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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. I went to the web site and couldn't find the info on rules required gear and bike prep. Can someone please steer me in the right direction please?
  2. cOoTeR


    Check out a guy named tito Paul out of Delaware he is the cheapest I found. He's an agent with state farm my old progressive agent looked at my coverage and payment and said he can't come close to what I have now.
  3. The battery sux on them all from what I hear do a search for a task killer there is supposed to be an over the air update for the eris to the same Android software as the Motorola
  4. I. Heard it doesn't work on the eris waiting for my update so it will work
  5. Cool thanks guys yeah I was planning on getting a new set right before going
  6. What time does this start and end. How much does it cost to camp there? Will any over the ankle boots work or do they have to be track boots? Also I've heard that some people go through a set of tires in just one track day is that true? I will be in the novice class.
  7. I would just suggest a little more north. Love the Monday idea as far as I know there are no bike nights on mondays. I also think the pizza place would be a little too small for an actual bike night. The waitress we had didn't do very well. She only came to our table 4 times. To take our order, bring us our drinks, bring us our food and once wh3n I waved her over to get a refill. I had to find her to pay the tab.
  8. We made it home it rained a few times but we will dry. Thanks casper and CBR girl for letting us wait the worst of the storm out at your place.
  9. It was a great time till the rain. Thankfully there are kind people that let us hide at their house until the storm passes. Thanks guys.
  10. Do we have a section reserved for us or we gonna be all over the restaurant? Just curious. Well I got a member meeting up with me at 615 outside of Delaware we will probably get there about 7 If anyone wants to join us let me know by 545
  11. Well I'm new to this site but my girlfriend and I are gonna swing down. Is everyone just planning on hanging out on the patio tonight? Is anybody leaving from the Delaware area and would like to meet up and ride down? Were planning on leaving a lil after six when she gets off work. I will check this out again around 5:30.
  12. Cool cool that makes me feel better bout it its really loud. Seems loudest bout 2000 to 4000 rpms. Right around in town speeds.
  13. I just installed my hotbodies undertail exhaust on to my CBR 1000. It's loud. It seems louder at 25 and 35 than at highway speeds. My concern is when cruising through a small town at 30 mph I'm gonna draw a lot of attention. Who has a loud exhaust have you ever been ticketed for it and where?
  14. I won't be able to make it to the first one but probably the following week.
  15. Can I get two stickers, would I need two envelopes to get two stickers?
  16. My first two years of riding the weather would have to be hot and dry. As long as it was over 60* I would ride. Now if its dry not windy and the low is over 35* I will probably ride. But I am still pretty new to being on two wheels so maybe that's why I try to ride as much as I can.
  17. My nephew who is 6 has told me several times he thinks I'm addicted to my motorcycle. I think he may be right. I rode my bike until December last year not just on the nice days. The last ride I got caught in a light snow. This year my first ride the high for the day was 36*. I've put 850 miles on the bike so far this year. Which is quiet a bit since I work 2-10pm and can't ride when the temp is at its high for the day. When I leave work its still pretty cold and I have a 50 minute ride to do. I tough it out and ride even though I won't be able to feel my hands for an hour after I get home. What is it about the ride that has me convinced it is well worth it to subject myself to the fridged temperatures. I'm not complaining. I do enjoy the ride I'm just curious if I'm one crazy mofo or if there is several others that also brave the cold. On my way home tonight I saw the temp was 38*. The feeling is like standing outside in a temp of 38* with a sustained wind of 70 mph. But I still plan on riding the rest of the week. Am I just an avid rider or am I really addicted to my motorcycle.
  18. Where is it at? I've got to work Saturday. What all goes on at the dyno day?
  19. Will do man. I'm off Sundays and Mondays other than that I work 2nd shift. Get a hold of me if you wanna ride. Hey everyone thanks for the warm welcome
  20. Thanks man. That post looks great under your avitar. Is that Hunter S. Thompson?
  21. This is a really great response thanks guys.
  22. Been riding for a few years, bought my first sport bike last season. Big difference from my ol cruiser but I'm loving it. New to the site heard great things about it looking forward to getting all the info I can from here. Thanks everyone.
  23. So I've been looking around for a good list of great roads to ride on in Ohio. Some of my favorites are 555 outta zanesville, 78 outta nelsonville and just about all the roads that run along the sciota river. 38 outta marysville towards and past London.315 from Delaware to worthington. Please add your favorite routes. Thanks.
  24. When I ride 555 I like to cut over towards Athens at the end of the day. I can't remember the name of the sports bar we eat at but there's lots of good places to eat. The ladies in the area are really nice and pretty cute.
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