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Everything posted by Cbosman

  1. I have class wed nights, so I take the long way to school thru qsl around 5/5:30.
  2. I might swing by after helping dad in westlake
  3. I might swing by. Depends on how things go with helping my dad. I might swing by sheffield qsl too.
  4. This would just piss me off. I saw a cage back into a few bikes once, and when she realized what she was doing, she panicked and gassed it. It was a sad day for the vrod and goldwing.
  5. Sorry to hear man. Hope everything works out. Make sure you upgrade on that helmet if they are gonna pay. Maybe see what a lawyer says aboun the situation.
  6. I thought about changing my oil, but ended up working on the house.
  7. I really enjoyed falling on my a$$ this morning to go and scrape off the ice on my truck to be welcomed by my boss screaming about someone elses shtuff not done, but because they didn't show today I was the lucky individual to tell him that i'll rub his back if he kisses my ass to make it feel better. So we had a good laugh and the sun came out. Snow sucks!
  8. We can only pray for safety ourselves. We can't trust anyone else on the road. My God be with them.
  9. Left foot that sucks. If it was the right foot, riding would still be an option. Hope it heals soon
  10. Cbosman


    Seeing that we have aliens now on this forum speaking intergalactical languages, can we change the forums name to "Galaxy Riders"?
  11. Hey guys. I am thinking of upgrading the stock brake lines on my bike. Any recomendations?
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