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Posts posted by lightbulb

  1. Follow me around I open carry all the time! I carry a sig 229 in a blackhawk serpa RH, and two mags weakside in blackhawk open top single mag carriers, jeans, tucked in tshirt, and tennis shoes. I open carry without fear to the mall, Walmart, gas stations, hone depot, soccer games, city Parks,restaurants, etc.

    Where would you like to meet to try and disarm me while I am open carrying. For safety we will both ensure the firearm is not loaded! You run your mouth now walk the walk!

    That's bullshit until you prove it. You don't openly carry at "the mall, Walmart, gas stations, hone depot, soccer games, city Parks,restaurants, etc."

  2. If you go around telling people that the weapon and ammo don't need to be separated, many will transport their weapon next to a loaded mag.

    Personally, I think it's better to be conservative with complying with gun laws than it is to cause and scene and end up paying pay court fees, even if the police are wrong. If I were a cop, I'd prefer that some stranger that I pulled over without a CCW didn't have a gun that he could load when I'm back in the cruiser. So I play the golden rule.

  3. My point, lightbulb, is you said

    You are passing along incorrect information. Had you said, it may not be law but a good idea to separate ammunition from the firearm, I would have no issue.

    Legally, a gun with no ammunition in it is loaded if there is a loaded magazine.

    Your advice misses that very important caveat.

  4. No there is no law that says ammo and gun must be separated.


    (D) No person shall knowingly transport or have a firearm in a vessel unless it is unloaded and is carried in one of the following ways:

    (1) In a closed package, box, or case;

    (2) In plain sight with the action opened or the weapon stripped, or, if the firearm is of a type on which the action will not stay open or that cannot easily be stripped, in plain sight.

    /* From another section */

    (5) “Unloaded” means any of the following:

    (a) No ammunition is in the firearm in question, and no ammunition is loaded into a magazine or speed loader that may be used with the firearm in question and that is located anywhere within the vehicle in question, without regard to where ammunition otherwise is located within the vehicle in question. For the purposes of division (K)(5)(a) of this section, ammunition held in stripper-clips or in en-bloc clips is not considered ammunition that is loaded into a magazine or speed loader.

    Cops aren't lawyers. Most cops have the understanding, correct or not, that they should be separate. It's easy enough to do.

  5. Bad idea? Why is it a bad idea?

    One guy openly carrying in a McDonald's is unlikely to change anything about it not being commonplace for people to openly carry weapons casually in Cleveland.

    If I was at McDonald's and there was an average joe with an openly carried gun, I'd be on high alert. And for good reason - people just don't do that.

  6. A lot of my gear stinks like rotten slimy skunk slut snatch. Well, maybe not that bad. But bad enough I washed my head after wearing my helmet today.

    The days of riding in 90*+ heat and track days are over for this year, so I figure it's time to give everything a good once-over to wash away the bio-nasties and layer of oil and sweat they live in. I figure I'm not alone here.

    What do you guys do? Any unusual cleaners or methods?

  7. A while back I looked at B&M schools with distance MBA programs. There were quite a few, and many of them were reputable schools that no one would question. You may want to investigate if there's similar programs for an undergrad degree.

    (private for profit) Online schools are great for people with jobs and families, that's the big unmet need they satisfy. But a lot of them run with a business model of enrolling people who have little to no chance at success, and charging them private school tuition rates that they fund with Federal grants and student loans. I'm not implying this is UOP, but the for-profit online universities are still very new and haven't received a final verdict yet, and a few bad apples could spoil the bunch.

    If you're career is already kickstarted and you need to check the "B.S." checkbox - well, then, do what you need to do to check the box.

    All of this is IMHO, of course.

  8. I was going to do the $80/month option...

    The ISP market is cutthroat. My experience has been that the CSRs are quick to negotiate to bring in a new customer. Sweettalk them down $20 a month to "try it out". Threaten to cancel when the intro period runs out. They deserve it. They're bastards.

    A little bit of bandwidth goes a long way. Typically the other side's send pipe is smaller than your receive pipe, and the service level that you buy isn't guaranteed. It used to be common practice for ISPs to sell service plans to customers that were impossible to deliver under ideal conditions because of distance, line quality, etc.

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