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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Welcome. You should come out to the Monday bike nights in pic town. It's a great way to meet the folks on here. It's a good time also.
  2. This was in town not the suburbs. A couple people had to step off the side walk so he could pass.
  3. Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind to use the side walk, but I chose not to. If bikers piss off enough people the police and law makers are going to start harassing bikers. Look at the strict bike laws in daytona Florida, sturgis sd and deals gap Tenn.
  4. I went to the post office today. As I removed my helmet I heard a sport bike coming. When I turned to look I was surprised to see an r1 driving down the side walk. It appeared the guy had pulled out of the udf on the corner wanting to go left. But the traffic was backed up for about half a block so he couldn't get through. The side walk was also busy with people walking on it. This was on the Ohio Wesleyen campus at about 330pm and a lot of people were around. Also the bike had 30 day tags on it. This dude isn't wasting any time trying to get himself in trouble with the bike. All he had to do if he didn't want to wait for a chance to turn left, was turn right onto the road at the other exit of the gas station. Then go around the block. Instead he chose to drive down the side walk and about tbone a car leaving the post office parking lot. Don't get me wrong I'm not perfect. I have gone faster than the speed limit and my front wheel sometimes comes off the ground. But its riders like this that piss people off and give sport bike riders a bad image.
  5. Gotta see if chum climbs on the Indian. Lol.
  6. "1994 Suzuki year code: R 1994 year's GSX1100SR (see picture above) had different technical specifications for the first time since launch in 1981. Even the engine had different character. As the earlier versions had 111 bhp, the new version of the engine was powered down to 95 bhp. The torque was also decreased, from 9.8 kg-m at 6,500 rpm to 8.6 kg-m at 4,000 rpm. The displacement, bore and stroke were still the same but the carburetors different and the oil capacity was increased from 4 liters to 4,2. The ignition advance system became digital. displacement, bore and stroke were still the same but the carburetors different and the oil capacity was increased from 4 liters to 4,2. The ignition advance system became digital. ignition advance system became digital. When decreasing the power output, even the top speed on the speedometer was limited from 240 km/h to 180 km/h. The tank was made smaller, from 22 liters to 19. smaller, from 22 liters to 19. The clutch was now electrically power assisted and the front suspension infinitely adjustable. Rear shocks were updated from traditional upright shockers to modern double tube upside down type shockers with gas chamber attached to the side. chamber attached" it goes on. That's from suzukicycles.org but seeing that you have an 89 I guess that means you know all about the 94's. Didn't know there was a katana expert lurking on here.
  7. Sweet and I've got that evening off work.
  8. My girlfriend and I are riding down from Delaware. We can meet up if you want, we take sawmill to 270. The only problem is she gets off work at 6 so we don't leave here till 6:15. But if you don't mind being fashionably late and wanna cruise down with us shoot me a p.m.. Anyone else that wants to cruise down with us shoot me a p.m..
  9. I carry my xd .45. When I carry on the CBR I use a "t-shirt" holster. It fits like an under armor shirt but has a holster built into both sides. It's similar to wearing shoulder holsters. I know its not the fastest draw but its perfect under my riding jacket. It conceals my .45 and does it comfortably. Best thing I've bought ccw wise.
  10. I prefer shell or sunoco. I save the kroger discounts for the car. No point in burning a fill up on 4 gallons.
  11. Last Monday after the bike night I got followed by a Dublin cop. (in the rain) but he didn't pull me over so I guess its all good.
  12. The bike on there was an 87 the bike in question a 94 speedo on the 94 only hit 110mph. The 94's were significantly slower than the years prior.
  13. Don't look at me like I'm weird. What you don't air your crotch out on breezy summers eves?
  14. Look its the modern day black knight from the Holy Grail movie. "none shall pass"
  15. This isn't "katana pride" on my part but a guy I work with claimed he went 175 mph on a 94 katana 1100. I of course didn't believe him so I did some research. Turns out the speedo only went upto 110 on those. I love liars especially when they have no clue what they are talking about and trying to be cool.
  16. The way state and local budget cuts are going everyone will need to be proficient in using two things, guns and fire hoses.
  17. Dude your spelling is horrible bro. Need a map to get through that post. Good thing I know ya or else I would think your a little slow. Just kidding bro. Welcome aboard.
  18. Go to task killer check the apps u wanna kill then press kill selected apps
  19. Ok I googled it and found the 09 rules. Are they the same? Do novice bikes need mirrors removed and safety wired
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