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Posts posted by cOoTeR

  1. Looking to buy a set of heads for a 2003 GMC Sonoma 4.3L v6 vortec. Does anybody have a GMC 4.3 laying around and may be willing to part with? I'm asking for my dad so if the price and condition are right local pickup around central Ohio can be arranged. Does anybody know of a good place to get a set that's not too expensive other than at a junk yard?

  2. That's not a dog like a husky. Wolves are deceptively larger than they appear and are very lean muscled. A wolf that appears to be the same size as a 80-90 lb. domestic dog will actually be heavier and have no problem tearing a person apart. I wonder if the wolf was playing or if he stimulated its predatory chase instincts. The last picture is the craziest to me one of a wild animal charging straight at the cameraman ears down.

  3. Just a heads up Ride Now has a horrible reputation down here. I wish i new that when iI bought my bike. At first it worked in my favor when the sold me my 2012 Zx10r for the price of a 2011 left over by mistake. But after my last service on the bike there I noticed they cross threaded one of the bolts tgat holds the gas tank to the frame under the seat and didn't put one of the airbox screws back in.

  4. Did it get along with the other dog in the pic?

    If we werent living in a small house with two cats and a dog and fish and no extra room, I would definitely take her and work with her.  You said she's a good dog normally, did anyone ever spend time to train her to deal with children?  Is there any possibilty that you can keep her and work with her?  I mean, she is a big strong dog, she could have smashed your neice's face in and killed her before anyone had a chance to say or do anything, but it sounds like she nipped and left a scratch.  I hope I'm not coming off as a jerk, but I hope having her put down isn't an option you're considering.

    It's not my dog its my dads so I dont really have a say in it. The way they see it is they got lucky this time and would love to keep her but dont want to put my niece at risk. They never had a problem before and it has really been a shock to everyone. My niece could do anything with the dog and she would just wag her tail.

    The Jack russell in the pic is the reason she doesn't get along with other dogs. The jack Russell would attack her and they would get in fights. One time the Shepard killed the jack russell after the jack Russell attacked her.

  5. that really limits your options then.. I mean not to be rude but we honestly considered it for a bit.. we have 2 other large dogs too.. but I know of a few people that could be interested they have germans already but you just cut  out all of those people as possibles sounds like the poor dog will be put down at that rate

    As long as the person knows what they are doing and understand that the dog doesn't get along with others he may be ok with it. He just doesn't want someone to take her something to happen and cause problems. Then have them return the dog.

  6. My nephew is 9 and never had a problem with her I'm not sure about cats. The only issue she has with other dogs is she will establish dominance and fight. Small dogs still seem to push her buttons but larger dogs have always left her alone after she establishes dominance so a home that already has a top dog or small dogs would probably not be good. I have no clue about shots but she is probably due for all that need kept up to date. She is all white and a little on the small side for a shepard about 75-80 lbs. She is house broke and basic obedience trained English hand signals maybe German but I don't think we ever used German with her. Sit stay come lay down and yard (get back in the yard).

  7. My niece is 11 months old. She is fine just scratched. Didn't really break skin went to the hospital to get her eye checked out because it was close. My sister and her family live at my dads and he has a strict rule of not keeping a dog that bites. It's his dog no one wants her here regardless of emotion now. I can't take her back home to AZ with me the wife is scared now.

    What happened is the dog was eating and my neice ran into her in a walker. The dog turned and bit her head. Her face is scratched.

    I can't recall the dogs age maybe 5 and never bit anyone before. She is not fixed normally very good dog but doesn't get along with other dogs and wouldn't recommend her to a home with small children in light of this incident.

  8. If anybody knows of a good home for a pure breed white German Shepard please let me know ASAP! She bit my niece and has to go. I don't want to put her down so if you know of anyone that will take her and not be mean to her let me know. She is normally a really good dog. I have to pick her up now from my dads. Email me Mar10w6@aol dot com.

  9. There's no free play, but I'd agree that I ned an adjustable lever. That was my initial solution to the problem. And dropping to idle was an exaggeration, but it does drop enough that I far prefer the smoothness of not using the clutch at all and for the day that I spent shifting without the clutch there was never an instance where I felt I was doing any damage but instead felt like the correct way to execute the upshift as it was so much smoother. If it was a technique problem though, it would have existed on my last bike and that's not the case.

    In regards to Sport Rider, these guys ride bikes and write about them as a career every day of their lives. They are the sole repository for suggested suspension settings that I see linked to on motorcycle forums everywhere.... so they do have some credibility. I mean we aren't talking about The Birmingham Motorcycle Journal or something. Now I'm not saying they are the motorcycle bible. But if they recommend a riding technique I have to think they aren't going to put in print something that is going to wreck their readerships transmissions.

    Most modern sportbikes don't need to have the clutch lever pulled to the bar. A lot of people only use 2 fingers on brake and clutch lever leaving the other two between the grip and the lever.
  10. Bike has a clutch for a reason, use it.


    Yes, you can do clutchless upshifts and it won't hurt the bike if done properly but I view this this is a racing thing.


    I see no reason to do it on the street or even on a track day. There are no trophies, awards or $$ to win. Just $$ to waste if you screw up and wad your tranny.

    The reason it has a clutch is to get fron N to first and get first rolling. Clutchless shifts are easier on the engine and drive train. Improper shifting with the clutch can be just as damaging as improper clutchless upshifts. Using the clutch does not save you from errors and damage.

  11. So, you're willing to subject OTHER's families to the surprise of OC and potential of confrontation with law enforcement in order to (theoretically) forward a political agenda, but not your own family. That tells us you're fully aware of the often-negative social mechanics of OC AND that you could care less about other's disruption.

    This from a guy who opened a several-day-old thread with insults and "F yous."

    Could someone seal this thread? It's revealing things about members I kinda wish I hadn't learned.

    He is saying he doesn't want his kids around if he has to be illegally detained by the police. Any other family is free to go how is that subjecting them to anything?

  12. My clutch work is just fine. Ive been riding a vehicle with a clutch since the age of 6,whether it was a dirtbike or a tractor. The way this bike revs (and I'm sure many newer bikes) no human could shift into the next gear before the engine falls to idle or low enough to not be smooth getting into the next gear.

    I'll trust Sport Rider.

    "At a recent open track-riding day we attended, we were stunned to see the amount of riders who were wasting a lot of time and physical effort using the clutch to upshift. The continuous rise and gradual fall of the engine's rpm between each shift as bikes roared by us in the pits had us wondering if there was an epidemic of slipping clutch plates that we didn't know about. While it may be an important ritual for beginner or novice riders, using the clutch for upshifts during aggressive canyon or track riding is totally unnecessary. In fact, there are many riding situations where it can be a nuisance and even a hindrance to quicker and smoother riding."

    Your clutch work isn't fine if you are dropping to idle on your shifts and it is jerky. Sounds like you are letting out of the clutch and slamming it then getting on the gas. if its not smooth you are doing it wrong. But yes clutchless is better if you keep your rpms up. Some bikes take a little less thought to clutchless upshift than others.

  13. I can shift just as fast with the clutch. I'd rather do something I know wont hurt my bike vs something that could. I would suggest you work on your technique. If you're shifting at high rpms like you should be and the tach is dropping back down to idle, you probably should work on your clutch work.

    Sounds like you are doing the clutchless upshifts wrong.

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