. There would be a rash of defensive coordinators getting EBOLA the week they play OSU, because there is no way you could defend that nightmare. Just JT and 12 Gauge in the backfield alone would nasty because 12 Gauge is a petite 225 and he has show no fear in throwing blocks or dropping a bitch when needed. You mix in Easy-E and that is a triple option that would be world class.
  16. City of Columbus and ODOT forgot to watch the panic weather reports
  17. I only saw the forest gump one and I did chuckle at that one.
  18. No, like every other bama bandwagon fan they are choking on all the shit they talked. I do wish all the OSU people would stop posting all the memes, don't be bama fans people...
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