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Posts posted by CaptainKeyes

  1. ok.. i'll go with it... so then when you tuck the front end from loss of traction heading around one of the blind left handers into the resort.. you and your bike go off the road and where? oh yes gaurdrail, trees... some places 100+foot drop to your death..

    Oh don't be such a downer...it's not that big of a fall anymore. There's a large pile of bikes, cars, semi's down there now that the fall is maybe 100 ft now. If you're lucky you could land in a semi trailer that had a shipment of Peeps for Easter!

  2. Nothing great just some early morning random shots. Didnt want the camera out in the rain. Hoping photographer and the guy in my group with the Go Pro comes through.

    The GoPro Videos are pretty long...so Trying to trim them up and get them down to a file size I can upload. Here are a couple screen shots from the GoPro as well as some pics from the last session. There aren't really any cornering pics which kinda sucks but they wouldn't be that impressive anyway because of the rain. Oh well! Had a blast out there! Can't wait for a dry run!

    Here's some screenshots from the GoPro:


    You guys were pulling away out of 13 so I gave it some gas...


    Whoa Girl!!!


    This is what it looks like on the back straight before getting splashed...


    This is what it looks like on the back straight getting splashed at 100+!!!

    Here are some various photos taken by a couple of my friends that came to the track. There aren't many because most of them came out blurry. It was his first time using my camera and with the rain I didn't let him play around with it much. Here's some good shots...












    If none of those links work just go to the link below for the Flickr Stream


  3. That was a fun ride. Nice meeting you guys.

    Nice meeting you too. Hopefully we can get out some more for some mid day stuff so we can ride a bit more.

    It's always a good time showing what roads we know. There seems to be some good stuff around the Chagrin/Willoughby/Chardon/Kirtland area.

    Nice meeting you KatanaFreak and TenTwelve.

    102 miles in all when we got done...

    We need to know more roads! Hell...maybe we can talk everyone into the Blue Ridge Parkway sometime for a trip to Deal's Gap! Haha.

  4. I'm also looking to go those dates, but I'll be holding off till closer to the dates for the weather forecast.

    From what I remember, its about like this:

    Gates will open at 7 and you sign in at the gate (Waiver form, and get here early)

    You and anyone coming with you have to sign a waiver form at the entry gate to get in. Then come into the paddock area and find your spot. You go to the middle garage area far right section and check-in for your tech stickers and get your garage # if you rented one. From there, you unload and begin this process:

    (Confirm this before going)

    7:00-Gates Open

    7:15? Tech Inspect starts

    8:30-Riders meeting

    9:00-Intermediate groups gets on track

    9:20-Advanced Group on Track

    9:40-Novice Group on Track.

    After completion of the Riders Meeting, Novice rider's will break off into your classroom session. You will go over the day and on what you will practice on the session you are about to begin. (You will have one of these after each track riding session until just after lunch most likely) Standard groups were about 4-6 students per instructor which will monitor your progress and safety.

    The above time frame cycle will repeat all day for the exact 20min intervals. 3 sessions then Lunch, then 4 sessions to end your day. There are on-sight gas pumps if you don't bring or forgot gas cans and a food stand if its open for a few hours around lunch time.

    A lot of good info there thanks...I'm almost ready and want to go those dates as well...How much was it and who is organizing it? $200? STT?

    I don't have Race Boots yet or Race Gloves. I have full leathers and a helmet...how much would it cost to just rent boots and gloves if I have to?

    Thanks for the help guys,

    Hope to see you there!

  5. as far as I know, there is not a formal "Ohio Riders" event at Grattan at any point this season. At one point it was between Grattan and Gingerman. Gingerman won.

    If you want to ride Grattan, check the schedule at www.sportbiketracktime.com

    I registered for 5 or 6 trackdays before I ever turned a wheel on the track. After riding 2 sessions on track and being totally hopelessly lost, I thought I'd fucked myself. Luckily the third session was dramatically better, and the rest is history.

    I'd cross deal's gap off your list at this point. there's a rock-slide blocking part of the road for the next few months, there are cops everywhere there nowadays, and compared to a trackday, it's going to be either boring or unsafe, depending on the pace you take.

    Ok I'll talk to my friend about it...

    and as for Deal's Gap...yeah I read about it...did you see that video?


    That sucks...I'm still waiting to find out whats happening with that.

  6. Ok so it's showing Grattan on the 17th of April and the 1st of May for STT..which one is the even that most people from here are going to? I can't find the thread that had that track day in it...and then Mid-Ohio is right in between but I can't find where to sign up for that too....I'm just a lil confused. HAHA!

    The only thread I can find is Gingerman which I also want to go to! I want to be able to go to Grattan Gingerman and Mid-Ohio. I gotta make sure I can without them being on the same date.

    Yes I'm trying to go to them all. I'm not even going to bother risking getting addicted to trackdays and then not being set up to go to the next track...so I'm just going to pay for them all now. That's the plan anyway. Oh and I have to fit Deal's Gap in there somewhere too...

    Ok well can someone either direct me to who ever is in charge of the track days for Ohio Riders or to the threads for each of the trackdays so I could sign up and make sure my friend and my name's are on the list?

    I know...confusing. Sorry.

  7. Grattan is a hike and a lot are already going up there for an STT event that Monte is setting up...

    Have you looked at Nelson Ledges in Ohio?

    Hey DubGuy can you gimme a link for the event that is being set up for Grattan?

    I've found the one for Gingerman and am planning on getting to that one but I saw that Grattan was on April 17th I think...that's my B-Day and if I don't go to Deal's Gap I wanna go there with everyone for a track day.

  8. I have never seen ANY trackday's Beginner or Novice group require anything more than running water+water wetter instead of antifreeze. (and even that's kind of rare)

    the rest is just taping over lights, and removing mirrors. Most also make an exception for mirrors with integrated signals, but they'll ask you to tape the mirrors as well.

    I consider "basic" safety wiring to include:

    - oil plug

    - oil cap

    - oil filter

    - radiator cap

    And it's never a bad idea to zip-tie your kick-stand, passenger pegs, center stand, etc. in the "up" position.

    Thanks man. I'll look into getting spares for these just in case so I don't mess up the originals

  9. Thanks to "that guy", who actually does own a more than capable trailer, your "my bike" ass is riding an 08 R6. I think you forgot to mention that part.

    WTF? Think next time before you throw him under the bus.

    I'm thinkin' I should review the possibility of dealing with a noob throwing a perfectly good bike down the track.

    Nope I just thought you sold it....and I never said you weren't coming along. I mentioned you in another thread anyway.

  10. I ride with NESBA more often than not, and will be hitting BeaveRun, Nelson, and Mid-O consistently this summer.

    BeaveRun - $135 w/ fasttrax (7/4 and 8/28?) or $165 with NESBA (at least one weekend a month)

    Nelson is $120 for saturdays with Fasttrax. You can do friday afternoon for $60, but I don't want to take the afternoon off to get there.

    DO NOT FEAR NELSON. there are certainly safety issues to gripe about. Some are avoidable, and some are less of a concern at a beginner pace, so you owe it to yourself to at least give the track a try. The surface looks like shit, but it's not that bad if you stay on the race line. Lots of people haul ass there.

    Mid-O is a track that I don't have a lot of experience with, but it's $195/day. I'll be there 6/28 and 6/29 for sure.

    PM me if you want to BS about anything trackday related, or compare schedules, etc.

    Thanks a lot...That's a pretty good breakdown. I have filled everything out with NESBA, just have to pay for the membership. Do you have a NESBA membership? I'll probably be going to a track on any of their dates. Hopefully BeaverRun or Mid Ohio. I might know some people at Nelson's Ledges so I might go there too.

  11. i dunno, i thought it was fun. any track is better than no track imo. that said, beave is more fun.

    I just need to find a thread comparing tracks(conditions and degree of difficulty, that kind of thing) and their prices per day.

    Anyone that has been to most of the Ohio tracks and wants to do that for me feel free to do that! lol. I'm used to Deal's Gap now and Love the S's

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