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Everything posted by Cbosman

  1. That person didn't have any friends ... Because someone should have given them a "I'm stupid" sign.
  2. What about the idiot that swerves into the pillar?
  3. Brian, you are an inspiration! Had a great time and fun riding. Nice meeting some of you guys and getting to put faces to the names.
  4. Last min decision to come down and join. Look forward to putting faces with the names. Wife and I coming down from NE Ohio.
  5. Cbosman

    May 28th Ride

    OK ... So how many people are going? What kind of ride is this and are there any couples going. My wife is interested in going, but she doesn't ride .... yet
  6. This sounds to me like we should walk on egg shells because there are a bunch of trigger happy cops out there. So not only do I have cages making attempts on my life but my next random harrassing officer pulling me over can just start shooting at me. I understand that not all cops are asses, but when you pull your gun, you have already made a disicion to shoot. This cop was premature in his disicion to pull his gun, if you feel the situation warrents it, why not buy time and wait for backup in order to control the situation better.
  7. Had a bird fly into the side of my helmet once. Scared the crap out of me, but I think the European hornet into my shirt at 35mph in tight traffic sucked the worst. Stung me 14 times before I could pull over and kill the f#cker. Those are some big bee's, and hurt for like a week.
  8. I wanna go, but have to wait.
  9. Stupid weather can never just play along
  10. And Twilight still sucks. Reminds me of a Disney fairytale.
  11. Wow ... You have to be pretty twisted to do that to a friend.
  12. Ok ... I need to get a hold of whatever they are smokin ... It's gotta have some serious street value.
  13. The bad thing is that I dont think I would have read the whole letter. Just go out and find him. Which would probably lead to a "real" bad situation. So not to self pray and read the whole letter before reacting.
  14. What and where is the old cc. I might have a case of not going to class tonight.
  15. Like it and welcome! I agree with the send map button, it's alot cleaner too
  16. I agree, I don't see the point. But my wife is set on a vespa, I have given her every other option. She likes them because they are cute, and well eventhough I would want to by her a gsxr, I respect that a vespa is what she wants and I don't really understand it beyond that she likes them. Me I have been looking into vespa mods, we might actually be able to have some fun with this I am thankful for all the imput thus far.
  17. It looks like the Vespa GTS250 is the front runner right now from what she wants. I guess its time to start looking around. Man I really don't want a scooter. Maybe I'll take it too work so the guys can make fun of me.
  18. I'll look into the yamaha, but she is all about the vespa. She likes the look and idea of runningto the store and short runs. I did tell her nothing smaller than a 150cc. Also I do know that motrcycles are not the safest thing. So basically no highway. I just might have to mod the thing.
  19. So the wife wants a vespa and I am wondering if this is a good idea. These things are slower than a sloth or moss growing. I have been on a few and know they are agile. But I was wondering if someone has any experience with owning one. What are the pros and cons. I guess I need some info and understanding. I want her to be safe and hopefully be able to get on the highway. She's such a girl ... It's pretty. I know she should get something she likes, but I want her to not die.
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