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Posts posted by modular

  1. Thanks brother. Love SV's!! It already has the GIPro SO1 and speedohealer, PCIII, filter, tank lift, Viper cans, Goodridge lines and R6 throttle. I am throwing all kinds of parts at it again tomorrow.....Hotbods color matched under tail (did they try to make the rear fender as ugly as possible??),correct flasher for the LED's, Rumble Concept Patch Plate LED front turns, Suzuki Acc. cowl cover.....gotta make it my own.

  2. Since the V Rod is for sale and I wanted to keep the miles down on it till it sells I picked this little number up. It's a '03 SV1KS with a few nice performance mods. Already have a Hotbodies undertail ordered and a few other goodies as well. Here are a few as purchased:




    And a few after my personalizing:





  3. i just put a ddm hid kit on my vrod. what a pita, no instructions with it. but after another vrodder did alot of forum searching and i made a phone call to someone else, we figured it out and got it installed 4 hours later. but it was worth every penny spent on it.
    I blame the Vrod...took me about 15 minutes. :D

    Ummmm, it took less than 1/2 hour to install my DDM kit on my V. Really, what was the issue? Super easy.

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