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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. cOoTeR

    Free jacket

    Mike91bv is that for buckeye valley?
  2. Is that place back open? It used to be a great place but the owner got in some trouble unrelated to the bar and had to sell. A few months later it closed. I haven't seen a car in the parking lot since. The view was awesome when they had volleyball if you know what I mean
  3. Yeah I've been pulled over a couple times but they seemed baffled that I stopped. They seem a little confused as to what to do when a sport bike actually stops. I had one trooper ask if I knew why he pulled me over and this is how the conversation went, Me "i just wasn't paying attention I saw you glanced at my speedo and realized I was going over the limit." Trooper, "i clocked you going 76 in a 55. Slow it down there's a lot of deer running around tonight. I would hate to have to find you layed out on the road. Be careful." Me, "thanks have a good evening." And I went on my merry way.
  4. As my gf and I were shopping for her new bike I took the tag for my bike to put on the bikes to test ride. I know that's not exactly ok but I wanted to test ride them and didn't want to draw too much attention. I left the tag in my car and haven't rode my bike since I took the tag off. Well today I rode the bike to work. About 20 miles from the house I realized I hadn't replaced the tag. I finished the ride to work then called my gf who brought me the tag so it all worked out. Thought I would share that with yall.
  5. Just dream big babe, dream big.
  6. I just got an email back from gingerman they said the gates will be open until 10pm on the 15th.
  7. Bought her a bike 600 bucks to get her started. Then when she decides to upgrade I may build a 553cc go cart or sell it to another starter.
  8. Yeah she's been reluctant to sign up do to nerves about never doing it before. But now she's pretty stoked about doing it.
  9. Yesterday I picked up the girlfriends bike I just bought her. An 83 kawasaki ltd 550. Today I gave her a rundown of how everything works had her start it then I pulled to the end of the driveway. Showed her how to work the clutch. Then she got on it. I had her pull a few feet forward then stop and repeat. She got comfortable going up and down the driveway which is about 1/8 of a mile long with 5 turns in it. She never came outta first gear but I don't want her to rush it. I'm pretty proud of her she did great especially not ever driving a manual transmission. She is also planning on taking the msf course as soon as she can get in.
  10. You looking to get that? LOL
  11. Welcome take your time be careful and you will be able to to enjoy a lot more miles.
  12. 1. Me TwiztedRabbit (Jason) Intermediate 2. TwiztedRRgirl (Theresa) Intermediate 3. Dubguy (Andy) Intermediate 4. Kawasaki Guy (Josh) Intermediate 5. jbot (jinu) Int. 6. skrewloose (kevin) Adv. 7. e-flores (eber)-advanced 8. Rslocum(rob) trackday virgin 9. Hoblick (ryan) - Novice 10.SJC1000rr (Steve) - Intermediate 11. Harb67 (jareth) - Novice 12. YLODUC (My dad Dave) - Advanced 13. cOoTeR (martin)- Novice
  13. I was wondering the same thing will you post it up if you find out please?
  14. In their last act all the members of the puppy cult drank out of the poisoned toilet bowl.
  15. Don't know who's more of a dumb ace him or her for riding with him.
  16. Put a pic of her new bike in my profile page.
  17. I didn't make it cuz just bought the gf a new bike she wanted to play on it here and weather sucked.
  18. Sorry man just bought her a bike
  19. Cool cuz scheduling conflicts make it hard for the 2 to get together to get it done.
  20. So after going to the south side and turning down a suspicious motorcycle for sale today. My girlfriend and I found a great starter bike for her. An 83 kawi ltd ugly as hell but functional and cheap. Just to get her started. Question though when we get the title she doesn't need to be there to put it in her name right? The girl were buying it from just needs to have it notorized right?
  21. Sorry my bad shoulda checked the link.
  22. There's a thread on here were a guy is missing a katana bout that year too.
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